iPhone, is it worthit?

I have now my i-phone and all I can say is that it is worth the money. I have all the features I need with this phone. But in the end of the days it's still your preference that's matter the most :)
I have now my i-phone and all I can say is that it is worth the money. I have all the features I need with this phone. But in the end of the days it's still your preference that's matter the most :)

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I love my Iphone 3GS too.
Well my 3g's Wi-fi died appropriately about 5 days out of warranty. While the insurance on the UK contracts at least seems excessive at £15 a month I think I'd currently recommend shelling out £60 for Apple care on the phone direct from Apple.

just cost me £185 to replace the phone (compared to £150 to have it repaired by Apple).

If you're into replacing your phone every 12 months anyway it's possibly not too much of an issue, but I'm now tied back into another 18month contract.

on the plus side am at least getting a 3GS replacement.
iphone warranty on my 3G lasts the same as the o2 contract I have...thats the reason I don't pay insurance anymore (£10 a month for me)...

Only thing to be worried is the screen isn't covered under warranty and it is likely to be the 1st thing to go.

ANYONE Jailbroken their phone....
iphone warranty on my 3G lasts the same as the o2 contract I have...thats the reason I don't pay insurance anymore (£10 a month for me)...
Mine wasn't (on O2 as well), you get a 12month warranty on the phone itself and O2 try to flog you £15 a month insurance to cover it. After 12 months they refer you to Apple if you've got any problems with the phone itself or offer you an early upgrade. Apple wanted £150 to fix the phone (no idea if that's specific to Wi-Fi or a flat rate for any problem) and having spoken to them yesterday, apple care which I beileve is basically a 2 year extended warranty, costs £60. Anecdotally a lot of Apple kit seems to mysteriously die when it's 366 days old, so I'm taking no chances this time. According to apple you can take it out anytime within the first 12 months of owning the phone.

Had mine just over a year and not even managed to scratch the screen yet, something I was convinved would happen after about 5 minutes and that's invariably putting the phone into the same pocket as my keys.

Not bothered Jailbreaking the phone, didn't see the point especially now there are viruses out and about that only affect Jailbroken phones.
ah well - i was told my warranty is for the full 18 months....mine is almost 10 months old now with another 8 months left on my contract LOL - I think I will go to google next just to try it out.

I did Jailbreak my phone before v3 of the software - it was good - backgrounds/ringtones all awesome the Cydia app store (and the other one) offered some fantastic apps...VLC player was one of the most useful...other things like video recording and editing aren't possible on my phone without jailbreaking...I intend to do it again when I have a spare few mins....

Anyway to sum up - very happy with iphone -its awesome
ah well - i was told my warranty is for the full 18 months....mine is almost 10 months old now with another 8 months left on my contract LOL - I think I will go to google next just to try it out.
Your contract might be different to mine, but I'd double check with them, I was literally two days out of warranty when the Wi-fi packed up, a nice slow creeping death and I assumed that I was covered by the phone contract for 18 months as well. No dice :(

I did Jailbreak my phone before v3 of the software - it was good - backgrounds/ringtones all awesome the Cydia app store (and the other one) offered some fantastic apps...VLC player was one of the most useful...other things like video recording and editing aren't possible on my phone without jailbreaking...I intend to do it again when I have a spare few mins....
Apart from the VLC player none of that is particularly important to me which is probably another reason why I've never bothered to Jailbreak it, YMMV as they say :)
when i get around to doing it again ill give you a quick review.

Any virus currently known that exploits the Jailbroken phone only effects phones which have SSH enabled (most) and those who didn't change the default password from "Apline" (Idiots)
Slooooowwwww fingers. :p
.... I'm suing it and enjoying.


I have an iPhone 4S and I am absolutely satisfied with it. It has everything I need and it is very reliable. I am even trying to develop an own app for it. I do not have much programming experience and so I use an SDK to complete this task. There is a page with information about app development and code snippets (in case you are interested you can Google on: "voip-sip-sdk/page457-How to build an iPhone/iPad VoIP client"). It can be a good starting point for those who would like to develop an own app for iPhone.
The only highlight of iPhone to me is it's idiotproof
I think the iphone has lost it's place now, with phones like the samsung galaxy on the market, you're just paying for the name. I'm a recent convert to samsung though and think that the iphone is turning into a bit of a marmite product, you either love them or hate them.
Recently, I traded my Samsung galaxy s4 to an iphone 5 and it's worth it! ;)
Personally love my iPhone and can't wait for the launch of iPhone 6 in a week!
Recently got the Iphone 5s - recent phones ive had have been obsolete in comparison to it and i wouldnt change it for the world, personally i think the Iphone 6 that has now came out is just too much like the Samsung phones.

if i wanted to buy a big phone like a samsung - id buy a samsung.
Since 2007 iPhone is the only phone I use and I would never change it.
i am now waiting for the 6+!!!

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