Solved Filtered Meetings Query By Members

plz help me
I'm not sure if I understood your wishes correctly, but some result is below.
Private Sub CommandOpenMainForm_Click()
Dim sVal$

    If Me.MeetingByMember = True Then
        sVal = "MeetingsByMemberQ"
        sVal = "AllMeetingsQ"
    End If
    DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm"
    Forms("MainForm").RecordSource = sVal
    'DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
    Me.Visible = False
End Sub


I'm not sure if I understood your wishes correctly, but some result is below.
Private Sub CommandOpenMainForm_Click()
Dim sVal$

    If Me.MeetingByMember = True Then
        sVal = "MeetingsByMemberQ"
        sVal = "AllMeetingsQ"
    End If
    DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm"
    Forms("MainForm").RecordSource = sVal
    'DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
    Me.Visible = False
End Sub

I'm not sure if I understood your wishes correctly, but some result is below.
Private Sub CommandOpenMainForm_Click()
Dim sVal$

    If Me.MeetingByMember = True Then
        sVal = "MeetingsByMemberQ"
        sVal = "AllMeetingsQ"
    End If
    DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm"
    Forms("MainForm").RecordSource = sVal
    'DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
    Me.Visible = False
End Sub
Thanks, I am trying hard to convert your code to Macro, but I could not ☹️
Kindly, can you help me convert your code to Macro please 🙏
I tried this but it doesn't work ☹️
plz help me!!! 🙏

Sample attached



i also got confused.
i modify the db on post#21.
plz comment if this is what you need.


i also got confused.
i modify the db on post#21.
plz comment if this is what you need.
Yes what you did is Perfect! it is works good!, but can you convert Eugene-LS VBA code to Macro?
becuse I want to know how to deal with Form Record Source
plz 🙏

Private Sub CommandOpenMainForm_Click()
Dim sVal$

If Me.MeetingByMember = True Then
sVal = "MeetingsByMemberQ"
sVal = "AllMeetingsQ"
End If

DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm"
Forms("MainForm").RecordSource = sVal

'DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
Me.Visible = False
End Sub
Try that please:
'converting an embedded macro into code shows that the macro is incorrect
Function macro1()
On Error GoTo macro1_Err

    With CodeContextObject
        DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal
        If (.MeetingByMember = True) Then
            Forms ("MainForm" )[].RecordSource = "MeetingsByMemberQ"
            Forms ("MainForm" )[].RecordSource = "AllMeetingsQ"
        End If
    End With

    Exit Function

    MsgBox Error$
    Resume macro1_Exit

End Function
converting an embedded macro into code shows that the macro is incorrect
... but it works, some how ...

Galina, please make your version - make us happy with your wisdom and knowledge.
@Sarah.M wants an exact macro - may the gods prolong his years.
... Well you remember what the great Alvik wrote about it ... :)
Last edited:
Function MACRO21()

    With CodeContextObject
        DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal
        If (.MeetingByMember = True) Then
            Forms!MainForm.RecordSource = "MeetingsByMemberQ"
            Forms!MainForm.RecordSource = "AllMeetingsQ"
        End If
        DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "MainForm"
    End With

End Function


  • Screenshot_11-1945.png
    20.3 KB · Views: 140
Функция Макрос21

- Так у меня (в макросе) вроде так и написано!

It seems to be the same in my macro
Please explain - where is the error?
Although - no need, thanks - macros are not my domain.
It seems to be the same in my macro
I always debug in a regular macro, which is easily translated into code for verification

the difference
with you is the name in quotation
marks with me - through an exclamation mark !

я всегда отлаживаю в обычном макросе, который легко переводится в код для проверки

у вас - имя в кавычках
у меня - через восклицательный знак !
@SHANEMAC51, Dear Galina, in my humble opinion we should follow the proverb:
"When in Rome do as the Romans do".
"You've got to play the game according to the local rules."
"V chuzoi monastir' so svoim ystavom ne hod'at!" (rus proverb)
Let's stop talking in Russian on the general forum!
Try that please:
Thanks it works! (y)

I have a question out of curiosity, learning and knowledge
Item: why it is not looks like forms path? Forms![MainForm].[RecordSource]
Why Expression query name not in parentheses?


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