Interview Help


Can still see y'all......
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Yesterday, 23:13
Aug 26, 2005
Hey fellow forum memebers.

I've an interview next week for an entry level programmer position. It is programming in COBOL, JCL, APS, DB2/IMS, and TSO. They train you in the itmes listed to the side. Once you pass the training classes you are then placed in the IS department.

So, my question is: I've never been on an interview for a IS type position. What kind of questions do they ask, etc.

Any advice and help would be wonderful.

Wish me luck
WOW, I havn't seen those languares since, well 93 last time I used them.
Not sure about a entry level programmer position. If they are training you kind of hard to ask questions about those. DB2 is a relational DB that uses SQL. I am sure it has changed since 93, but if you have delt with relationalship DB's you have the basis. COBOL, is so different than any other language, but so easy to learn since it is pretty much english based. JCL is a cryptic, job language. Thank god there are really only about 10 commands you need to know.
IMS is the transaction processor, rather old fashion, integrates with COBOL and in some shops TSO.
TSO is basically their computer interface for people. It is an editor, programming language, Email (sometimes), system monitor, depending on the functionality they give it and give you.
Best thing is to be as relaxed as possible, just think through the question asked as most are pretty common sense stuff.
In order to apply for this position, you have to have at least 6 months of programming experience in any language.

I'm guessing they are going to test my logical skills, and ask me the basics of programming, like Encapsulation...etc.
Well, hopefully with your VB/VBA with your Access stuff plus your schooling (that is what you are going to school for, isnt it?) you'll have more than the minimum requirements for the position. If they are going to train you then I'm sure that you'll have no problems.

As far as the interview process goes, my first techie job out of school was for a very small company (about 30-40 people) and I wasn't even hired to do the techie stuff. It was a few years ago after the downfall of the airlines and the telecommunications companies and Williams and WorldCom here in Tulsa had just laid off a whole slew of employees. Needless to say, the market was flooded with unemployed IT people here for a while. One job I applied for had over 900 applicants for a single position so I didn't have a chance. I got that job and after about a month they found out I had my B.S. in Computer Science and about 2 weeks after that they slid me into that position because they weren't happy with who they had. So I didn't have to do a technical interview for that one. When I interviewed for my current job, I did have to answer questions about my previous experience and what kinds of things I had done, what kinds of systems I had worked on, etc. My first job in here though (I've already moved to a more programming related job) was a desktop support-type position though so I had to answer more questions about that type of stuff than anything. If I were you I would just try to be as prepared as I could be, knowing that they may test your logic and your programming knowledge. I would be prepared to answer some questions about stuff you've already done and what kinds of problems you've solved with your programming skills in the past. Hope this helps, but I don't know if it will.
MrsGorilla said:
Well, hopefully with your VB/VBA with your Access stuff plus your schooling (that is what you are going to school for, isnt it?) you'll have more than the minimum requirements for the position. If they are going to train you then I'm sure that you'll have no problems.

As far as the interview process goes, my first techie job out of school was for a very small company (about 30-40 people) and I wasn't even hired to do the techie stuff. It was a few years ago after the downfall of the airlines and the telecommunications companies and Williams and WorldCom here in Tulsa had just laid off a whole slew of employees. Needless to say, the market was flooded with unemployed IT people here for a while. One job I applied for had over 900 applicants for a single position so I didn't have a chance. I got that job and after about a month they found out I had my B.S. in Computer Science and about 2 weeks after that they slid me into that position because they weren't happy with who they had. So I didn't have to do a technical interview for that one. When I interviewed for my current job, I did have to answer questions about my previous experience and what kinds of things I had done, what kinds of systems I had worked on, etc. My first job in here though (I've already moved to a more programming related job) was a desktop support-type position though so I had to answer more questions about that type of stuff than anything. If I were you I would just try to be as prepared as I could be, knowing that they may test your logic and your programming knowledge. I would be prepared to answer some questions about stuff you've already done and what kinds of problems you've solved with your programming skills in the past. Hope this helps, but I don't know if it will.

Yes, I'm going to school to be a DBA, but I see this is a foot in the door. Getting my foot in the door should help me progress to the database department. Currently, it is a small department and people rarely leave, but I can keep my fingers crossed.

Yes, I'm currently reviewing over my Intro to programming notes. Stuff like 'What kind of error is the hardest to detect', Logicial. That is becuase you don't always know it is an error until the program doesn't give you the info you were expecting.
Stuff like the Software development cycle: Planning, Coding, testing and debugging. Also, knowing what an object is, properties and methods are.

I think if I can show I do have the basics down for programming, I should get my foot in the door.

They were also wanting student knowledge of the following:

OS environment in a Mainframe, Midrange and or PC/LAN environment

database concepts in a Mainframe environment

telecommmunication and networking concepts

I have the database down pat, I'm not sure about the OS and telecommunications. I know that Unix is a Mainframe OS. That is about it.

I'm going to study that this weekend.

I'm really amped about this, and I hope my energy will also help me there.
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Interview today, in 3hrs.

Hair is done, clothes neatly pressed, makeup on, jewlery. Now I've just got to get my brain going. :D

Thanks you to those who gave me advice and tips. I'll keep them handy today and will let you know if I get it or not.

I feel like today is a lucky day for me!! :D So I hope that is a good sign.
Well, good luck on the interview. How long will it be before you find out if you get the position?
MrsGorilla said:
Well, good luck on the interview. How long will it be before you find out if you get the position?

I'm not sure, but as soon as I find out, I will post in big bold letters I got it!!!!
selenau837 said:
I'm not sure, but as soon as I find out, I will post in big bold letters I got it!!!!

Sorry for the late reply but I would anticipate a few logic type questions like how to implement generic if/then/else stuff, etc... Good luck sista!!
Thanks kenny boy!! I'll make sure I have that down pat.
rak said:

Maybe this might help :
This last one is somewhat generic, but gives one an idea of how people think on the other side of the desk.

Good luck,


I followed your links!! They are wonderful Rak!!! Thank you so much. I also see one is in Dutch. :D Or at least the google portion was.

I'm adding you to my list of heros! Thanks again.
Rich said:
Well done, I like to see well paid women :cool: ;)

Thats right Rich!!


Anyways, no teckie questions asked. They said if I made it to the invertview it was obvious I had the technical skills to progress. I simply had to sell myself.

I just hope I didn't rattle on too much. At the end they all said I did well, and kept looking at each other, since it was a panel interview, and smiling. So I'm hopeing that is a good sign.

I'll know in about a month because the position will start the last week of June, and I have to have two weeks before that to wrap up my position I'm currently in.

I'll keep you informed. :D

Thanks all of y'all again. This forum has helped me in many ways, and I can't thank all y'all enough. (see when I get sappy, my southern drawl come out ;) :p )
He miss techie, how come this thread shows a page 2 but will not bring it up???

edit (Well I'll be darn... Never mind...:))
KenHigg said:
He miss techie, how come this thread shows a page 2 but will not bring it up???

edit (Well I'll be darn... Never mind...:))

I noticed that too, but I am not a wed developer, I'm hopeing to be a Mainframe programmer. :p
KenHigg said:
He miss techie, how come this thread shows a page 2 but will not bring it up???

edit (Well I'll be darn... Never mind...:))
Try and stay with us and pay attention:rolleyes:
selenau837 said:
I noticed that too, but I am not a wed developer, I'm hopeing to be a Mainframe programmer. :p

Our I.T. people are looking for SAP developers and they're hard to come by - They say the going rate is 200+ an hour for experienced dev's :eek: :eek: :eek:
KenHigg said:
Our I.T. people are looking for SAP developers and they're hard to come by - They say the going rate is 200+ an hour for experienced dev's :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ok, what is a SAP, other than my initials. :rolleyes: :p

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