Editing search text box properties in asset template form


New member
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Today, 10:24
Jul 18, 2017
Hi everyone and thanks in advance for any help,

I'm having a shot at my first database with Access 2013. My intention is to create a (fingers crossed) very simple vehicle registry using the asset template provided by Access. The database needs only to provide a simple search function to call up details on vehicles quickly.

I've added some of my own fields to the table in the asset template such as registration numbers etc. In the 'Asset List' form the template has an already existing search text box. However I can't work out how to correctly edit the search function properties so that it displays any data included in my new fields.

Records are displayed and work fine when using the search text box for pre-existing fields in the template. I'm assuming I may need to create a new macro for the search text box or change the control source however I'm unsure if there is a faster way to include these new fields than to create a new macro etc.

Many thanks for any tips,

I'm unfamiliar with that template. Can you post the code behind the search, or attach the db here?
I've attached the database to this post. The search text box I've described is in the right hand top section/header of the form 'Asset List'.

As I mentioned this database really only needs to provide a quick search function of the data included in the table. At this stage it doesn't need to perform any functions greater than that. This was the reason I decided to experiment with this included template as the search text box was already included. I just need to figure out the most efficient way to encompass any new fields such as 'location' or 'registration' in the search parameters.

Thankyou for any advice.


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