Hello! Let Me Introduce Myself


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:02
Sep 17, 2019
Hello, My name is Karen Roe, and I am a beginning programmer. I am trying to expand my knowledge of SQL to successfully run more advanced queries. I am a team leader in the maintenance of the benefits module of our Human Resource Information System at Virginia Beach City Public Schools in Virginia. I've worked for VBCPS for 17 years. I will need assistance with code from time-to-time. :)
Hi Karen. Welcome to AWF!
Welcome, Karen. Always happy to have new members with definite projects.

HR systems are always a lot of fun because they get so downright complex what with all of the state and federal regulations on personnel records management. I worked with a U.S. Navy personnel system for a long time and understand just how obscure the regulations can get when you least expect it.

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