Graphically showing recent changes


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Today, 20:09
Dec 1, 1999
I've been designing a Production Management system, and one of the important features is that Product specifications changed by data entry persons must be verified before they can be used in the system.

The problem is that changes are constantly being made to product specifications. I need to visually show what changes have been made to a part so that the users who are verifying their accurateness can quickly find the changes.

I have a date field which captures the date and time of the last time the part was verified. I need to be able to change the ForeColor of the fields where changes have been made after this date.

How do I do this without adding code to every field's AfterUpdate Event?

Thanks for any help

[This message has been edited by BarkerD (edited 01-19-2000).]
I think your problem is more involved. In fact, it gets downright complicated. Don't you also need to keep a table of pending changes? Since you can't apply the changes directly, you need to keep them in a holding table until they are approved and then apply them.

In the primary update form you will need code in the Form's BeforeUpdate event to copy all the data fields to a pending table (after they have been edited of course). Then you need to cancel the update event since you don't want to post the changes at this time. You will also need some kind of review form which will show the before and after values of each field so the changes can be approved. This program would then need to update the main record and delete the pending record.

You probably need to add something to the main form to warn people that there are pending changes and either disallow further changes until the pending ones are approved or deal with layers of pending changes.
SO I create a temporary record for the product specifications. Once the changes are approved, the update can take place. This can work, but there are more complications

1. There are 2 users that need to verify the changes, Production manager and Quality assurance. Both must verifiy the changes before they can take effect. I have 2 checkboxes available for the appropriate users to click. They are part of the table that is in question. Should I make a separate table for the verification?

2. How do I determine which fields have values that have been edited? The users only want to see the changes for easy verification. Could I compare the values from the old record and the edited one, and show which values have changed?

I appreciate your input into this problem.

It's been tough learning Access and VB on the job without any support. College taught me next to nothing
I would put the checkbox fields in the pending table and a pending update flag in the production table.

Use a query which joins the production table with the pending table as the recordsource for the review form. That way you will have all the old fields and new fields available for display. In the form's OnCurrent event, compare each of the old and new fields and change the color of the new fields that are different. That should allow the reviewers to focus on the changes and ignore the rest of the data unless they need it for reference.

When you build this form lock the fields from the production table to prevent accidental updating. You should allow updating of the fields from the pending table.

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