Solved Help to build a treeview


Local time
Today, 14:02
Aug 3, 2019
Bom dia.
Primeiramente peço desculpas pela linguagem.
Como alguns de vocês sabem, sou médico e estou tentando desenvolver um APP em MS access para o meu dia a dia.
Existem duas classificações em nosso meio, que são:
1) a Classificação Internacional de Doenças versão 11 ( Adoption).
2) A Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade (
Ambos da OMS.

Eu precisava de um exemplo onde pudesse ver e aprender como usá-los no modo treeview.
Acho que assim poderia escolher os campos relacionados e salvar em uma tabela.
No entanto, gostaria, se possível, de não precisar de elementos de acesso não MS.

Existe alguma chance ou caminho?
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One of the links in the Similar threads below might help give you something you could use or learn from.
However, I would like, if possible, not to need non-MS access elements
You need to review that thread from the beginning. In there it discussed the ActiveX Tree View control and another MS Forms native Tree View control.
The treeview helper class I built allows you to load a tree view from a query in a single line of code. You have to make the query in a very specific manner, but you can build a tree view in a couple of minutes if you follow the instructions.
I'll have lunch and start later.
I will inform you of the progress with the file.
What are you exactly trying to do? On the ICD site there is a full API so you should be able to pull all the data in a non editable format.


From the web page
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Let's go by group.
1) ICD 11 - I would like to have the complete classification in the application, in order to allow the choice of pathology for each patient.
a) João - fracture of the radius + ulna + femur.
b) Maria - appendicitis
c) Carlos - measles
Recording their pathologies for patients.

2) ICF - each pathology has a classification, where when choosing, for example:
a) João - fracture of the radius + ulna + femur.
We inform you of the consequence of this pathology in relation to a possible limitation.
We add to that choice one or two subtype classifications.

Would it be this.

That's why I thought of the treeviews I've seen around here, where they show the products, and I thought of "adapting" something for that.
Let's go by group.
1) ICD 11 - I would like to have the complete classification in the application, in order to allow the choice of pathology for each patient.
a) João - fracture of the radius + ulna + femur.
b) Maria - appendicitis
c) Carlos - measles
Recording their pathologies for patients.

2) ICF - It has an internal division in it.
Divide by subjects.
Where each subject has its chapters and levels.
Where at the end we apply an increase of this classification, which depending on the initial division, in some one increase and others two, one followed by the other.

So you can understand -

Patient João fractured his forearm.
Subject: 1) Structure of the body - we navigate to the last level that exists related to the existing disease and we increase it.
2) Functions of the body - Same.
3) Activities - ditto
4) Environmental factors - ditto

So in the end we have that João has X events related to his arm fracture.

Would it be this.

I attached here, in my language (Portuguese - Brazil) two tables (ICD V. 10 + old ICF).

As for creating an API to look for this in the OMS, it's beyond my knowledge.

That's why I thought of the treeviews I've seen around here, where they show the products, and I thought of "adapting" something for that.

But thanks for the tips.
I'm trying here.



This would be what you provided the sample.
But I have no idea how to create this API and show it in any patient's record.
where do I start this learning curve please.
se você estiver tendo problemas para expressar sua pergunta em inglês, tente o Google Tradutor. Acho excelente, mesmo traduzindo questões específicas de banco de dados.
if you are are having trouble expressing your question in English try Google Translate. I find it is excellent, even translating specific database issues.

that would be what he demonstrated in message n. 6.

But I have no idea how to create this API and show it the way you did, let alone how to use this API to save a patient's medical record.

The way you did it seems simple to me, but it's not for me.
I'll have to go back to the books.

How do I start this learning curve please.
Você quer esta tabela em um TreeView? Posso fazer isso facilmente, mas preciso fazer algumas consultas para colocar os dados no formulário que sugeri

Do you want this table in a TreeView? I can do that easily, but have to do a few queries to get the data into the form I suggested.

Tbl_ICD10 Tbl_ICD10

A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA00 Colera
A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA00.0 Colera dev Vibrio cholerae 01 biot cholerae
A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA00.1 Colera dev Vibrio cholerae 01 biot El Tor
A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA00.9 Colera NE
A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA01 Febres tifoide e paratifoide
A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA01.0 Febre tifoide
A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA01.1 Febre paratifoide A
A00-B99- Capítulo I - Algumas doenças infecciosas e parasitáriasA01.2 Febre paratifoide B
Subject: 1) Structure of the body - we navigate to the last level that exists related to the existing disease and we increase it.
2) Functions of the body - Same.
3) Activities - ditto
4) Environmental factors - ditt

Se eu entendi corretamente. Depois de escolher um valor do TreeView no nível mais baixo da ramificação, você deseja atribuir dados adicionais a isso. Se estiver correto, você armazenaria a chave primária da tabela ICD após selecionar um valor da árvore.

If I understand correctly. Once you pick a value from the TreeView at the lowest level of the branch, you then want to assign additional data to this. If that is correct you would store the primary key from the ICD table after selecting a value from the tree.
Essa demonstração não era a API, mas algo que acabei de fazer no Access. A API permitiria que um aplicativo extraísse os dados ICD atuais da Web para que você não precisasse obtê-los. De acordo com o site, eles não suportam mais uma versão XML para download. Presumo que seus dados vieram de um download XML mais antigo? Ou onde você conseguiu os dados em seu banco de dados?

That demo was not the API but something I just did in Access. The API would allow an application to pull the current ICD data from the web so you do not have to get it from a download. According to the web site they no longer support an XML version to download. I assume you data came from an older XML download? Or where did you get the data in your database?
Yes to ICF.
Not for Cid 11.
We used ICD 11 to adopt a universal language for all of us in health.
And from CID 11 onwards, we implemented the ICF.
Therefore, for ICD 11, it suffices to state that the patient João has pathologies A, B, C and D.
And based on these, we fill in The ICF, within what it proposes.
Essa demonstração não era a API, mas algo que acabei de fazer no Access. A API permitiria que um aplicativo extraísse os dados ICD atuais da Web para que você não precisasse obtê-los. De acordo com o site, eles não suportam mais uma versão XML para download. Presumo que seus dados vieram de um download XML mais antigo? Ou onde você conseguiu os dados em seu banco de dados?

That demo was not the API but something I just did in Access. The API would allow an application to pull the current ICD data from the web so you do not have to get it from a download. According to the web site they no longer support an XML version to download. I assume you data came from an older XML download? Or where did you get the data in your database?
A while ago I copied everything and threw it into an excel spreadsheet.
Where I mounted and then exported to access.
It was in the hand.
But if I have to do it again...
there are no problems. Here we say it's smooth, peaceful.
You want this table put in a tree view? Such as
Você quer que esta tabela seja colocada em uma visualização em árvore? Como


Estrutura CorpoCapítulo 1 Estruturas do sistema nervosos110*Estrutura do cérebros1100*Estrutura dolobocorticaiss11000*Lobo frontal
Estrutura CorpoCapítulo 1 Estruturas do sistema nervosos110*Estrutura do cérebros1100*Estrutura dolobocorticaiss11001*Lobo temporal
Estrutura CorpoCapítulo 1 Estruturas do sistema nervosos110*Estrutura do cérebros1100*Estrutura dolobocorticaiss11002*Lobo parietal
Estrutura Corpo
-Capítulo 1 Estruturas do sistema nervoso
--s110*Estrutura do cérebro
----s1100*Estrutura dolobocorticais
------s11000*Lobo frontal
------s11001*Lobo temporal
------s11002*Lobo parieta
Browsing the WHO ( I found this spreadsheet, attached, which might help. How could it matter? Any tips? Note: I only attached the spreadsheet and not the text file (16mb) of the attachment.

Em português Br -
Navegando pela OMS ( encontrei essa planilha, em anexo, que talvez ajude.
Como poderia importar isso? Alguma dica?
Obs: Só anexei a planilha e não o arquivo texto (16mb) do anexo.


Is this the correct data for the Tree view. This format would be much easier to import. Columns E and F?
Certain infectious or parasitic diseaseschapter
- Gastroenteritis or colitis of infectious originblock
- - Bacterial intestinal infectionsblock
- - - Choleracategory
- - - Intestinal infection due to other Vibriocategory
- - - Intestinal infections due to Shigellacategory
- - - Intestinal infections due to Escherichia colicategory
- - - - Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infectioncategory
- - - - Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infectioncategory
- - - - Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli infectioncategory
- - - - Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infectioncategory
- - - - Intestinal infections due to other specified Escherichia colicategory
- - - - Intestinal infections due to Escherichia coli, unspecifiedcategory
- - - Intestinal infections due to Clostridioides difficilecategory
- - - Intestinal infections due to Yersinia enterocoliticacategory
- - - Gastroenteritis due to Campylobactercategory
- - - Typhoid fevercategory
- - - - Typhoid peritonitiscategory
- - - - Other specified typhoid fevercategory
- - - - Typhoid fever, unspecifiedcategory
- - - Paratyphoid fevercategory
- - - Infections due to other Salmonellacategory
- - - - Salmonella enteritiscategory
- - - - Infections due to other Salmonella in other organscategory
- - - - Salmonella infection, unspecifiedcategory
- - - Other specified bacterial intestinal infectionscategory
- - - Bacterial intestinal infections, unspecifiedcategory

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