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Today, 20:22
Apr 22, 2003
I need a to recognise in muliti user db when the last user is quitting.
I would like to run some backup routines and possibly compact and repair on exit.
I understand C&R on exit stops halfway through if there is another user accessing the db.

Any ideas or threads to follow??

Come on lads

Come on out there.
Surely there is an answer.
If I'm pi**sing in the wind please let me know.
Sorry to topic jump however this has been on a few days and no response.

This is a serious problem my colleague and myself have been trying to get round. After a serious corruption occurred last week to our database. we are trying to ensure therfore that when all users log out we can compact and repair hopefully reducing the risk of future occurances.

the other option is to automaticlay compact and repair as the first user logs in the next day

I am aware that the answer could be in the forum somewhere, however we have looked but to search you need to know what you are searching for, and maybe we are asking the wrong questions.

Any pointers anyone please
Have you tried using the timer on a form so that when a specific time is reached a msg box pops up and says the app is coming down in x minutes then forcing them out at that point? Possibly expanding that so that on open if it's between a time and b time the entire app is unavailable (you wouldn't be able to open).

Just a shot in the dark, might be better to be a meany and force people off than deal with corrupt data.
Compact on close will run when the last user logs out. Are you finding this not to be the case?

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