Liberal kids more likely to avoid challenging their own beliefs (1 Viewer)

If you were a conservative, you would find Trump talking like a pig as being disqualifying in and of itself.
Only if I were a dumb blond. What a wuss you must be to be offended by men talking trash to each other. Also, not the brightest bulb in the box. Why would you give the country over to the Marxists because you are offended by locker room talk?
Only if I were a dumb blond. What a wuss you must be to be offended by men talking trash to each other. Also, not the brightest bulb in the box. Why would you give the country over to the Marxists because you are offended by locker room talk?
Why do you describe yourself as a conservative? How do you differentiate being conservative from being something else.

Any yes, I am offending by "men" trash talking. A mensch does not trash talk.
"I would rather be grabbed by the pussy than have a pussy for president." -Katie Hopkins.
You don't believe the 26 women who accused Trump of sexual assault and you don't believe Trump himself. I
How many of the women made a complaint at the time? Perhaps some are looking for their 15 minutes of fame or just wanted to pile on. Do you think that at least some of them made an accusation because they were convinced by the mob that Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler?

Please post a link to the speech where Trump "confessed" to ra*** anyone.
Why do you describe yourself as a conservative?
Clearly you pay no attention to anything I say. If I claim affiliation, it is to the founders. My politics are much more Libertarian than anything else. And Trump is a Democrat. Duh!!!!!!!!!!

Do you actually think a "conservative" is someone who feigns offence at bad words?
Clearly you pay no attention to anything I say. If I claim affiliation, it is to the founders. My politics are much more Libertarian than anything else. And Trump is a Democrat. Duh!!!!!!!!!!
So what do you think about Trump's repeated statements where he has promised to suspend the constitution?
So what do you think about Trump's repeated statements where he has promised to suspend the constitution?
OMG. LISTEN to the quote. He said he was going to suspend the Constitution for day 1 to enact some executive orders. Even HE knows that most Executive orders are borderline unconstitutional. You can't take a joke. Of course Trump is an idiot for thinking that the folks suffering from TDS have a sense of humor.
I am sorry that you think that constitution and the presidency is a joke.

When Trump unconstitutionally raised taxes with his China tariff, I guess I should taken it as joke.
How about the good sense Biden showed by keeping them in place;) He trashed Trump's other executive orders on day 1 but kept the tariffs. Hmmm.
Biden's failure to follow the constitution or good economic sense does not justify Trump. As you described yourself as libertarian, why do you support tariffs?
why do you support tariffs?
WHY do you think I support blanket tariffs????????????????? I have never said that. What I said was, I support "fair" trade. Which sometimes ends up with reciprocal tariffs. If the French tariff our wine, we tariff theirs. What is soooooooooooo hard to understand about that? If the Chinese won't let us own 100% of a business in China, then we don't allow a Chinese company or individual to own 100% of a business in the US. WE do protect our critical industries. If we can't make steel in the US, we can't build ships. Duh! If we can't manufacture antibiotics, then the Chinese, who are not our friends, decide if we live or die. Sure hope you and yours need an antibiotic before I do. We'll see what your opinion is when your loved one dies because China cut off supplies.

This has to be at least the fourth time I have explained my position on tariffs to you. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you and I'm tired of repeating myself and I'm sure everyone else is tired of me writing the same words over and over again.
The whole fair trade thing is anti-liberty position. If a foreign government adopts a policy that hurts its residents that is not a reason for our government to hurt our citizens. And why would the French by American wine?

The national security arguments only seem to be made when convenient. Trump tried to block steel imports from Canada. Both Trump & Biden oppose the acquisition of US Steel by Nippon Steel.

And even if you think these tariffs are needed, taxes need to be passed by the congress.
The Tariff Act of 1930 (Section 301): Gives the President the power to impose tariffs in response to foreign practices that harm U.S. interests.
The Tariff Act of 1930 (Section 301): Gives the President the power to impose tariffs in response to foreign practices that harm U.S. interests.
The congress does not have the authority to delegate its powers to the executive branch.

It is also worth remembering that the Tariff Act of 1930 helped to intensify the Great Depression.
The congress does not have the authority to delegate its powers to the executive branch.
Why not? It delegates them to everyone else.
It is also worth remembering that the Tariff Act of 1930 helped to intensify the Great Depression.
It is also worth noting that tariffs were the primary source of income for the federal government until the Democrats dropped the tariffs to all time lows in the early years of the 20th century and instituted an income tax in their place so THANKS Dems. I'm so happy you gave us the IRS.

You simply refuse to understand Trump's position on tariffs so let's just move on. No one said you need to agree. But you refuse to understand so talking about tariffs with you is pointless.
If you were a conservative, you would find Trump talking like a pig as being disqualifying in and of itself
When I only have two choices, why would I disqualify the better of the 2 choices simply due to not liking him as a person? It's more about the party in power than the person. If you were a rational voter, you'd focus less on what you "personally" don't like about a candidate and more about the general direction of the country under the party you are voting for, I'd say.

You don't believe the 26 women who accused Trump of sexual assault and you don't believe Trump himself. Is there any evidence you would believe?
The higher the # of accusers, the less likely it is to be true and the more likely it's "jumping on the bandwagon" effect, mostly for $.

Now Tara Reade's single accusation .... that's more convincing. If 1000 women suddenly jumped up and said "MeToo", I'd know they were mostly BS.

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