So i'm thinking there has got to be a better way of doing this.
Here's the background info...
I have a multi user database that is used to track information for industrial tooling (maintenance records, tooling spec's, usage history etc.). Through this database i have one main form that has a search bar up at the top where the end user can input the tool number and pull up the required information for that tool. Once the form is populated they can view information as well as enter any maintenance records for that tool. This form was based off a query where when the user performed the search and it would refresh the form with the new query tool number criteria.
The issue here was that the user's were inputting the wrong information into the search bar thus corrupting the data stored in the records. Sometimes they would input a job# instead of a tool number, or would enter the part number (parts are produced by the tools) produced, or even worse they would enter information with no tool selected leaving a record that's not tied to anything. To fix this I wrote a function to test against all these scenario's, correct the information, and output the correct tool number to open, which was then assigned to a public variable. (see code below)
and this is the code for the main form, triggered by the click of the search button
So I've said all this which brings me around to the "there has got to be a better way to do this" part. On my main form I have a large number of list boxes that are updated based on queries. Originally before the function was written to correct improper search entries, everything was tied to a query but now that my tool number(the criteria for all the queries) is tied to a global variable the only way i know how to update the list boxes is with an SQL statement tied to the listbox.rowsource all within VBA. Which is why you see so many SQL strings in the code above, one for each listbox to populate (and im not even done with all of them). This means I'm writing in a ton of custom SQL statements for each listbox. So now when the search is performed there is a significant lag time for each query to run and populate the forms.
Im sure most of you can tell by my code i'm still at beginner level, but i'm wondering if there is a more elegant or efficient way of doing this same thing? Thanks in Advance.
Here's the background info...
I have a multi user database that is used to track information for industrial tooling (maintenance records, tooling spec's, usage history etc.). Through this database i have one main form that has a search bar up at the top where the end user can input the tool number and pull up the required information for that tool. Once the form is populated they can view information as well as enter any maintenance records for that tool. This form was based off a query where when the user performed the search and it would refresh the form with the new query tool number criteria.
The issue here was that the user's were inputting the wrong information into the search bar thus corrupting the data stored in the records. Sometimes they would input a job# instead of a tool number, or would enter the part number (parts are produced by the tools) produced, or even worse they would enter information with no tool selected leaving a record that's not tied to anything. To fix this I wrote a function to test against all these scenario's, correct the information, and output the correct tool number to open, which was then assigned to a public variable. (see code below)
Public varToolNumber As Variant
' Library Function - ValidateEntry()
Public Function ValidateEntry(varEntry As Variant) As Variant
Dim varToolNumber As Variant
'The ValidateEntry() Function takes an input string from the user and removes the "-16h" section of a job number if input as so _
It then verifies that tool number exists in the tables and returns that tool number. If the string was entered _
as a part number it then verifies the part number exists in the part matrix table and then returns the coresponding _
tool number associated with that part. If no tool number matches the input string, weather part number, job number, _
or tool number the function returns a "0".
' Section1:::: Determines if entry was input as Job Number
' Select...Case statement checks to see if the user has entered an invalid _
entry in the form of a Job number and not a Tool or Part number, the code _
removes the Job number tag off the end and returns the corrected tool number.
Select Case Right$(varEntry, 1)
Case "H", "V", "S"
If Mid(varEntry, Len(varEntry) - 1, 1) <= 9 And Mid(varEntry, Len(varEntry) - 2, 1) <= 9 And Mid(varEntry, Len(varEntry) - 3, 1) = "-" Then
varEntry = Left(varEntry, Len(varEntry) - 4)
End If
End Select
'Section2:::: Sets varToolNumber equal to the tool number if entered as tool number or part number
If Not IsNull(DLookup("TM_ToolNumber", "ToolMatrix", "TM_ToolNumber ='" & varEntry & "'")) Then
varToolNumber = varEntry
ElseIf Not IsNull(DLookup("PM_ToolNumber", "PartMatrix", "PM_PartNumber ='" & varEntry & "'")) Then
varToolNumber = DLookup("PM_ToolNumber", "PartMatrix", _
"PM_PartNumber ='" & varEntry & "'")
Else: varToolNumber = "0"
End If
ValidateEntry = varToolNumber
End Function
and this is the code for the main form, triggered by the click of the search button
' btnToolSearchTest_Click
Private Sub btnToolSearchTest_Click()
Dim strSearch As Variant
Dim strInfoSQL, strPartSQL, strOrdersSQL, strInventorySQL, strProductionSQL, strProjectsSQL As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
strSearch = Me.txtDB2_ToolSearch
'Section1:::: Determines an entry exists
If IsNull(strSearch) Or strSearch = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a valid search term in the form of a tool or part number."
Me.DB_MainSub.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If
If ValidateEntry(strSearch) = "0" Then
MsgBox "The Part/Tool Number you have entered does not exist in the database." _
& " Please correct the search or contact an administrator to enter the information."
Me.DB_MainSub.Visible = False
Exit Sub
varToolNumber = ValidateEntry(strSearch)
End If
'Section2:::: Set the query data to the information required.
strInfoSQL = "SELECT ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber, PartMatrix.PM_PartNumber, PartMatrix.PM_Customer, PartMatrix.PM_DrawingRev, PartMatrix.PM_PartDescription," & _
"PartMatrix.PM_PartFamily, PartMatrix.PM_PartWeight, PartMatrix.PM_MaterialSpec, PartMatrix.PM_MaterialGrade, PartMatrix.PM_PartStatus," & _
"PartMatrix.PM_EEOP, ToolMatrix.TM_OperatingPlant, ToolMatrix.TM_AssetNumber, ToolMatrix.TM_PONumber, ToolMatrix.TM_PODate," & _
"ToolMatrix.TM_ToolType, ToolMatrix.TM_ToolBuilder, ToolMatrix.TM_BuildDate, ToolMatrix.TM_Length, ToolMatrix.TM_Width," & _
"ToolMatrix.TM_ShutHeight, ToolMatrix.TM_FeedHeight, ToolMatrix.TM_TotalWeight, ToolMatrix.TM_NumStations, ToolMatrix.TM_NumCavities," & _
"ToolMatrix.TM_PressRate, ToolMatrix.TM_MaxCapacity, ToolMatrix.TM_Press, ToolMatrix.TM_MtlType, ToolMatrix.TM_MtlThick," & _
"ToolMatrix.TM_MtlWidth, ToolMatrix.TM_Progression, ToolMatrix.TM_RackLocation " & _
"FROM ToolMatrix " & _
"INNER JOIN PartMatrix ON ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber = PartMatrix.PM_ToolNumber " & _
"WHERE ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber ='" & varToolNumber & "';"
strPartSQL = "SELECT PartMatrix.PM_PartNumber, PartMatrix.PM_DrawingRev, PartMatrix.PM_PartStatus, PartMatrix.PM_PartDescription, PartMatrix.PM_PartFamily, " & _
"PartMatrix.PM_EEOP, ToolMatrix.TM_MtlType, ToolMatrix.TM_MtlThick, ToolMatrix.TM_MtlWidth, ToolMatrix.TM_Progression, ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber " & _
"FROM ToolMatrix " & _
"INNER JOIN PartMatrix ON ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber = PartMatrix.PM_ToolNumber " & _
"WHERE (((ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber) = '" & varToolNumber & "')) " & _
"ORDER BY PartMatrix.PM_PartNumber;"
strOrdersSQL = "SELECT ComponentOrders.CO_ToolNumber, ComponentOrders.CO_DateCompleted, ComponentOrders.CO_ComponentID, ComponentOrders.CO_EntryDate, " & _
"ComponentOrders.CO_Qty, ComponentOrders.CO_Description, ComponentOrders.CO_DueDate, ComponentOrders.CO_Status, ComponentOrders.CO_WireBlockID, " & _
"ComponentOrders.CO_Notes, ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber " & _
"FROM ComponentOrders " & _
"INNER JOIN ComponentOrders ON ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber = ComponentOrders.CO_ToolNumber " & _
"WHERE (((ComponentOrders.CO_ToolNumber)= '" & varToolNumber & "')) AND ((ComponentOrders.CO_DateCompleted) Is Null));"
strInventorySQL = "SELECT qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Component_ID, qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Qty_On_Hand, qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Critical_component, " & _
"qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Part_Number, qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Min_Qty, qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Status, qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Description " & _
"FROM qryDieBook_Inventory " & _
"WHERE (((qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Qty_On_Hand) > [qryDieBook_Inventory].[MBM_Qty_Needed])) " & _
"ORDER BY qryDieBook_Inventory.MBM_Component_ID;"
strProductionSQL = "SELECT qryDieBook_Production.DieNum, qryDieBook_Production.PlantID, qryDieBook_Production.ClockInDate, qryDieBook_Production.ClockinTime, " & _
"qryDieBook_Production.Name, qryDieBook_Production.JobNum, qryDieBook_Production.LaborType, qryDieBook_Production.LaborHrs, qryDieBook_Production.LaborQty " & _
"FROM qryDieBook_Production " & _
"WHERE (((qryDieBook_Production.DieNum) = [Forms]![qryDieBook]![TM_ToolNumber])) " & _
"ORDER BY qryDieBook_Production.ClockInDate DESC;"
strProjectsSQL = "SELECT Projects.P_ToolNumber, Projects.P_EntryDate, Projects.P_ProjectType, Projects.P_Description, Projects.P_Status, Projects.P_DateCompleted, " & _
"Projects.P_DueDate, Projects.P_Notes, ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber " & _
"FROM Projects " & _
"INNER JOIN ToolMatrix ON Projects.P_ToolNumber = ToolMatrix.TM_ToolNumber " & _
"WHERE (((Projects.P_ToolNumber) = '" & varToolNumber & "')) " & _
"ORDER BY Projects.P_EntryDate DESC;"
'Section3:::: Refresh the main form in read only window, with new query data.
Form.RecordSource = strInfoSQL
Me.lstPartNumber.RowSource = strPartSQL
Me.lstOrders.RowSource = strOrdersSQL
Me.lstInventory.RowSource = strInventorySQL
Me.lstProductionData.RowSource = strProductionSQL
Me.lstProjectLog.RowSource = strProjectsSQL
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Unknown Database error, try again. If the error persists, close and re-open the Info Center.", , "Database Error"
Exit Sub
End Sub
So I've said all this which brings me around to the "there has got to be a better way to do this" part. On my main form I have a large number of list boxes that are updated based on queries. Originally before the function was written to correct improper search entries, everything was tied to a query but now that my tool number(the criteria for all the queries) is tied to a global variable the only way i know how to update the list boxes is with an SQL statement tied to the listbox.rowsource all within VBA. Which is why you see so many SQL strings in the code above, one for each listbox to populate (and im not even done with all of them). This means I'm writing in a ton of custom SQL statements for each listbox. So now when the search is performed there is a significant lag time for each query to run and populate the forms.
Im sure most of you can tell by my code i'm still at beginner level, but i'm wondering if there is a more elegant or efficient way of doing this same thing? Thanks in Advance.
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