I am put out!

What is it that has you in a tizzie? Maybe he simple logged out and hasn't seen your latest reply?

Personally, I'd shrug it off.
You were wonderful though.
I wouldn't worry about it, as they say you can lead a horse to water, and in any case after a while no response or even the punter taking the wrong course becomes water off a ducks back;)
I suggest a spell in the 'cooler for this ungrateful heathen. The lions need some fresh meat :p
Ahh, don't worry about it. Besides your Uncle Gizmo. That is all that should be said. ;) :D

and yes, a stent in the 'cooler would do 'em some good. Rich, Col, J, Ken, Tess, Kraj, dan and the rest of the montley crew needs some fresh meat.

Perhaps send in the squirels. *shivers*
Got an Attitude.....

I must thank you all for your comments, you made me laugh and that cheered me up no end!

This isn't the first time I've been bemused by the way a thread has progressed. So I wonder sometimes if my personal posting style causes it! I think maybe I need to be a little bit firmer a little less pussyfooting around.

I have noticed that it seems to be happening more and more though. I can't put my finger on what it is, it is not disrespect, it is not ungratefulness, it's not familiararity, it's more of a casualness, it's more like selfishness, in a way mildly abusive.

I've seen the like on other forums, these are not forums where you ask questions, they are forums where you discuss business and political topics. So some people's feelings can be quite strong. I think I've got it now, I suppose the best description is "attitude" .

Have you noticed? Do you think people's attitude on the web has changed? I have noticed a change, some of the politeness, or probably more correctly the etiquette has gone. Is this because there are such a wide variety of cultures using the Internet? Is it because more and more people are communicating, so more and more people are assuming an "I am equal to you" or even "I am better than you" attitude?

What are your thoughts on this?
What happened? Did he do something different than what you suggested, continued to have problems and continued to pose more questions? If that's what happened, if they refuse to listen after a couple attempts, write them off as a 375 and move on... :)

Edit: Ok.... What ever I did to get the ignore list treatment from UncleGiz I'm sorry... :o
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Hey Uncle Gizmo. Read the thread and think you did a great job. I never did figure out what he/she was on about. Know it's wrong to catagorize but at 1% of your post count I figure he /she was groping in the dark anyway.

There are an awful number of "newbies" about at the moment. Seems like school project deadlines are getting closer.

Sometimes I find it very difficult to pitch assistance at the right level. You know what they should do but the tone of their question tells you that they could be very easily blown out of the water by a correct response. So maybe you offer a solution pitched at their level plus a little bit and see how it is handled.

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
You also get some real dumb assed questions. I sometimes feel like saying, Buddy if you need to ask that then you are in more trouble than you would ever believe.

So you offered good sound advice, if the silly bugger doesn't realise that then that is his/her problem. Dumb assed comments like "1 line missing" setting a combo to null on form open indicates that they know a great deal less than they realise.

Keep going the way you are, those that listen and learn will appreciate, the others... well they will not last the day out

KenHigg said:
What ever I did to get the ignore list treatment from UncleGiz

lol............. I'm not deliberately ignoring you Ken, I welcome everyone's views, this communication medium Is changing in a way which I am trying to come to terms with.

I think it has grown up in the last couple of years, there is a different style appearing, I don't know if I will take to it, except it. As you pointed out there was Mike 375, or was it 365? Seemed like a year of him however you look at it! Then there was the young lad that posted everything in the new TXT mobile phone language! That was funny ! He didn't like it when we started talking to him back in his own language! ....lol.........

Anyway, we are all here doing this, "communicating" it is new! It is history, someone one day we'll look back and say this happened then! They may ask why did the language change just here? Not necessarily the language, maybe something more subtle than that.

I don't know , maybe I am seeing something that isn't really there!
Uncle Gizmo said:
This isn't the first time I've been bemused by the way a thread has progressed. So I wonder sometimes if my personal posting style causes it! I think maybe I need to be a little bit firmer a little less pussyfooting around.

I have noticed that it seems to be happening more and more though. I can't put my finger on what it is, it is not disrespect, it is not ungratefulness, it's not familiararity, it's more of a casualness, it's more like selfishness, in a way mildly abusive.

I figure it’s a case of sensitivity. I do second your feelings in that way that the more response you give to someone’s question, the more they ask from you. Some posters simply want you to do their homework and walk away with with everything they get
without any gratitude. Others don’t seem to understand your suggestion and the 3rd category are those from the moon.
The other day I experienced that helping someone may be a real burden and I thought that came from insufficient control of the English language, but realized that the poster simply nabbed the posted test Db and never returned back to the forum.

Do you think people's attitude on the web has changed….. because there are such a wide variety of cultures using the Internet?

It certainly has changed, but not only on the internet.
Don't worry about it Unc.

I think we've all had problems of some kind with new (ish) posters, who seem unable to phrase questions properly.
If they indicate they are from a non-English speaking country, I try very hard to understand what they mean. If they are a UK schoolkid then I treat them differently. Its well known that the attitude of youngsters is appalling and I refuse to help (English speaking) people if they have a stroppy or inapropriate "netiquette" - we do try to uphold the bounds of decency and respect.

I know we rib each other in the 'cooler just for fun but its never carried to the forum - we (I hope) respect each others comments and would never disrespect another forum members help. Its usually "in addition to xxx's comment, another method may be. . . " etc.

Our "family" of regular posters contains a huge wealth of knowledge and I know we will all help another if they should be "attacked" by a Mike375 for example. As Selena says, its nice to get some fresh meat every now and then:)

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Uncle Gizmo said:
So I wonder sometimes if my personal posting style causes it! I think maybe I need to be a little bit firmer a little less pussyfooting around.

Nah... Your posts were good and the info they carried may help someone else down the line.

Uncle Gizmo said:
...Is it because more and more people are communicating, so more and more people are assuming an "I am equal to you" or even "I am better than you" attitude? What are your thoughts on this?

I think there's a bit of pride and insecurity to take into account -- people want help but they don't want to feel stupid; the more pride, the greater the self consciousness. The greater the self consciousness, the less manners, though some people seem to have no manners at all, in all cases. So it goes.

pono1 said:
Nah... Your posts were good and the info they carried may help someone else down the line.

I think there's a bit of pride and insecurity to take into account -- people want help but they don't want to feel stupid; the more pride, the greater the self consciousness. The greater the self consciousness, the less manners, though some people seem to have no manners at all, in all cases. So it goes.


Yes, but also look at the age group of the mannerless post. They are usually 25 or under. The younger crowd has the same manners in real life. They feel that life should be handed to them. They live in the now, and expect everything now. It simply shows the generation gap.

However, there are some very mature youngins'. Look at Kraj and Matty. To me they are much older than their years.
selenau837 said:
However, there are some very mature youngins'. Look at Kraj and Matty. To me they are much older than their years.

Then there are some very immature youngins' just look at Rich... :eek: :p
selenau837 said:
I mean look at the warm reception you gave Matty and Dan....;)

Hold on a minute, me and Rich are close but not that close ...:mad: :p
dan-cat said:
Then there are some very immature youngins' just look at Rich... :eek: :p

Well, he is 21 after all, however he does posses the wisdom of a 50 + older gentleman. :p

dan-cat said:
Hold on a minute, me and Rich are close but not that close ...
I know doll, but I was just mentioning the warm reception you recieved by him and the group.
selenau837 said:
Yes, but also look at the age group of the mannerless post. They are usually 25 or under. The younger crowd has the same manners in real life. They feel that life should be handed to them. They live in the now, and expect everything now. It simply shows the generation gap.

I've met plenty of rude people who are over 25... Also, how can you be sure of anyone's age here?


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