Just a wild thought

KenHigg said:
Fo for Pres!! :) :) :)
There's already a lunatic in office:rolleyes:

still, leave it to God to sort out the mess
Democracy in Iraq.

Thanks for your feedback on my previous painting which was done in Photoshop CS2. I've just installed CS2 but used my old PS 7 to do this one called " Democracy in Iraq". I'm trying to organize a new web site that has the best of my works on it but for now I'll just post a few goodies here .
I have read all the posts since my last post on this thread and it's a bit difficult to reply to all.,
I don't do art for a living.


Not sure Joe... I was guessing Colorado Rockies?
KenHigg said:
Not sure Joe... I was guessing Colorado Rockies?

Could be also. I've seen a very similar place in the Rocky Mountain National Park, but I've also seen a similar view from the Tetons. Either way, or from anywhere else in the world...georgeous.

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