Find as we typed

see the sample, i added code to the Change Event of the combobox (see the code).
Arnel, if I put on change, it didn't even work, but we leave it as it is, just put the module, it's working. Is it OK?
Need more examples then get the attached demo database. For details refer to this link:
Apr, the difference between my combo box and your sample is that your combo' control source is unbound, while mine is the bound one, and the field is to be filled in the record set. I have given many samples like yours, but the problem is how can we make the bound control source works like unbound control source

Thank you
Please post all further responses to the below thread.
It is confusing to have two threads on the same issue. Thanks.
Apr, the difference between my combo box and your sample is that your combo' control source is unbound, while mine is the bound one, and the field is to be filled in the record set. I have given many samples like yours, but the problem is how can we make the bound control source works like unbound control source

Thank you
Came to this very late, but I just added V10 of the FAYT combo class to my diabetes db, which has the combo bound, and that works just fine.?
Here is an update of my popular FAYT class. Only takes one line of code to make this work. You need to import the class module. Then instantiate a FAYT variable. No other code or even procedures required.

End Sub[/CODE]

that's great
Only FindAsYouTypeCombo2 alone doesn't work?
What is the difference with FindAsYouTypeCombo?
Only FindAsYouTypeCombo2 alone doesn't work?
I believe that is an incomplete demo of another approach to do the same thing. It is probably not useable if not demonstrated.
The FindAsYouType combo works on the combo box's recordset and applies a filter directly to the underlying recordset. This has benefits in flexibility because do not have to work the rowsource and manipulate the string. This makes it very easy for the user to instantiate and use this class without providing additional information. This can get quirky at times as you keep filtering the recordset and there are some other limitations working with a recordset directly. The second version was an attempt to work directly with the underlying rowsource.

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