He still does not understand

Saw a clip from an intervbiew and DJT still claims that tarrifs aare paid by the exporting country, and that we will make millions on tarrifs. He lives in his own dream world. Please, don't give me a whatabout Biden retort. I am taking about Trump and his lack of understanding. Why won't he release his medical records, like every modern person running for Pres.
Oh my god, let's talk about something else.

Let's forget about individuals and talk about parties, it makes more sense to me. I couldn't care less how much I like or hate an individual - it's more about the direction the parties are pushing the countries.
The one trump's handlers wouldn't let him do? They won't let him do anything that isn't a safe space cause god forbid someone fact checks him. His town hall with univision didn't go too well, did it.
ONE interview with ONE highly biased group? Near as I can tell, Kamala has refused ALL interviews not only with conservative cable shows but with conservative or even semi-fair podcasters. And she's the brave one? What are you smoking? Trump doesn't do ONE interview for an excellent reason, and that is all you see. How sad. You are seriously grasping at straws.
What is weird is not condemning a candidate that blatantly lies, refuses to answer questions, and presents a fraudulent image of herself to the public.
I agree whole heartedly. But unless trump has changed his pronouns I think you meant himself.
Maybe they will flip-flop back to Biden.

Biden tells Obama ‘she’s not as strong as me’ — and ex-prez agrees ‘that’s true’ at Ethel Kennedy service 😁
I agree whole heartedly. But unless trump has changed his pronouns I think you meant himself.
That's it. Show no weakness. Never admit to a single flaw. Harris is magnificent. There has never in the history of the country been a more perfect or more qualified candidate. Don't bother to consider how she got to be the chosen one. That might burst your bubble. Put your head back in the sand:( She just shines. No one can hold a candle to her. The fact that China will invade Taiwan and Iran will drop a nuke on Israel within the first month of her presidency be damned.

The rest of the world isn't suffering from cognitive dissonance and can see her for the incompetent weakling she is. They will eat her for lunch.
I agree whole heartedly. But unless trump has changed his pronouns I think you meant himself.
Nah. Harris when asked the very simple question of how many illegal immigrants she allowed in refused to answer. She then went on to state that Trump had no immigration plan. Well Trump was able to state how many illegal immigrants Harris has let in and that he has a plan: deportation. It is weird for a presidential candidate to refuse to answer legitimate questions and to refuse to disclose the policies they intend to implement. Harris is a lying fraud.

PS: Consider that Biden/Harris dismantled Trump's immigration policies when they took over. Trump had an immigration policy. Harris lied.
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What is weird is not condemning a candidate that blatantly lies, refuses to answer questions, and presents a fraudulent image of herself to the public.
I agree it's very strange not to say where she worked but she's just like Biden they both try to put on this shucks simple man facade to show that they are one with the working class. How many times have you heard the phrase scranton Pennsylvania. He wants to show that he is just a factory worker with the best of the guys and she wants to pretend the same thing, which is weird, just admit your Rich and have nothing to do with the middle class.
Here's a big thing people don't get about tariffs that I haven't even heard discussed on this thread. Something Trump understands about tariffs. Just the threatening of them is a negotiating tool. You don't you may not even have to implement them. He's adding a tool to his negotiating tool belt and most people are too dumb to do anything other than condemning without seeing that the mere threatening of it is part of the plan.
I just wanted to clarify when it comes to word salad and eloquence.

Neither of the candidates are eloquent I agree with you. I think the point that we are making when we talk about Harris's word salad is this

When Trump talks he usually has a specific and distinct point to make and he usually gets to it. When Harris talks she talks in corporate mumbo jumbo talking in circles what we call beating around the bush which is circling round and round and not actually saying anything.

Using a lot of passive verbs that don't really mean anything at all
I think I've stumbled upon a solution for the Trump Era tariffs. We stop referring to them as a YUGE revenue, problem solved.

We refer to them instead as punitive, that way nobody gets triggered. Obviously the left likes tariffs, they just hate the messenger.
As a knowledgeable person, it is surprising that you don't who "they" are.
Please, enlighten me. I keep hearing the term "They", but never identified. Is it anyone that does not agree with Trump? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please, enlighten me. I keep hearing the term "They", but never identified. Is it anyone that does not agree with Trump? Enquiring minds want to know.
You claim that Trump doesn't understand based on your sophisticated inductive thinking skills, so put your highly claimed inductive thinking skills to work. Since you have understanding beyond my capabilities, I can't help you.
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Kamala did fox.
And she refused to answer the questions! She was also late, (maybe on purpose?) to lessen her exposure to valid questions. Still waiting for her to disclose at what McDonald's she worked at. A simple question.
Here's an update:
Harris has called Trump obsessed with her alleged job at McDonald’s, but her campaign has not provided any evidence she ever worked there.
Harris is an artificial construct falsely claiming to have a middle class background including working at fast food.
Biden and Harris are compulsive liars the thing is they lie about things that really matter. Everyone lies, but some people's lies are just exaggerations to make a point other people's lives are about the things that matter a lot to the foundation of our country
When Harris talks she talks in corporate mumbo jumbo talking in circles what we call beating around the bush which is circling round and round and not actually saying anything.
If you've ever spent any time in Corporate America, you have attended your share of pointless meetings filled with people who use pat phrases and speak for two minutes without saying anything. So we used to make a game of it. Someone created Bingo cards with all the phrases randomized on the cards and in certain settings, we even brought them to meetings and played the game to keep ourselves from falling into the trap.

Kamala can't actually answer the questions and that is why she resorts to the word salad answers. She used to devolve into hysterical laughter. Laughter tends to be contagious and so the interviewer would often laugh along with her and forget the question and move on which was the objective. Apparently her handlers have beaten that out of her and instead, she produces gobbledy gook. Trump may make allusions and talk in what sounds like riddles if you haven't heard him speak on a particular topic, but he is always trying to actually answer the question whereas her objective is to avoid answering the question.

The Kamala pre the Trump/Biden debate is not the Kamala we see today and have seen for the past 10 years or so that she has been in the National eye. She still can't answer questions but she has dropped the hysterical laughter which wasn't fooling anybody and since most interviewers are in the tank for her already, they will accept a meaningless answer and move on rather than push her. 60 Minutes to their credit did push a little but when she failed, they simply covered for her and allowed her to substitute a different answer after the fact. This is why her handlers wouldn't let her go to the Al Smith dinner. She would have had to come up with a response to a jab from Trump on the fly and she is simply not capable.

Kamala couldn't get enough support to stay in the primary in 2020 and now in 2024 she finds herself the "anointed" candidate. There is no legitimate way she could have achieved this. She received not a single vote from the citizenry of this country. It was handed to her by the men in the smoke filled rooms of yesteryear. Since we have her work record and we know she is never prepared and always blames the staff for her mistakes we have some idea of how she will operate as President. In her job as VP she doesn't read the briefing papers. How is she ever going to cope with making the decisions a President has to make if she has no idea what is going on? How could she function at a negotiating table with Russia or China or Iran? She is incompetent.
Seems that the McDonald's story is still chugging along and has even gained some "legs" following Trump's publicity stunt.
Vance, made a very insightful comment this morning. The media is going ballistic over Trump's McDonald's publicity stunt. Vance, made this observation, the media has show virtually no interest in verifying Harris' claim that she ever worked at McDonald's. Yet, the media investigates Trump for any apparent discrepancies regarding his claims, but is silent concerning Harris's (false) claims.

The Harris campaign, in typical fashion, has refused to answer the question of were Harris worked at McDonald's. Seems like they should be extremely willing since she is trying to sell herself as a "middle class" person. The Harris campaign is clearly trying to cover-up this issue. Harris was never a "middle class" person, she was privileged.
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I worked at Burger King...guess I should announce my candidacy too!

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