Just a wild thought

KenHigg said:
'Don't believe in drink driving'... Pretty much say's it all :p Is it happy happy hour over there already? :p :p
We are always happy:D

Sorry, I missed something here...??? What was sneaky?
ColinEssex said:
We are always happy:D


You should be, you have us protecting you, you eat our wonderful food, drink our cokes, etc, watch our TV shows, etc...:rolleyes:

(Just kidding - ;) )
KenHigg said:
You should be, you have us protecting you, you eat our wonderful food, drink our cokes, etc, watch our TV shows, etc...:rolleyes:

(Just kidding - ;) )
Now where's that vomit smilie I did yesterday after your sickly story:D ;)

Edit. . . . . . .found it. . . . . . . .

Last edited:
ColinEssex said:
Now where's that vomit smilie I did yesterday after your sickly story:D ;)

Edit. . . . . . .found it. . . . . . . .


Here's one in regard to your sappy 'Bless the queen stuff' :


;) :D
ColinEssex said:
Yes, its a bit bloody sneaky adding a comment in the tail like that after you originally posted. Fair enough making the odd amendment to spelling but to add a whole comment - I expected more from you Kraj - that was sneaky:(
It wasn't there when I read the thread

Yes, I realize that three-minute window between my original post and my edit was a recipie for disaster. But I'm willing to take that risk rather than double- or triple-post like you fellas are happy to constantly do because you're too lazy to copy/paste into one post after you hit the Quote button. :D :p
ColinEssex said:
Thats possible but not many people (if any) refer to Bush in every post;)
Rich comes pretty close
slrphd said:
Just read your note and thought I would add my two cents worth. First, look at the ingerdients list. If high fructose corn syrup is present, there are no other sugars added since it is about 60 times sweeter than dextrose, the usual sweetener. That means I can make a product with the same sweetness taste with a lot less sugar - a boon to those would should limit their sugar intake. Second, frustose, some times called levulose, is a natural product and readily metabolizable by any organism that has a glycolysis pathway (that's all of them: animals, plants, protozoa, you name it). So, I do not know where the idea that fructose is a bad actor comes from other than some form of tribal knowledge that has acquired a life of its own. I know of no rigorous study suggesting fructose has deleterious side effects (of course, I haven't read everything). Remember that nearly everything we consume gets converted to glucose unless used directly as a building block so sugars are not inherently bad for us. The amount we consume is and HFCS can help us with that part.
Yea, however it does force the body (in some people like me) to go into insulin over drive, and causes a ping pong effect of high and low blod surgar. Plus as I also understand it, it appears in products that don't really need sugar, just because we are getting more used to sugar in the diet, so it gets added since it is cheap. So why not replace it with a sugar that does is not so readly broken down by the body, negating that ping pong efect of insulin, and make fuel from it instead?
ColinEssex said:
I take it you mean our national anthem. We are united, now I know this is tricky for you to grasp - the clue is in the title - United Kingdom. comprising of 4 different countries. Unlike the "United" States which erroniously indicates all states are united
Humm, but when I was in Scotland, their take on it is pretty much a suppressive English government that dictates what can, and can't happen to them (basically). They say they have a "token" government representative (don't know what it is myself, so we will leave it at that). Does not really sound that "United" to me. And why is not called "United Countries" then?
Wherein United States is closer to reality in my way of thinking. And we would truly be United if we could get rid of those whiny liberals and send them back to Europe and their same kind. :eek: :p :rolleyes:
All this vomiting is nasty!! Make my tummy churn just viewing this thread!!

Blah, can't you boys find something a bit different??
FoFa said:
... And we would truly be United if we could get rid of those whiny liberals and send them back to Europe and their same kind. :eek: :p :rolleyes:

Fo for Pres!! :) :) :)
selenau837 said:
All this vomiting is nasty!! Make my tummy churn just viewing this thread!!

Blah, can't you boys find something a bit different??

Sorry... How's this?

FoFa said:
Humm, but when I was in Scotland, their take on it is pretty much a suppressive English government that dictates what can, and can't happen to them (basically). They say they have a "token" government representative (don't know what it is myself, so we will leave it at that)

The Scots, Welsh and NI all have their own legislators, paid for I might add by the English, England does not have its own parliament:mad:

And why is not called "United Countries" then?
Because it's a Kingdom :rolleyes:

And we would truly be United if we could get rid of those whiny liberals and send them back to Europe and their same kind. :eek: :p :rolleyes

Except those who are of Germanic hereditary eh? :rolleyes:

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