Election Do-Over!!! (3 Viewers)

Again, not many Republicans on this forum. But there are a few ex-Democrats. Conservative does not equal Republican, just sayin.
Conservative Ex-Democrats?... William Buckley would be rolling in his grave if he heard that one. Those views align with Republicans, but then again, what is the "Republican" party today? It doesn't look anything like Reagan's or the Bush's party anymore. It has extremely swung right and has not disowned Trump. All "Republicans" are now considered Enemies of the State, and will be treated as such.
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Conservative Ex-Democrats?... William Buckley would be rolling in his grave if he heard that one. Those views align with Republicans, but then again, what is the "Republican" party today? It doesn't look anything like Reagan's or the Bush's party anymore. It has extremely swung right and has not disowned Trump. All "Republicans" are now considered Enemies of the State, and will be treated as such.
@FrankRuperto don't be jealous because you're still stuck in the two party system.

You can criticise democrats or Republicans all day long, I don't belong to either.
You can criticise democrats or Republicans all day long,
One group is feckless pieces of s*** the other group is just bats*** crazy. So, they have a lot in common.
One group is feckless pieces of s*** the other group is just bats*** crazy. So, they have a lot in common.
And so you're from the Bernie Sanders group?... That movement is dead. Democrats will rule during our lifetime, so get used to it.
Democrats will rule during our lifetime, so get used to it.
Oh really? At some point even Biden voters will catch on when Hyperinflation kicks in. It's estimated American taxpayers will pay $5,700 dollars each in order to cover the recent $2,000 dollar stimulus gimmicks. So we pay $5,700 and they give us back $2,000 of our own money.
That doesn't include the prior stimulus that hasn't even been fully spent yet.

Common Core makes more sense then this fuzzy Liberal math.

liberal policies disproportionately effect the poor, by causing unnecessary reliance on government.
Democrats will rule during our lifetime, so get used to it.
The Democrats propose to make the US a totalitarian state in the image of Orwell's "1984". There will be no getting used to it.
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All your conspiracy theories are rubbish. Democrats are here to stay. If you don't like it, move to another country and renounce your U.S. Citizenship.
You didn't refute that the Democrats will be implementing a totalitarian state, so it must be true.
Looks like the Governors of Florida and Texas are fighting back. I'm looking at property in Florida but then so is everyone else who isn't moving to Texas:) I say, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida combine to form Free America. We'll take any adjacent state that doesn't have a Democrat majority in their legislature. We could just take the entire mid section of the country. Start with our original Constitution and go from there:) We could rid ourselves of all the bad Supreme Court decisions and excessive regulation. Now, that's a dream. The Marxists can implement their vision of 1984 and be happy to not have to interact with those of us who prefer freedom.


Then there's this picture. It is essentially the Democrat run cities that are rife with corruption and the homeless and Antifa and BLM riots. They've done so well with their Socialist utopia. They are welcome to it.

Looks like the Governors of Florida and Texas are fighting back. I'm looking at property in Florida but then so is everyone else who isn't moving to Texas:) I say, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida combine to form Free America. We'll take any adjacent state that doesn't have a Democrat majority in their legislature. We could just take the entire mid section of the country. Start with our original Constitution and go from there:) We could rid ourselves of all the bad Supreme Court decisions and excessive regulation. Now, that's a dream. The Marxists can implement their vision of 1984 and be happy to not have to interact with those of us who prefer freedom.
You're dreaming. That will never happen. They will all die trying like the Confederates in the Civil War.
Trump is very very close to going to prison, unless he dies, or escapes to Russia.
Governors are no match for the Federal Government.
We dare to try another insurrection. Armed Forces are on high alert, shoot to kill no questions asked.
You're dreaming. That will never happen. They will all die trying like the Confederates in the Civil War.
Trump is very very close to going to prison, unless he dies, or escapes to Russia.
Governors are no match for the Federal Government.
We dare to try another insurrection. Armed Forces are on high alert, shoot to kill no questions asked.
Again you speak of the Democrats imposing a one party tyrannical state. Recall the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution, which is probably irrelevant to you.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
You're dreaming. That will never happen. They will all die trying like the Confederates in the Civil War.
You hate anyone who doesn't think like you. Why would you fight to keep the rest of us?
Trump is very very close to going to prison, unless he dies, or escapes to Russia.
In your dreams.
Governors are no match for the Federal Government.
They are currently ruining the economy in several states.
We dare to try another insurrection. Armed Forces are on high alert, shoot to kill no questions asked.
I guess it depends on what you think is an insurrection. I'm pretty sure if I were going to an insurrection, I would bring a gun. I wonder what you call the riots orchestrated by Antifa and BLM. You know, the ones where businesses are looted and buildings and cars are burned and people killed and the police specifically targeted and buildings and neighborhoods occupied. Apparently the people on the receiving end of the damage have no rights in your myopic utopia. Do they deserve it? What about the people who lost their life's work? What about the neighborhoods that will never recover? All this chaos and damage over an outright lie. That's the way the left rolls. Just follow the Goebbels playbook. Control the media. Suppress free speech. Repeat the lies incessantly. Confirmation bias will convince people if they are unable to see the truth because you've suppressed it.
It's interesting to note the left is extremely unhinged despite winning the white house and both houses. They are melting down in real time. Fascinating.
You may not understand the concept behind that word. If an "insurrection" had actually been attempted at the Capital building there would have been:
  • armed thugs surrounding the Capital building. There weren't any.
  • putting up barricades (hey, the government has done that!!!),
  • No autonomous zone was created (like what was done in Seattle, which the Democrats referred to as a "summer of love event" to be celebrated.)
  • Where were the destructive fires, massive graffiti, and excessive trashing of offices?
  • The Mayor of Washington DC supported the protesting (rioting) of Black Lives Matter in Washington DC which gives credence to protesting in the Nations Capital as a legitimate free-speech activity.
  • There would have been a guy with a bullhorn reading some sort of incomprehensible manifesto calling for the oppressed masses to rise up and kill the overlords. Where was that person?
There was none of that. From the video clips that have been shown, there was very little damage, many of the people inside the Capital building seemed to be aimlessly walking around like tourists and having fun. Of course that does not dismiss the limited number of physical altercations that did occur. Overall, one could say, (using the terminology of the left) that it was a mostly peaceful joyous event celebrating the American spirit. Not even close to being an "insurrection".
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So lets put you to the test, go forward with your plans and lets see what happens. I guarantee its not going to go well for all you Trump simpathizers, Qanon, and the rest of you right wing extremists. The Republican establishment is about to purge all of you evil nut jobs and then the Democrats will vanquish you. Other countries will also be assisting in the cleanup.
So lets put you to the test, go forward with your plans and lets see what happens. I guarantee its not going to go well for all you Trump simpathizers, Qanon, and the rest of you right wing extremists. The Republican establishment is about to purge all of you evil nut jobs and then the Democrats will vanquish you. Other countries will also be assisting in the cleanup.
Biden makes more sense. :rolleyes:

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