Election Do-Over!!!

The Democrats are single handedly destroying the restaurant business. They had a bipartisan multi-trillion dollar relief package but Nancy wanted to hold out to embarrass Trump. Children playing adults.
and the documents provide no indication President Trump was aware of the plot.
You keep forgetting that Trump came into the office a rich man. He didn't need to sell out the US the way Clinton and Biden did to get their money. He doesn't need to sell pardons to get campaign funds.

You also think that accusations are proof of guilt. Do you really not know that the Constitution guarantees that we are innocent until proven guilty? Why do you want to destroy the Constitution? You should remember that what goes around comes around. Someday you may be accused of a crime you didn't commit. Won't you be sad if you are convicted in the court of public opinion with out a trial by a jury of your peers?

And as usual, the reference to Flynn's pardon left out the salient fact that the FBI dropped the charges months ago and a rogue judge took it upon himself to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct and keep Flynn in purgatory. Just more fake news. Now that he's pardoned, he needs to sue the FBI as the others persecuted by the Muller witch-hunt did.

I'm working on a new campaign to defund the FBI.
You also think that accusations are proof of guilt. Do you really not know that the Constitution guarantees that we are innocent until proven guilty?
More than you will ever know.
And it's a presumption of innocence.
Someday you may be accused of a crime you didn't commit.
I have been. But I was wearing a wire which really made the Sheriff look like a fool.
And as usual, the reference to Flynn's pardon left out the salient fact that the FBI dropped the charges months ago and a rogue judge took it upon himself to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct and keep Flynn in purgatory. Just more fake news. Now that he's pardoned, he needs to sue the FBI as the others persecuted by the Muller witch-hunt did.
He plead guilty twice and admitted his guilt during his allocution.
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He plead guilty twice and admitted his guilt during his allocution.
Comey said on TV that they deliberately set out to entrap Flynn. Obama wanted him gone. He specifically considered Flynn a danger because he knew where the bodies were buried and they conspired to get him fired no matter what. The FBI's own internal documents say that they didn't think Flynn lied. They decided to pursue the case anyway for political reasons to discredit Trump. The FBI lied to Flynn and withheld exculpatory evidence. They bankrupted him and threatened to persecute his son also. And it was a persecution since he never committed a crime. They just convinced him that he did. Somehow the corrupt people in the FBI walked and Flynn got hosed. That's what a banana republic looks like. Hope he gets millions. Too bad the people responsible won't have to pay it, I will have to pay it since I'm not one of the 47% who doesn't pay income tax.

You should probably always wear a wire.

Defund the FBI
Duh. "The claim about election fraud is disputed". Of course, since there is no fraud according to the complicit media. So how could this footage possibly be real? Anyway, I hope there is a lot more of this type of evidence.
since there is no fraud according to the complicit media.

The vast leftwing media slaps warnings like this on all conservatives communications they don't agree with.

I want to know if these four criminals have been arrested yet? If the sentence they are facing is severe enough, they might roll on Obama or whoever is orchestrating this coup.

A friend passed on a tidbit of news last night. I have no idea how much if any of it is true but it seems to fit other rumors I've heard. My friend served in the Army in Germany and was talking to a buddy who is still there. Scuttlebutt is that it was the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion who broke into a server farm facility in Frankfort to secure the Dominion servers. He also said that the facility was managed by the CIA and there were casualties as a result of the fire fight. The facility is in Frankfort near our embassy and all the locals "know" it is run by the CIA.

This came up when I looked for the 305th.
Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence Battalion Officer, and CIA Spy-Buster (ronpaulforums.com)
I want to know if these four criminals have been arrested yet? If the sentence they are facing is severe enough, they might roll on Obama or whoever is orchestrating this coup.

A friend passed on a tidbit of news last night. I have no idea how much if any of it is true but it seems to fit other rumors I've heard. My friend served in the Army in Germany and was talking to a buddy who is still there. Scuttlebutt is that it was the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion who broke into a server farm facility in Frankfort to secure the Dominion servers. He also said that the facility was managed by the CIA and there were casualties as a result of the fire fight. The facility is in Frankfort near our embassy and all the locals "know" it is run by the CIA.

This came up when I looked for the 305th.
Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence Battalion Officer, and CIA Spy-Buster (ronpaulforums.com)

Great story but the dominion machines are not connected to the internet.


Retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney made the claims last weekend on a show hosted by Brannon Howse on the far-right WVW Broadcast Network, which streamed the discussion on YouTube.
Interesting in light of a recent thread about google results.
I don't use Google and haven't for years. They manipulate the search results to hide opinions they disagree with and you should know that yourself.

I notice you had nothing to say about the incriminating video pf poll workers pulling suitcases full of ballots out from where they were hidden. I wonder if ballots always get delivered to the counting facility in wheeled suitcases and hidden away so they can be counted after the observers are sent home. What do your fact checkers say because the links to the video all say "disputed". I guess we aren't supposed to believe our lyin' eyes. Or maybe, the "fact checkers" only see what they want to see.

I was looking for info on the 305th. I find it hard to believe that trainees are assigned to an intelligence outfit while waiting for their permanent training assignment. I would expect grunts to be assigned to the infantry. I couldn't find anything that said what each brigade did by number but I found this chart which is sort of an overview of the whole army - US Army Table of Organization and Equipment (fas.org)

I also came upon this. Some of us will think - YEAH!!! and others will go to their bogus fact checkers to see if they can debunk it. The fact that Trump issued this executive order back in 2018 warms the cockles of my heart. Who knows about the rest:)
Speaking of TP.

The latest toilet tissue scare didn't seem to materialize at least not in my neighborhood. Has anyone else noticed the latest covid-19 surge seems a little weak? The scary videos of hospitals with fuzzy victims is starting to look like stock footage to me. Almost like a Hollywood 3 camera shoot equipped with scary music and crazy chyrons.

I'm not saying it isn't true, but we have to rely on disinformation coming from CNN and other propaganda sources.
Yeah, I'm not sure either.

I know my wife's last two trips to Parral, Chihuahua MX really knocked a little more seriousness into me though......As in, OK, in the US people might be generally doing OK but wait until Covid gets into an area with limited resources - everyone gets told sorry, no more breathing machines and goes home to die - THEN the death rate really skyrockets.
As long as we're within hospital capacity I think we'll be fine.

As usual, nobody talks about the death rate any more. Probably b/c it's gotten less scary.
The Democrats are single handedly destroying the restaurant business. They had a bipartisan multi-trillion dollar relief package but Nancy wanted to hold out to embarrass Trump. Children playing adults.
She was busy legalizing pot and de-legalizing domestic tigers. C'mon AB - those are hot items!
Yes, I believe smoking tobacco is outlawed in your own home in SF, but weed is still ok to smoke indoors.
Yes, I believe smoking tobacco is outlawed in your own home in SF, but weed is still ok to smoke indoors.

i remember once in california, i went to a get together at a community building, early in the morning too, like 8 AM or before..., i smoked outside the front door for about 60 seconds (this was before I switched to vaping, which I now would desperately like to quit and seems even harder to quit than smoking was), and a guy told me, "Yeah, you're OK for now - until the smoking police come along". I didn't know precisely what he meant, but tried to imagine Smoking Enforcement. yikes. I thought "even outdoors?, what is wrong with this government?"
As usual, nobody talks about the death rate any more. Probably b/c it's gotten less scary.

How bout the survival rates? ;)

A CDC update Wednesday says individuals are more likely to survive the coronavirus after contracting it. The health agency says if you have the virus between the ages of 0 to 70, you have a 99% survival rate. And if you’re over 70, the survival rate is nearly 95%.
Published:September 23, 2020 11:08 PM EDT
I notice you had nothing to say about the incriminating video pf poll workers pulling suitcases full of ballots out from where they were hidden. I wonder if ballots always get delivered to the counting facility in wheeled suitcases and hidden away so they can be counted after the observers are sent home. What do your fact checkers say because the links to the video all say "disputed". I guess we aren't supposed to believe our lyin' eyes. Or maybe, the "fact checkers" only see what they want to see.
When I saw it was Rudy and OAN I figured no one's really gonna believe it so why bother fact checking it.

But since you asked

The ballots seen in the video were not in suitcases, the officials told Lead Stories. They were in standard ballot containers. In reality, the ballots had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media personnel and observers were still in the room. Nobody was ever told to leave, Watson told Lead Stories. But some observers exited after the election workers responsible for opening the envelopes and verifying the ballots had finished their job and started taking off for the night.
I also came upon this. Some of us will think - YEAH!!! and others will go to their bogus fact checkers to see if they can debunk it. The fact that Trump issued this executive order back in 2018 warms the cockles of my heart. Who knows about the rest:)

Wow. First time I've seen one this bad.

  • Overall, we rate Natural News a Questionable source based on the promotion of quackery level pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, as well as extreme right wing bias. This is one of the most discredited sources on the internet.

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Founded in 2005, Natural News is a conspiracy and pseudoscience website that routinely publishes false information. The founder is Mike Adams, who owns several Questionable websites such as News Target and Trump.news.

Natural News has been blocked by Google and several others over the course of its history.
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Natural News is owned by Mike Adams, who owns numerous other fake and or controversial websites. The website, like all of Mike Adams’s properties, is funded through online advertising.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Mike Adams is known as the Health Ranger according to Rationalwiki. However, they point out dozens of cases where his claims are false. Besides promoting pseudoscience, Natural News is an extreme right-wing biased source that frequently promotes Donald Trump propaganda such as these: President Trump has a constitutional MANDATE to use the military to protect our southern border – Richard Sacks. This article is sourced to Natural News and Brighteon News, which we have never heard of. In this conspiracy story, there is zero evidence and hence why it is a conspiracy: CONFIRMED: Barack Obama was running the entire spygate operation that violated federal law to spy on Trump.campaign officials. In general, politically, all stories favor the right and promote pseudoscience such as chemtrails, the Sandy Hook shooting being a false flag: Sandy Hook: mind-control flicker effect. Lastly, this source denies the consensus on climate change without evidence as seen here: Climate change cultists are now taking over your local weather forecast.

A factual search reveals that Natural News has failed too many fact checks to list here.

Overall, we rate Natural News a Questionable source based on the promotion of quackery level pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, as well as extreme right-wing bias. This is one of the most discredited sources on the internet. (7/21/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 3/02/2019)

Did you read the article?
The executive order has to do with foreign governments.
Trump then dispatched DoD personnel to raid server farms in Frankfurt, Barcelona and Toronto, acquiring the physical servers that recorded all the digital proof of the election fraud. These servers, along with results from Kraken, the DoD’s cyber warfare information gathering system, were handed over to DIA cyber crimes and counterterrorism analysts, who produced irrefutable, bombshell evidence that was turned over to Sidney Powell for use in her lawsuits. Powell is going to roll out these military intelligence witnesses during the trials, sending shockwaves around the world.
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In short: If you cite NaturalNews on any matter whatsoever, you are almost certainly wrong as this website is so bad, so unreliable, and so dead-faced wrong that even other quacks think it's a quack site,[12] a feat of stupid that truly takes talent.

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