Help with Table Relinker Code


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:39
Jul 2, 2013
Hi All,

I found the below code a very long time ago (years i think) and implemented it and it works perfectly. I recently had to add a password to my back end and so now this is causing problems with this code. Is there a way i can hardcode that password somewhere in the below. Where?

I'm a novice so please be gentle. Thanks:

' Copyright 1996-2009 J Street Technology, Inc.
' This code may be used and distributed as part of your application
' provided that all comments remain intact.
' J Street Technology offers this code "as is" and does not assume
' any liability for bugs or problems with any of the code. In
' addition, we do not provide free technical support for this code.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Revised Type Declare for compatability with NT
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As Long
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
Flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" _
Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (OPENFILENAME As tagOPENFILENAME) As Long

Private Sub HandleError(strLoc As String, strError As String, intError As Integer)
MsgBox strLoc & ": " & strError & " (" & intError & ")", 16, "CheckTableLinks"
End Sub

Private Function TableLinkOkay(strTableName As String) As Boolean
'Function accepts a table name and tests first to determine if linked
'table, then tests link by performing refresh link.
'Error causes TableLinkOkay = False, else TableLinkOkay = True
Dim CurDB As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim strFieldName As String
On Error GoTo TableLinkOkayError
Set CurDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set tdf = CurDB.TableDefs(strTableName)
TableLinkOkay = True
If tdf.Connect <> "" Then
strFieldName = tdf.Fields(0).Name 'Do not test if nonlinked table
End If
TableLinkOkay = True
Exit Function
TableLinkOkay = False
GoTo TableLinkOkayExit
End Function

Private Function Relink(tdf As TableDef) As Boolean
'Function accepts a tabledef and tests first to determine if linked
'table, then links table by performing refresh link.
'Error causes Relink = False, else Relink = True
On Error GoTo RelinkError
Relink = True
If tdf.Connect <> "" Then
tdf.RefreshLink 'Do not test if local or system table
End If
Relink = True
Exit Function
Relink = False
GoTo RelinkExit
End Function

Private Sub RelinkTables(strCurConnectProp As String, intResultcode As Integer)
'This subroutine accepts a table connect property and displays a dialog to allow
'modification of table links. Routine verifies link for each modification.
'intResultcode = 0 if cancel ocx or no link change, 1 if new links OK, and
'2 if link check fails.

Dim CurDB As Database
Dim NewDB As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strDefExt As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFileTitle As String
Dim APIResults As Long
Dim intSlashLoc As Integer
Dim intConnectCharCt As Integer
Dim strDBName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strNewConnectProp As String
Dim intNumTables As Integer
Dim intTableIndex As Integer
Dim strTableName As String
Dim strSaveCurConnectProp As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim varReturnVal
Dim strAccExt As String


On Error GoTo RelinkTablesError

'Returned by GetOpenFileName
'Revised to handle to the Win32 structure
'strFileName = Space$(256)
'strFileTitle = Space$(256)
strFileName = String(256, 0)
strFileTitle = String(256, 0)

Set CurDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
strSaveCurConnectProp = strCurConnectProp

'Parse table connect property to get data base name
intSlashLoc = 1
intConnectCharCt = Len(strCurConnectProp)
Do Until InStr(intSlashLoc, strCurConnectProp, "\") = 0
intSlashLoc = InStr(intSlashLoc, strCurConnectProp, "\") + 1
strDBName = Right$(strCurConnectProp, intConnectCharCt - intSlashLoc + 1)
strPath = Right$(strCurConnectProp, intConnectCharCt - 10)
strPath = Left$(strPath, intSlashLoc - 12)

'Set up display of dialog
'October 2009 - now handles Access 2007 formats ACCDB and ACCDE
strAccExt = "*.accdb; *.mdb; *.mda; *.accda; *.mde; *.accde"
strFilter = "Microsoft Office Access (" & strAccExt & ")" & Chr$(0) & strAccExt & Chr$(0) & _
"All Files (*.*)" & Chr$(0) & "*.*" & _
Chr$(0) & Chr$(0)
strTitle = "Find new location of " & strDBName
strDefExt = "mdb"

'Revisions to handle to the Win32 structure
'See changes to type declare
.lStructSize = Len(OPENFILENAME)
.hwndOwner = Application.hWndAccessApp
.lpstrFilter = strFilter
.nFilterIndex = 1
.lpstrFile = strDBName & String(256 - Len(strDBName), 0)
.nMaxFile = Len(strFileName) - 1
.lpstrFileTitle = strFileTitle
.nMaxFileTitle = Len(strFileTitle) - 1
.lpstrTitle = strTitle
.lpstrDefExt = strDefExt
.hInstance = 0
.lpstrCustomFilter = 0
.nMaxCustFilter = 0
.lpstrInitialDir = strPath
.nFileOffset = 0
.nFileExtension = 0
.lCustData = 0
.lpfnHook = 0
.lpTemplateName = 0
End With
APIResults = GetOpenFileName(OPENFILENAME)
intResultcode = APIResults
If APIResults = 1 Then '1 if user selected file
strNewConnectProp = ";DATABASE=" & OPENFILENAME.lpstrFile
If Trim(strNewConnectProp) <> Trim(strSaveCurConnectProp) Then

'Open New Database and create New Connect Property
DoCmd.Hourglass True
Set NewDB = OpenDatabase(OPENFILENAME.lpstrFile, False, True)

'Set tables connect property to new connect & test
intNumTables = CurDB.TableDefs.Count
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Linking Database", intNumTables)
For intTableIndex = 0 To intNumTables - 1
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, intTableIndex)
Set tdf = CurDB.TableDefs(intTableIndex)
If tdf.Connect = strCurConnectProp Then
tdf.Connect = strNewConnectProp
strTableName = tdf.Name
If Not Relink(tdf) Then
'Link failed, restore previous connect property and generate msgs
tdf.Connect = strCurConnectProp
intResultcode = 2 'Link failed
strSaveCurConnectProp = Right(strSaveCurConnectProp, intConnectCharCt - 10)
strMsg = "Table: " & strTableName & " link failed using selected database." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Table is still linked to previous database path: " & strSaveCurConnectProp & "."
strTitle = "Failed Table Link"
MsgBox strMsg, 16, strTitle
End If
End If
Next intTableIndex
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
intResultcode = 0 'No change in Link
End If
End If

Exit Sub

HandleError "RelinkTables", Error, Err
Resume RelinkTablesExit
End Sub

Public Sub jstCheckTableLinks(CheckMode As String, LinksChanged As Boolean, LinksOK As Boolean, Optional CheckAppFolder As Boolean)
'CheckMode = "prompt", Subroutine queries operator for location of
' each database required by linked tables. Msgbox for each failed link
' and summary Msgbox on final link status (success or failure) if any
' links were changed. If no links changed, then no summary status.
'CheckMode = "full", Subroutine identifies invalid table links
' and queries operator for location of database(s) required to satisfy
' failed links. Msgbox for each failed link and summary Msgbox
' if link failures. No Msgbox appears if all links are valid.
'CheckMode = "quick", same as "full" except that only the first table for
' each linked database is checked. If the link is not valid, the user is
' is prompted for the location of the database and all tables in that
' database are relinked.
'CheckAppFolder = True, override linked table connections if the same database name
' exists in the application folder. If False or not specified, no override occurs.
'LinksChanged = true if at least one table link was changed.
' false if no links where changed.
'LinksOK = true if all links are OK upon subroutine exit.
' false if least one table link was not successful.

Dim CurDB As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim TableConnectPropBadArray() As String, intDBBadCount As Integer
Dim TableConnectPropChkArray() As String, intDBChkCount As Integer
Dim UniquePathArray() As Variant, intDBCount As Integer, intDBIndex As Integer, intDBOverrideIndex As Integer
Dim bOverride As Boolean
Dim bPathFound As Boolean
Dim strUniqueDBPath As String
Dim strFileSearch As String
Dim intTableIndex As Integer
Dim intNumTables As Integer
Dim strTableName As String
Dim strFieldName As String
Dim intBadIndex As Integer
Dim intChkIndex As Integer
Dim fFound As Integer
Dim fAllFound As Integer
Dim fLinkGood As Integer
Dim strCurConnectProp As String
Dim intResultcode As Integer
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim intNoLinksChanged As Integer
Dim varReturnVal As Variant

On Error GoTo CheckTableLinksError
DoCmd.Hourglass True
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Checking linked databases.")
Set CurDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)

'Get number of tables.
intNumTables = CurDB.TableDefs.Count
ReDim TableConnectPropBadArray(intNumTables) 'Set largest size
ReDim TableConnectPropChkArray(intNumTables) 'Set largest size
ReDim UniquePathArray(intNumTables, 1)

'If app configured to first check in applicaiton folder for linked databases
If CheckAppFolder = True Then
For intTableIndex = 0 To intNumTables - 1
Set tdf = CurDB.TableDefs(intTableIndex)
'If there is a connect string
If tdf.Connect & "" <> "" Then
bPathFound = False
'Loop through the array to check for pre-existence of database to preserve uniqueness of db paths
For intDBIndex = 0 To (intNumTables - 1)
If tdf.Connect = UniquePathArray(intTableIndex, 0) Then
bPathFound = True
Exit For
End If

'If the path was not found in the array, add it to the unique array of paths.
If bPathFound = False Then
UniquePathArray(intDBCount, 1) = 0
UniquePathArray(intDBCount, 0) = tdf.Connect
intDBCount = intDBCount + 1
End If
End If

'Loop through all databases in array; set Override 'flag'(second column of array)
For intDBIndex = 0 To intDBCount
strUniqueDBPath = UniquePathArray(intDBIndex, 0)
UniquePathArray(intDBIndex, 1) = ExistsInAppFolder(strUniqueDBPath)

End If

'Set up Array of Databases (all if forcelink is true, failed links if
' forcelink is false) (local and system tables will pass test).
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Checking linked databases.", intNumTables)
LinksOK = True 'Assume success
For intTableIndex = 0 To intNumTables - 1
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, intTableIndex)
Set tdf = CurDB.TableDefs(intTableIndex)
fFound = False

If Left(tdf.Connect, 4) <> "odbc" Then 'skip all ODBC linked tables

strCurConnectProp = tdf.Connect

If CheckAppFolder = True Then
bOverride = False
For intDBOverrideIndex = 0 To intDBCount
If tdf.Connect & "" <> "" And tdf.Connect = UniquePathArray(intDBOverrideIndex, 0) And UniquePathArray(intDBOverrideIndex, 1) = True Then
bOverride = True
strFileSearch = UniquePathArray(intDBOverrideIndex, 0)
tdf.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & PathOnly(CurDB.Name) & FileOnly(strFileSearch)
Exit For
End If

End If

If bOverride = True Then
If Not Relink(tdf) Then
'Link failed, restore previous connect property and generate msgs
tdf.Connect = strCurConnectProp
'intResultcode = 2 'Link failed
strMsg = "Application Folder Table: " & tdf.Name & " link failed." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The current path for this linked table is: " & strCurConnectProp & "."
strTitle = "Failed Table Link"
MsgBox strMsg, 16, strTitle
End If
Else ' regular table, not overridden

Select Case CheckMode
Case "prompt"
' put each connect string into the Bad array to force prompting later
For intBadIndex = 0 To intDBBadCount
If tdf.Connect = TableConnectPropBadArray(intBadIndex) Then
fFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next intBadIndex
If Not fFound Then
TableConnectPropBadArray(intDBBadCount) = tdf.Connect
intDBBadCount = intDBBadCount + 1
End If

Case "full"
' check each link, and put each bad connect string into
' the Bad array to prompt later
For intBadIndex = 0 To intDBBadCount
If tdf.Connect = TableConnectPropBadArray(intBadIndex) Then
fFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next intBadIndex
If Not fFound Then
If Not TableLinkOkay(tdf.Name) Then
TableConnectPropBadArray(intDBBadCount) = tdf.Connect
intDBBadCount = intDBBadCount + 1
LinksOK = False
End If
End If

Case "quick"
' for each link, see if it has already been checked.
' if it hasn't, add it to the checked array,
' and check it. If the link is bad, add it to the bad array to prompt later.
For intChkIndex = 0 To intDBChkCount
If tdf.Connect = TableConnectPropChkArray(intChkIndex) Then
fFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next intChkIndex
If Not fFound Then
TableConnectPropChkArray(intDBChkCount) = tdf.Connect
intDBChkCount = intDBChkCount + 1
If Not TableLinkOkay(tdf.Name) Then
TableConnectPropBadArray(intDBBadCount) = tdf.Connect
intDBBadCount = intDBBadCount + 1
LinksOK = False
End If
End If

Case Else
MsgBox "CheckMode parameter """ & CheckMode & """ is not valid. It must be ""prompt"", ""full"" or ""quick"".", vbCritical + vbOKOnly
LinksChanged = False
GoTo CheckTableLinksExit

End Select
End If ' overridden table
End If ' not an ODBC table

Next intTableIndex
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)

'Prompt user to locate each database in TableConnectPropBadArray.
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Linking databases.")
fAllFound = True 'Assume success in relinking all tables.
intNoLinksChanged = 0 'Avoid successful message if no links were changed.
For intBadIndex = 0 To intDBBadCount - 1
strCurConnectProp = TableConnectPropBadArray(intBadIndex)
RelinkTables strCurConnectProp, intResultcode
intNoLinksChanged = intNoLinksChanged + intResultcode
If CheckMode = "prompt" Then
If intResultcode = 2 Then fAllFound = False 'Failed relink.
If Not intResultcode = 1 Then fAllFound = False
End If
Next intBadIndex

'Display summary messages based upon forcelink value
strTitle = "Database Links"
If fAllFound = False Then
strMsg = "One or more database tables may not be correctly linked."
MsgBox strMsg, 16, strTitle
LinksOK = False
If CheckMode = "prompt" And intNoLinksChanged <> 0 Then
strMsg = "All databases were linked successfully."
MsgBox strMsg, 0, strTitle
End If
If CheckMode <> "prompt" Then LinksOK = True
End If

'Setup links changed flag.
If intNoLinksChanged = 0 Then
LinksChanged = False
LinksChanged = True
End If

DoCmd.Hourglass False
varReturnVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
Exit Sub
HandleError "CheckTableLinks", Error, Err
Resume CheckTableLinksExit
End Sub

Public Function jstCheckTableLinks_Prompt()
'prompt for new database locations of linked tables
jstCheckTableLinks CheckMode:="prompt", LinksChanged:=False, LinksOK:=False, CheckAppFolder:=False
End Function

Public Function jstCheckTableLinks_Full()
'check linked tables
jstCheckTableLinks CheckMode:="full", LinksChanged:=False, LinksOK:=False, CheckAppFolder:=False
End Function

Public Function jstCheckTableLinks_Quick()
'check linked tables, only the first per database
jstCheckTableLinks CheckMode:="quick", LinksChanged:=False, LinksOK:=False, CheckAppFolder:=False
End Function

Private Function ExistsInAppFolder(strPath As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_ExistsInAppFolder

Dim db As Database
Dim i As Integer
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim strDBName As String
Dim strAppPath As String
Dim strCurrPath As String

ExistsInAppFolder = False

Set db = CurrentDb

strDBName = FileOnly(strPath)
strCurrPath = PathOnly(db.Name)

If FileExists(strCurrPath & strDBName) Then
ExistsInAppFolder = True
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

ExistsInAppFolder = False
Resume Exit_ExistsInAppFolder
End Function

Private Function FileExists(Path As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_FileExists

Dim varRet As Variant

If IsNull(Path) Then
FileExists = False
Exit Function
End If

varRet = Dir(Path)

If Not IsNull(varRet) And varRet <> "" Then
FileExists = True
FileExists = False
End If

Exit Function

FileExists = False
Resume Exit_FileExists

End Function

Private Function FileOnly(WholePath As Variant) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_FileOnly

Dim FileOnlyPos

If IsNull(WholePath) Then
FileOnly = Null
Exit Function
End If

FileOnlyPos = InStrRight(WholePath, "\") + 1

FileOnly = Mid(WholePath, FileOnlyPos)

Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_FileOnly
End Function

Private Function PathOnly(WholePath As Variant) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_PathOnly

Dim FileOnlyPos

If IsNull(WholePath) Then
PathOnly = Null
Exit Function
End If

FileOnlyPos = InStrRight(WholePath, "\") + 1

PathOnly = Left(WholePath, FileOnlyPos - 1)

Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_PathOnly
End Function

Private Function InStrRight(SearchString As Variant, soughtString As Variant) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_InStrRight
Dim SoughtLen As Integer
Dim Found As Integer
Dim Pos As Integer

If IsNull(SearchString) Or IsNull(soughtString) Then
InStrRight = Null
Exit Function
End If

If SearchString = "" Or soughtString = "" Then
InStrRight = 0
Exit Function
End If

SoughtLen = Len(soughtString)
Found = False
Pos = Len(SearchString) - SoughtLen + 1

Do While Pos > 0 And Not Found
If Mid(SearchString, Pos, SoughtLen) = soughtString Then
Found = True
Pos = Pos - 1
End If

InStrRight = Pos
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_InStrRight
End Function
Please use code tags when posting code (

I'm not even going to try to decipher all that code, but basically what you are looking for is when you build your connection string to the new backend you add "Password=MyDbPassword" to the end of the connection.

This site has more information on it.

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