Lets help Ruth Raise Her Funds For Charity Walk (1 Viewer)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 10, 2006
I don't think that Ruth's thread "Less than 3 months to go" quite attracted the attention it was meant to. My apologies for re-posting her thread but this is done with the best of intentions in the hope that we will be able to help her raise the funds she hoped to.

Considering this is Ruths free time as well as portions of her annual leave she is using to train and complete the Coast to Coast walk, my opinion is that she deserves all the support we can offer her.

Ruths post in the "Three months to go" thread reads:

Hi all,

You may remember a while ago I posted about raising money for charity .. some crazy idea I had about doing a 200 mile walk across England, camping along the way.

Well it's now less than 3 months until I start the walk and have over £300 raised for charity thus far - I wondered if you guys might be interested in sponsoring me?

For those who don't know I am walking the Coast to Coast path which goes from St Bees Head on the west coast of England, through the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors to arrive (hopefully intact!) at Robin Hood's Bay on the east coast of England between 10 and 14 days later depending on weather and fitness etc!

There is a website set up at http://www.c2cwalk2009.co.uk with lots of info and a blog following my training & preparation for the walk.

If you're interested in sponsoring me the link is http://www.justgiving.com/c2cwalk2009 which allows the money to go direct to the charity. Even if you can only spare a couple of coins it really does make a big difference to this small, but incredibly important charity (The Fishermen's Mission). My target is £2500 and I am working really hard over the next couple of months to raise as much as I can ... even going to work in wellies for a few days!

Many thanks for your attention, I'll be blogging and tweeting during the walk so feel free to follow @c2cwalk and @RCheesley for updates!



Legend in my own mind
Local time
Today, 08:54
Oct 31, 2006
I would love to sponsor Ruth, however, on the sponsor page the payment options of Visa Mastercard Maestro Delta Solo or PayPal is not an option for the few people who live in the cash only world. If there is a postal address or a post box or some other option for payment then we would be more than happy to make a pledge and back it with legal tender.


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 10, 2006
Thanks Fifty, I'm sure Ruth will contact you with any available details.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 12, 2008
For Information,

Anyone wishing to sponsor in cash/cheque can do so by private messaging me and I'll provide an address - it will then be added to the "Amount Raised Offline" total which consists of cash donations.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 12, 2008
£13.50 short of the £400 mark if anyone can spare a few coins :)

Ruth x


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 12, 2008
A big thank you to Fifty2One for sponsoring my walk - will add the funds to the total when it arrives! Definitely the farthest afield sponsor thus far!

Ruth x


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 12, 2008
Not far off £400 now guys, £391.50 - many thanks to Fifty2One your letter arrived today!



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 12, 2008
Now raised £560, sponsorship continues to trickle in! Thanks everyone for your support!



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 12, 2008
Just a quick update, now at £620 and it's a couple of weeks until I start the walk. Been battling with injury the last week or so which is getting better thanks to my physiotherapist being very strict with me!

Start off on 17th July, hoping to finish 29th/30th July ... can't believe it's actually happening!



Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 10, 2006
Getting there Ruth. Be careful though, don't go walking on an injured leg or anything daft like that, make sure you've healed properly before you start. Just two weeks away! I'm very proud of you and I hope the journey is an easy one for you.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 12, 2008
The injury is actually due to the fact that last year I fell over and tore ligaments resulting in avulsion fractures in two places on my foot, and then later in the year I tore my quad muscle during pre-season hockey training.

As a result of being off my feet for a good 4-6 months and "walking wonky" one of my muscles which keeps your leg/hips in the right position has become really weak. This resulted in problems with pelvic stability and ended up getting Ileo-Tibial Band Syndrome which showed itself as seriously bad knee pain when coming down off a mountain - I was convinced I had a ligament or cartilage problem but thankfully it's much less severe.

Physio diagnosed it almost immediately and has me doing all manner of exercises, and within a week I've been able to do downhill/stairs with no pain at all, so I'm quite hopefull that it'll be sorted.

Even if it flares up again, it is only pain/irritation and not something that is or could do permenant damage, so it's a case of popping some pills, gritting teeth and getting on with it.

Not gritting teeth too hard though as part of my wisdom tooth came out yesterday (am due to have all four out under GA in the next 14 wks or so) so am off to the dentists today ..... as they say, it never rains but it pours.

Hopefully the walk will be wonderful and everything will turn out OK!

Ruth x


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 16:54
Aug 10, 2006
Oh, poor Ruthie, you've been through the wars! Lets hope your visit to the dentist today will fix your tooth problem and herald the beginning of better luck for you...

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