Hi, Plz note, My VBA is blocked by IT for security reason.
I can use only Expression builder, Macros, Queries, Tables, Forms and Reports only.
I have database for Meeting
I have some problem on it
1. [All Mettings Form] its query filtered by Metting ID but the query show me only records 5
it should show me 5 and 6, if someone added me in a meting this metting should show up in my first page at [All Mettings Form]
I will attach DB to make it easy to understand my questions
plz help me to fix my problems
I can use only Expression builder, Macros, Queries, Tables, Forms and Reports only.
I have database for Meeting
I have some problem on it
1. [All Mettings Form] its query filtered by Metting ID but the query show me only records 5

I will attach DB to make it easy to understand my questions
plz help me to fix my problems

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