Think about how Google, et al control information. Then consider that the primary source of information starts with Google. So, not only do the authors of the code have a Socialist leaning, all conservative views are hidden as deeply as possible. It's not like Google deletes the stuff you are not allowed to see, it is that Google buries it so far down the list that you never actually find it.
It's not totally the fault of the search engines although they tag all sites so that they know their political leaning (I'm sure this forum is seriously affecting this forum's social ranking negatively), it is also the use of confirmation bias. The more you click on stories or "like" anything, the more you are fed "similar" stories or stories with a similar bent. Click on one negative Trump headline and you'll never see a positive one again. Because of the coronation, I'm being inundated with British Royals stories because I clicked on a few to see photos and videos of the event.
I can't even have a "news" feed because I can't find one that will give me actual news of the world. I can get political "news" or Royals "news" but there is no such thing as balanced news like you used to get on TV at 6 and 11 or in the NYT or Hartford Current or WSJ. The WSJ was my last news paper but i can't even read it any more. Every article is now opinion. I don't care what the writer's Opinion is. I want the NEWS. Who, what, where, when, sometimes why but that usually comes much later. I don't want to read a "news" article filled with purple words and innuendo leaving me no doubt as to how the writer "feels" about the subject.
Just yesterday I was marvelling at the difference in coverage of that story about a large mob of teenagers who beat up some marines.
So fox news covered it pretty accurately IMO, it seems that yes there was a beginning altercation, and a beginning asking of the teens to leave by the marines, and then there was a one-sided beating with the marines curled on the ground and 40 teens stomping them. Pretty cut and dried..
Then I go to nbc news just for sh*ts and giggles. The way they cover it is TOTALLY DIFFERENT - I mean, Totally. They basically say nothing more than, there was a Fight between some marines and some teenagers. (as if it were even - and definitely hoping you believe that these marines were some kind of toxically masculine macho bravados who were fighting a teenager). Really unbelievable.
But the proof is in the pudding. I notice the Sheriff is not confused about what really happened like MSM is. Although the marines involved requested nothing, including medical attention, law enforcement vowed to make sure they figured out who to arrest for the stomping, and already have.
But really interesting how deceptive and false the main media reporting is. You can see it everywhere, in almost every article. It's not usually blatantly false information, it's just partial pictures meant to support a certain side. Partial pictures painted for you - over and over and over.
The idea of out of control, undisciplined teenagers running wild through cities is something conservatives usually point out. Liberals for example won't mention that Adam Toledo was running from a crime and had a gun in his hand and was starting to turn around WITH the gun when he was shot - they'll just mention that a 12 year old was shot by a police officer and hope you fill in the rest.
It amazes me how dumb and gullible most of the population is to go along with the deceptive, half-painted pictures. Then again, I wasn't far off from that myself until I started examining and comparing news stories.
And from the impression AWF interactions have given me (which hopefully aren't broadly true), it seems that Europeans and people from other countries generally open wide and swallow that partially-painted MSM picture, thus concluding that Republicans are some kind of crazies. Really it is the opposite, it is crazy to continually describe only half of something and then consider yourself discerning.