Guantanamo Bay

You will note that the original post from me had a big smily, now there are some British Americans here with no sense of humour, now tell me honestly, do most Americans refer to the UK as England?

Well, I really don't know that many Americans, but the ones that I do know, then the answer to your question would be...."yes." Now, I can't say that most Americans do cause I haven't been around enough to know that.:D
I think it is twisting things too far for you to then turn it into an American measuring stick and then turn it the opposite direction and point out all of the times we have fallen short of showing respect.

It dragged you back in to the discussion though:)

Aren't there any Americans in Texas, or don't you mix?:confused::D

Of course, I would say a fair number are (we're close to Mexico so there is a large number that are here illegally :D) I'm from Oklahoma originally and most Okie's are American too, but what I was referring to is that I have only been to a handful of states so I haven't had the opportunity to talk to that many Americans (America is a pretty big country, you know, so it's kind of hard for me to talk to enough of them to give you a real answer on whether "most" call the UK, England) so I surely can speak for them either. My guess would be that most do though, but it's kind of like most Americans say "Kleenex" instead of tissure.
My guess would be that most do though, but it's kind of like most Americans say "Kleenex" instead of tissure.

"Tissure"? is that a new Yank word? Don't tell me you're still trying to corrupt the Queens (God Bless Her) English.


"Tissure"? is that a new Yank word? Don't tell me you're still trying to corrupt the Queens (God Bless Her) English.



I'm typing one handed, standing in a hall, waiting for my step daughter to be admitted for yet another round of chemo, so cut me a little slack....please:)
The hall of the hospital where his step daughter is awaiting chemo therapy. You know

You can be an unfeeling lout sometimes.

I asked a civil question, if you can't answer in the same manner then don't bother at all!
I'm typing one handed, standing in a hall, waiting for my step daughter to be admitted for yet another round of chemo, so cut me a little slack....please:)

There's the original post. You quoted it in your reply. Did you actually read it or did you stop at the word "hall".

Note, I said you can be an unfeeling lout SOMETIMES
Thank you, I was just curious, "hall" can mean several different places here. Sorry to hear about your stepdaughter by the way, I hope she's on the way to recovery

No problem and thanks for your concern. Don't know if she is on the road to recovery though. It's a very aggressive cancer and so far we have not been able to slow it down much. The kick in the pants is she's only 15 years old. Pretty sorry hand that has been dealt to her, but her attitude is fantastic and her spirits are good. Thanks again.
My apologies. I didn't wish to make a big thing out of this with your daughter in the middle.
I hope she makes a full recovery.
My apologies. I didn't wish to make a big thing out of this with your daughter in the middle.
I hope she makes a full recovery.

No problems and thanks for expressing your concerns.
No I didn't. I thought Col is from England so I said English. Isn't England part of the UK?
Essex has always been part of England. So no offence was given to those of us from other parts of the UK

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