Freedom of Speech - only for left wingers?

Don't do it Pat it's a trap......:D
Drums fingers...waits for censorship hammer. :D
They (LBC Radio) were very against his BLM stance. They are left wing and yes, they do pay his salary. They have every right to. They muzzled him. Now you only get the "correct" view, from their perspective. Farage was silenced because they disagreed with his right wing view. You can say that has nothing to do with freedom of speech if you like. But it was a case of the left censoring the right.

LBC has/had a number of right wing presenters including Iain Dale, Nick Ferrari, Katie Hopkins as well as Nigel Farage. If anything, the station has a moderately right wing bias.

In the US, I think about 90% of the media is a mouth piece for the left.
In the UK, at least 80% of the national print media is a mouth piece for the right.
It would be good to see the media reflect overall national opinion in both countries
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I used to sometimes listen to Farage on LBC. They do have a mix. I have no idea where the balance is, but I just assumed 50:50. I used to flick between talk radio and LBC. Maybe there are some other decent channels that I should look into.

Yes, I thought in the UK it was different. Is that because of Murdock or something? I am pretty uneducated on all that.

Edit: Maybe this says the opposite?

The thing is, the output might be whatever it is, but most people working in media are left wing. And so the staff who complain will be, in bulk, left wing. This is a broad assumption and I may be wrong in some cases. The company Global objected to Farages's stuff. They are the controllers, but I would like to know their political affiliation, if any.
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If you assumed 50:50, why state that LBC 'are left wing'?

As I'm sure you are aware, the UK national press has always been mostly right wing.
Those run by Murdoch are a significant part of that but there are many other right of centre papers as well e.g. Mail, Express, Telegraph
I'm confused - Jon for some reason I thought you were in the UK ?
Whilst waiting for a response to my last post, and following the recent edit...

Just read it. No it doesn't.

The thing is, the output might be whatever it is, but most people working in media are left wing. And so the staff who complain will be, in bulk, left wing. This is a broad assumption and I may be wrong in some cases.
It is a very broad assumption for which you have provided no evidence.
I don't have a copy of it but it was in response to some talking head who was referring to Social Security as an entitlement program that should be suspended. It went something like:

If you take money from me at gunpoint for 50 years with the promise to give it back (with interest) when I retire, that is not an entitlement program. It is MY money and I want it back.

I'm sure it was pinged by an "algorithm"because of the word gunpoint. A human would not consider the post threatening in any way. It contained no foul language except for that bad word "gun". However, getting a human to respond was impossible. I did manage to have a silly conversation with a bot. The bot wanted a photo of me. I refused to send one. I never posted one on Facebook and so there would be nothing to compare with to determine if they were talking to "me". They have other options such as pictures of mail addressed to my address, driver's license, passport, picture of a credit card with my name on it. I sent all of the above but blocked out the photos. and got nowhere.
The NY Post has moved way up in my opinion. They used to be a rag. Now it is the NYT that is the rag.

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