Question Help needed with Outlook/Access Issue


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Today, 15:55
May 20, 2008
Not sure if this is the right place for this question, hope so. Bit difficult to explain, but I will try. We use Access 2007 and Outlook 2007. I have just done a massive email mailer from one of our databases. I used Outlook to send (via Word). A LOT of the emails bounced. What I would love to do is to correct this on the database. In order to do this I would need to strip the email address out of the body of the bounced email and then take it into the Access database, find the record and delete this email address. Doing one at a time is just not realistic. So my question is - is there a way to automate this process?

The bounced emails are not all from one FROM address - they are from System Admin and from MAILER-DAEMON and so on.

Can this be done?
If you can figure out a way to loop through all of the bounce messages, it should be possible. Do you have all of them in one spot? Either saved in a folder or within Outlook?
I have them saved in a folder in Outlook, but have no idea how to do a loop like that.
I'm afraid I don't see how any of those will strip out the email addresses only.
Well, one thing at a time. Do you have the loop set up so that you have each file one at a time? Once you have the file, then you have to figure out the appropriate way to open them. Are they txt files or something else?
I don't know how to set up the loop, or where, sorry, not very technical.
ok, refer back to my post #4 - that should get you plenty of examples to work from. If you get stuck, post back with a specific question and someone will try to help you.
Ok, I don't understand where to put the code. Do I just open windows and stick it on the desktop and then how do I run it?
I didn't realize you hadn't done any programming before. This might not be the greatest first task, as it is a little complex. If you decide to forge ahead, you will need to put your code (procedures) in a module. You can run them by calling the procedures from an event, like an on click event on a button, or in the immediate window.
Ah, thanks so much for the help. I think you may be right that I am being hugely overoptimistic in my own ability here. I think I will have to find someone to do it for me. Thank you anyway for helping out so much.
Its good to know your own limits :)
Maybe you have a smaller, easier task that you could begin learning with.

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