Biden isn't leading the riots.
Biden may not be leading the riots, but he refuses to condemn those, such a the Black Lives Matter, who are instigating the riots. Biden says the condemns all violence, but adds (as a concluding remark) he feels their "
pain" and understands their "
frustrations" and their need to express themselves. Additionally, it is my understanding that either directly or indirectly, Biden and Harris have made appeals to raise money to bail-out people arrested for "
protesting". The term "
protesting" is vague as it may cover those committing violence and looting. Again, this type of "
support" is essentially a "
dog whistle" that Biden/Harris endorse, even though they don't say it, Black violence against the community,
Compare that to what happens with Trump. Trump says he condemns all violence and yet Trump is accused of failing to condemn (again and again and again) so-called White supremacy which he has stated on numerous times.
Biden/Harris met with the Blake family, which should be considered a very bad political move since it implied support of a Black activist and who's son had an arrest warrant issued for domestic abuse. But the press ignored the implications. By implication, one can say that these actions further endorsed, in a silent manner, the justification for Black violence. To my knowledge, neither Biden nor Harris have ever met with law enforcement officers injured from the rioting or looting, yet they meet with a Black activist.
Biden/Harris may not be visibly leading those rioting in person, but their silence implies consent.