Solved How to Create Tile-Style Buttons on MS Access Forms? (1 Viewer)

I'm getting confused by this thread. For a button to use external images with a caption, you would set the following properties:
1. Picture Type: Linked
2. Picture: browse for the image
3. Picture Caption Arrangement: Anything except the "No picture caption"
4. Caption: Your caption
5. Theme: Yes
6. Align: anything

Why are you guys saying you have to import it?
not portable and prone for deletion of the images.
What do you mean not portable and prone for deletion of the images? Mind elaborating with some examples? I'm attaching a sample database with linked images.

I added some simple code so that the path is always reset on load. I may not be considering your scenarios.


what i mean is when you distribute the db, the images are prone for deletion
on the client side.
when you distribute the db, the images are prone for deletion
on the client side.
If they have direct access to the guts of the app, yes. But I've always distributed the apps with linked images via a self extracting executable that installs itself in a folder that users typically don't go to. My choices are always %HOMEDRIVE% and %USERPROFILE%

Other programs also also use their folder in %PROGRAMFILES% for that.
I have two ideas for using images on buttons:

1. Use Unicode symbols: Visit this site for a variety of Unicode images you can copy and paste directly into the button caption:
<<Note:I can't submit the link due to site regulations. Instead, you can search Google for "unicode symbols list" >>

2. Use the Character Map in Windows: Open Character Map and explore fonts like Webdings, Wingdings, Wingdings 2, and Wingdings 3 to find suitable symbols.
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You can put the images in the photo gallery so they stay with the database. You probably don't have so many that they will cause bloat. This allows you to reuse the same image on multiple forms so it is better than embedding the image on a form.
I used the version Arnel uploaded and swapped out the command buttons for image controls in the navigation subform. I managed to find the appropriate icons for the movements, but the Access "new record" icon wasn't available, so I stuck with the plus sign.

It incorporates a couple of techniques to guide navigation choices.


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