Find nth Occurence of a space/character in a string (1 Viewer)

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Local time
Yesterday, 20:03
Jun 2, 2001
Finding the nth space or character in a string can turn ugly
in a hurry if n > 1. Multiple InStr()'s are something like nested
Iif() statements -- miss one parenthesis and the whole thing

This function will return the nth occurence. Copy/paste to a
standard module, then call as shown in the example input/output.
You'll have to play with it a bit if the length of the selected character/
string is > 1.

Public Function fFindNthOccur(ByVal pStr As String, _
                                    pFind As String, _
                                    pNth As Integer) As Integer
' Purpose:   Return location of nth occurence of item in a string.
' Coded by:  raskew
' Arguments: pStr: The string to be searched.
'            pFind: The item to search for.
'            pNth:  The occurence of the item in string.
' Input:     From the debug (immediate) window:
'            x = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"
'            1) ? fFindNthOccur(x, " ", 3)
'            2) ? left(x, fFindNthOccur(x, " ", 3))
'            3) ? mid(x, fFindNthOccur(x, " ", 3)+1)
' Output:    1) 16
'            2) The quick brown
'            3) fox jumped over the lazy dog
Dim strHold As String
Dim strFind As String
Dim intHold As Integer
Dim intSay  As Integer
Dim intKeep As Integer
Dim n       As Integer

   strHold = pStr
   strFind = pFind
   intHold = pNth
   intKeep = 0
   n = 0

   Do While n < intHold
      If InStr(strHold, strFind) = 0 Then
         fFindNthOccur = 0
         Exit Do
         intSay = InStr(1, strHold, strFind)
         intKeep = intKeep + intSay
         n = n + 1
         strHold = Mid(strHold, intSay + Len(strFind))
         fFindNthOccur = intKeep
      End If

End Function
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