1. Obviously he could have handled the pandemic better. He consistently downplayed the virus and the scientific community. He downplayed masks and distancing. These things definitely hurt him.
OPINION. You are looking at this in hindsight. Trump did what the "experts" told him to do and then some. You are not seeing the testimony of experts who disagree with Fauci because they are banned by social media. When we look back at this period in time, we are toing to be horrified at how we allowed ourselves to become cowering victims.
2. Divisiveness defined his presidency. He perpetuated this divide with his own statements. He attacked anyone who pointed out flaws or criticised him instead of trying to bridge the divide. He eventually alienated many of his own supporters with these attacks. Dozens of defector groups across the country agent "gullible."
The contentiousness takes two sides. Trump is a street fighter. He is not a politician. He is not politically correct. When you attack him, he fights back with a vengeance. It's not my style and I think he is sometimes too sensitive but I don't think he goes looking for fights. However, if one comes his way, he does not back down. That leaves the media to resorting to name calling and innuendo. The racists in the Democrat party see racism in everyone who is not them. If America is as racist as the Marxists would have you believe, then the immigrants of color who clamber to come here are stupid. Why would they want to come to a racist country? Interestingly, this makes us safer in the world because other countries are afraid to call him out.
3. He could have been more stern in his denouncement of white supremacy and racism. By the same note, Biden could do the same, but he not currently and hasn't been President for 4 years. He preferred not to because he knew a lot of his voters came from these groups. I'm prey sure he lost more votes by these actions, including mine, than he gained.
Utter B U L L S H I T. Biden is the one who says racist things, NOT Trump. Do your own fact check on "Charlottesville" and listen to the actual unedited tape so you can see how the media manipulated his comments. Make sure you find the unedited version because most sites will have the clipped one.
4. He focused way too much on his own perception of his personal image rather than America's image.
OPINION. He actually is concerned about keeping America safe. He is concerned that the rest of the world has been bleeding us dry since the end of WWII (with our permission). It started with the Marshall plan. We were the only major country in the world left standing after WWI so we set out to help the rest. At some point, we should have backed off on the giveaways but never did until Trump started renegotiating our trade treaties. He took us out of treaties that did nothing for us like the Paris Climate Accord and the Treaty with Iran and got us into peace treaties between Israel and other Middle Eastern countries.
5. The ICE fiascos. The family separations and dead children are on his head.
OPINION. Who built the facilities that caused the uproar about the child separation? Who made the separation policy? REALLY, you need to check your facts sometimes. WHEN were the bogus pictures of children in cages taken? Has anyone ever apologized for all that mis-information including the staged pictures of children in actual dog cages? One of my friends believed that picture and she never backed down even when I showed her the whole image the cage was cropped from. I can't be friends with stupid people so we are no longer friends. Does that make me a bigot? Trump's intention on choosing to enforce
OBAMA's rules about separation was an attempt (sadly failed) to get Congress to do their job and FIX THE DAMN LAW!!!! When a parent takes a child with them to commit a crime does the child accompany the parent to a jail cell??? NO! They are separated. Plus in this case, many children were just pawns and not even the actual children of the people who used them to cross the border so separating them was actually safer for the children. Also, the facilities that the invaders are originally held in are short term. They are not intended to be comfortable living quarters. They are intended to be safe spaces to keep the criminals from molesting the vulnerable.
He eventually alienated many of his own supporters with these attacks
I guess that's why so many more people voted for him this time around.