*EASY $* I will PAY you to help me finish completing my assignment!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:24
Apr 26, 2012
If you know Access/VBA then this is probably extremely easy and can be finished within a matter of a few minutes. I've built a database without VBA, and it appears I can't get around it any further but I don't have the time to learn it. I need just two simple things:

1) Apply multiple auto Timestamps as the record gets added/modified to be able to run Aging reports
2) Finalize/Proof my database for referential integrity, and to make sure everything is in in order to be implemented for use. (Create a "Runtime" version if possible.)

contact me iaconoc1(at)gene.com
We are not here to complete your course work for you. As that will achieve nothing for anyone involved.

What you need to do is tell us what you have done (present the code you have developed so far) and we can guide you in the correct direction.
You are inciting members of this forum to be involved in a conspiracy to commit fraud. No sensible member would go there.
Well, I don't know if I'd see this as fraud, I want to pay for 1 part to be completed, but perhaps you are right, cause I feel like a fraud showing up to work everyday... so maybe I am a fraud, in a sense, and I should do go something else, however I finished my temp assignment early and they asked me to build them a database-- so, I figured I'd give it a go since what they were telling me didn't sound too difficult... but my deadline is due Monday.

I'm not asking for you to BUILD the database, I have already done that, but entirely without VBA because I figured it was so basic that I didn't need to learn it, and I simply just don't care enough to learn anymore (Very Bad Attitude?)...

I'm sure VBA isn't too difficult to learn, but for some reason, I am opposed to learning it at this point... I should probably assess some of my thought processes in decision making....
With millions of people unemployeed, YOU have a job!!! Where is all this fariness our president keeps talking about:mad:
Wow. Maybe this should be a sticky on how to ensure that you do not get help in the forum.

I don't see a problem. You are getting paid to do something you know nothing about so instead of taking money under false pretences’ you are willing to pay someone else out of your own pocket.
Where is the problem?
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You may have some issues with decision making.
It's Friday - approaching noon - and your deadline is Monday.
How much of the "panic is setting in " have you shared with your employer (or his/her representative?
I guess specifications, progress meetings, mockups, prototypes....... could be done over the weekend.
I think it's just not been put across with the best title.

The title gives the impression Ignoth is going to pass someone elses work off as his own.(not good) Calling it an assignment makes it sound like a student project which should never be completed by anyone except the student.

Quid pro quo programming for someone else .... hell thats all our jobs ain't it?
Would you like some drugs with that?

I don't see a problem. You are getting paid to do something you know nothing about so instead of taking money under false pretences’ you are willing to pay someone else out of your own pocket.

Where is the problem? Except maybe the drug part.


"You may have some issues with decision making.

It's Friday - approaching noon - and your deadline is Monday.
How much of the "panic is setting in " have you shared with your employer (or his/her representative?
I guess specifications, progress meetings, mockups, prototypes....... could be done over the weekend. "

A) My employer knew upfront that I new nothing about Access, I told them that, but I finished my original temp assignment doing data entry way ahead of schedule, so they just wanted to throw more work at me and I accepted... but I don't understand that drug analogy, maybe you could elaborate?

B) They didn't provide me with the requierments/specs or ANYTHING other than a drawn out diagram of the general process, and I had to go around and play detective while no one could give me straight answers. I took classes on lynda.com, and since what they wanted sounded so basic I just used the macro's instead of using VBA, but after showing it, one guy decided he wanted to be able to run "aging reports" and didn't give me a deadline, so I was trying to learn how to accomplish this and realized I don't really think I can without VBA, yesterday morning he said he wanted to see it by MONDAY.

C) Like the above poster said, my title probably doesn't sound good, and a forum might be an inappropriate place for this, and so I guess I can understand the flames-- but at this point I could care less about how I'm coming across to a bunch of self righteous, moral-high grounded pricks about how getting paid to provide a service (a couple lines of code) for something I'm incapable of doing in such a short time-span is such an evil thing...

D) I accept that I put myself in this situation...My initial optimism was quickly snuffed out after having to pull teeth for reqs/specs that they didn't even know, WHILE trying to learn Access in the meantime... Now I could give 2 steaming turds about continuing to learn anything more about Access and hope I never have to do anything with it again.
Your issue is that there is a misconception that anyone can produce a solution in Access. Many of us initially use have used a fool's paradigm until we have a solution that works, now we have this forum. The point of this forum is that advice is given freely and assist developers with issues that they can not resolve for themselves not suckle them.

If you want to show autonepiophilia behaviour and throw your toys out of the pram that is fine but there are more suitable sites that would cater for your needs.

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@Simon NT

Thx - I did not know this word. Now I know autonepiophilia :D
I think it's just not been put across with the best title.

The title gives the impression Ignoth is going to pass someone elses work off as his own.(not good) Calling it an assignment makes it sound like a student project which should never be completed by anyone except the student.

Quid pro quo programming for someone else .... hell thats all our jobs ain't it?


I think you should read the post properly yourself rather than jump in and make a judgement based upon somone else's mistake.

I believe you owe an appology, and so do all the others.

The reason I am giving you a serve is because you are trying to blame the OP for your mistake.

Be a man and admit you simply made a silly mistake.


Appology follows.
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I feel so embarrased for the behaviour of those people.

There are people in there that should know better.

If you can, start a new thread and ask your questions. You should get all the help you need. Post a copy of your Database if you can.

I think you should read the post properly yourself rather than jump in and make a judgement based upon somone else's mistake.

I believe you owe an appology, and so do all the others.

The reason I am giving you a serve is because you are trying to blame the OP for your mistake.

Be a man and admit you simply made a silly mistake.

errr... Rain I was admitting I made a mistake....
I do not see anything wrong with the original posters request apart from the assumption that is might be easy.

If someone agrees with another party to do something I would view that as a contract.
If the OP can’t do some of the work then they should be allowed to sub-contract that work. For example, if a builder builds a house they don’t necessarily do the electrical work, they can sub-contract it.

If someone is paid to do programming work then the work they do generally becomes the property of the person paying to have the work done. There should be no question of the payer trying to pass the work off as their own, they have paid for it and it is theirs.

Allegations of fraud could be misplaced if a person pursues personal interests while being paid to do company business. For many peoples sake it would be best not to go there.

errr... Rain I was admitting I made a mistake....

So you were. Now it is my mistake and time for me to appologise to you.

I got a bit hot under the collar. Especially when someone is using the Boss's time (and Getting paid) to talk about the misconduct of others.

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