Happy New Year to the community!


Local time
Today, 03:30
Jan 1, 2025
I am an Access-user since Access2.0, and since then developped over 100 different applications.
The "weak points" of Access arised with my second or third application: copy/paste, copy paste, ad infinitum.
Since then I started with the generalization of code. This opened the door the (partly) automatic building of applications.
A bottleneck in the further process was the very static behaviour of forms.
Today I use only two form templates (one continuous and one unbound) to generate any "form" ad hoc to make the connection between the user and the data. This has resulted in a fast application development tool: definition of controls in metadata tables in the FE, and shared code in a linked library database. Extension and maintenance of 100+ applications is no problem anymore. And any new application contains already a rough 95% of its future functionality.
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We hope you have a great time participating in the discussion and learning from other Access enthusiasts. We look forward to having you around!
Hi. Happy New Year and Welcome to AWF!
Hello and welcome to the forum.

I've used the "template" approach several times. My best guess on that was that using templates saved me about 40% to 60% of the work for bound forms and maybe a little more than that for the few unbound forms I needed.
Hi "lmb", happy new year to you too. Welcome

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