H. Clinton Projecting

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 03:43
Jul 5, 2006
Hillary is, unfortunately, getting on the news once again. Based on what Hillary claims what Trump would do should he be reelected; why is she still alive? Trump had the opportunity, but did not persecute her beyond name calling. The mere fact that she is still alive demonstrates that she is a liar.
The law and order (sarcasm) Biden administration is using the power of the state to persecute Trump. This has been going on for over six years now!

Hillary claims that Trump models himself after Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-un. Ridiculous, based on the fact that Hillary secretly paid operatives to generate the whole Russia Hoax narrative. But then look at how Biden is acting. Biden is having a bromance with Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Maduro of Venezula, and Xi of China. Biden refuses to impose sanctions on these autocratic countries. Biden also supports Hamas, a terrorist organization and Biden is attempting to restrain Israel from defending itself. So Hillary "projects" that the Orange Man is evil, but overlooks the fact that it is Biden who is working to impose a Stalinist style government in the US and is working with countries who do not like the US.
When these wackjobs channel Trump, it makes you wonder what really is going on in their heads. To me, sounds like they are blaming Trump for what they would do if they could.

Trump was already elected once people. He didn't go to violent extremes. He didn't kill his opposition. He didn't even try to jail them, let alone weaponize the DOJ and FBI to persecute them unlike Biden.
Trump was already elected once people. He didn't go to violent extremes. He didn't kill his opposition. He didn't even try to jail them, let alone weaponize the DOJ and FBI to persecute them unlike Biden

That's right. Trump can run on his record. He was moving the country in a direction of being stronger and more self sufficient. He acted decisively on promoting good stuff and demoting dumb, harmful stuff. We need more of that.

Personally I wish Mike Pence could be president, but he couldn't win because god forbid a hardcore Christian run, people just can't quite bring themselves to vote for that, but Trump will do - Vote Republican if you want sanity to have a fighting chance
but he couldn't win because god forbid a hardcore Christian run,
Mike Pence can't win because he foolishly let the cat out of the bag regarding his actual opinion of Trump, Not because he is a Christian.
His absolute stance on abortion does present a problem.
Yeah, my take on that is we definitely need a compromise. I agree with neither those who wish to ban it entirely (ESPECIALLY in cases of banning it when a mother's life is in danger - because that's totally irrational even from a very fundamentalist Christian viewpoint), nor those like Planned Parenthood who make a living out of selling baby parts and killing them when they're practically being born.

15 weeks sounds very reasonable.

If you're having so much unplanned sex that you can't be bothered to go to Dollar Tree and get a pregnancy test in the first almost four months, then you got bigger problems than this. Which btw, if it's any consolation or amusement, Dollar Tree has the pregnancy tests right next to the cheap perfume and drug tests. I guess some things just go together!
If you're having so much unplanned sex that you can't be bothered to go to Dollar Tree and get a pregnancy test in the first almost four months, then you got bigger problems than this
I agree. The only reason this is an issue is because the Democrats like to use it as a dividing line. Sadly, they use the same criteria that they use when assuming that blacks are too stupid to be able to get a photo id. Women are too stupid to know they are pregnant. This is 2024. If you are a woman and you are having sex - even irregularly - and you miss a period, you need to take a pregnancy test if you don't want to be a mother. Doesn't matter if you are on the pill or used protection. Duh!!!! Maybe 50 years ago it was harder when you had to see a doctor to get a pregnancy test but not today when you can buy them in a dollar store and nobody but you and the store clerk knows what you bought.
I agree, in the old days I can see it all being much harder, but nowadays it seems fairly easy and everyone has access to at least the "sort-of" type of contraceptives (arguably) and EVERYONE has access to pregnancy tests for sure.

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