Mask vs Corona virus. Wear or Not. (4 Viewers)

Biden isn't leading the riots.
Or stupid frat parties.

It really doesn't make a difference if you're outside with thousands of people within 6 feet of each other and no mask.
I guess I will respectfully disagree with you on that. I'm pretty sure the dispersion and virtual dissolution of the concentration of particles outside is hugely different than inside. I'm sure I've read many experts on that, but don't have time to link to them now; they're plentifully able to be found though.
Biden isn't leading the riots.
Biden is totally leading the party, politicians, thinkers, policy makers and supporters who wink and nod at the whole thing - totally 100%.

From sympathizing with them, "Yes, I'm sorry they burn buildings and hurt people, but I can understand their anger and frustration" to bailing them out (large funds to immediately get them out of jail), to refusing to prosecute them (liberal DA's in alliance with BLM), any implication that Biden has done the right thing with regard to these domestic terrorists is...I'm sorry, but.... far worse than anything Trump has done with any rac*st groups, and continues to harm people and harm the country.

Sure, Biden has been forced (mostly by Trump) at the last minute to gently condemn them on occasion, but it's a far cry from openly denouncing them as dangerous, hurtful, violent and harmful--what they really are.
The biggest problem with riots without masks is Biden does not notice the problem
Maybe Jill will tell him
AB liberals love the violent "racial justice" (obviously that name is a joke) movement. A huge amount of their constituents are there!
These people could do the most egregious things and they'd still coddle and appease them, they need the votes.
Trump hands out free MAGA masks at all of the rallies, Biden hands out matches.
Oh, I agree he isn't doing enough to condemn them. Trump not condemning his "proud boys" is equally disgusting.
Oh, I agree he isn't doing enough to condemn them. Trump not condemning his "proud boys" is equally disgusting.
Try listening:

The Trump campaign rolled out a nearly 5-minute-long video of the president, featuring video clips from as recently as this month, to his 2016 presidential campaign, and dating all the way back to an interview Trump gave to Matt Lauer in the early 2000s, where he denounced White supremacy and “disavowed” White supremacist groups.
Biden's is the one who coddled grand wizards

The idea that P.B. group is definitely 'rac*st' is quite arguable.
The idea that BLM condones lawlessness (and actually engages in it--hundreds of times in the last few months) is unquestioned.

I'd respect people who concluded that P.B. was bad & rac*st, if they so concluded, but right now one group it may be hidden somewhat obscurely in their thinking/hinting, another group is overtly rac*st and has been behind tons of violence--actually going around hurting people, hundreds of times in a few months. Add to that plenty of un-acted threats, ideology, bullying, intimidation, coercion, disruption, + the actual lawlessness.

As to which one is the much bigger problem right now, it's pretty clear. Completely silly for the media to be trying to lay the focus on groups like P.B., when the people going around hurting everyone right now isn't them--it's the others. I think much of America sees through that nonsense, at least 50%....and probably more that are simply overlooking it to achieve other gains.
You can try to justify Trump any way you want. He hasn't condemned them RECENTLY. Doesn't really matter what he did in 2000. It's disgusting that even his own supporters can't call him out for his BS. I'm not a supporter of either of them, but even of I liked them, I don't have to defend every action they take. Neither do you.
Anyway, this that is off track. I'm not responding to political stuff anymore here.
If ever Adam posted a really thoughtful, non-religious, deeply technical, and non-insulting comment, it would probably give me a heart attack. Does that count?
HERE YOU GO RICHARD (you can thank me later, my friend or enemy):

this is a setup for a firm I used to work for. they had a non-profit CRM called civiCRM installed and STACKED on top of Wordpress. that is such a dumb idea, and I have no idea why they did it. But the art organization was run by 70 year old men. 2 of them. so they were button clickers and not coders. One guy was a programmer I believe for many years. Either that or some sort of a tech worker. and the other one, who was the president of the org, was going to pass something off to me. The business or partial duties, I believe, as he once said to me, but then he reversed his decision and wanted to do the work himself. Perhaps I showed him what I am showing you? and that I am injecting you with new renewed life and helping you realize that you can still take what the world has to offer and overcome the nastiness, hatred filled crap of this shithole called Earth that we live in?

It was interesting spending a very few short months with those gentlemen. I met them at Panera bread one day and they didn't even ask me anything technical! The president eventually said to me: I think we both understand that you know what you're doing Adam. LOL! And little did they know that I DID know what I was doing, but I didn't know everything in the world. It's simply the fact that this stuff is literally so easy, you don't really need to know anything. So I didn't lie to them, but rather I'm pointing out that these guys made the same mistaken assumptions that so many employers make if a young person is simply convincing enough. They will literally believe anything! That's exactly why Indians now are taking coding test links fro recruiting firms, giving them to their roommates who have more technical skill, and having them take it and pass it, then they get hired, and fired 2 weeks later because they get caught lying. You can thank corporate greed and throwing foreign people into boring ass jobs that white supremacist assholes don't want to do. Interesting, isn't it? In that way, America is the biggest disease on this planet. But non-the-less, still a good nation. It's just unfortunate that the devil has such a huge presence in the world. =( So, you wanted to see something technical, right? Here is something I worked on at that company, and it's probably not a big deal to post it here, because it literally shows nothing proprietary. Does this satisfy your unbelief in my abilities?

MYSQL CiviCRM Non-Profit Relevant Content.jpg
You use such lovely big words.
I like big words. What does it mean? :)
i don't get it. it's not corporate greed. that was a test. the SYSTEM is the problem. corporations lie their ass off about everything, and that is why they're evil. they hide all sorts of shit, as do most republicans. but you have to realize, that most of that crap is in big cities, where literally corps have destroyed everything. they're freakin wastelands at this point. and now they don't know what the hell to do. and I have no sympathy for them. I wish them luck.

the system WILL change. it has to, otherwise 1 or 2 things will happen if the leaders can't accept that they now have to live on less than billions:

1) they will go to war
2) they will learn to accept what they have caused.

I hope it's number 2, but if they have no soul left, number 1 will have to happen. I don't know them, but I know that they're literally lost. so we'll see if they can dig down deep enough to give a shit about anything anymore. I pray they can. :rolleyes: but if they can't, they won't suck me into it, because this is not the end of the world by any means.

does that answer your, as they say in the idiotic corporate world, QUERY!? LOL. (since when did a QUESTION become a QUERY!?!?)
Biden isn't leading the riots.
Biden may not be leading the riots, but he refuses to condemn those, such a the Black Lives Matter, who are instigating the riots. Biden says the condemns all violence, but adds (as a concluding remark) he feels their "pain" and understands their "frustrations" and their need to express themselves. Additionally, it is my understanding that either directly or indirectly, Biden and Harris have made appeals to raise money to bail-out people arrested for "protesting". The term "protesting" is vague as it may cover those committing violence and looting. Again, this type of "support" is essentially a "dog whistle" that Biden/Harris endorse, even though they don't say it, Black violence against the community,

Compare that to what happens with Trump. Trump says he condemns all violence and yet Trump is accused of failing to condemn (again and again and again) so-called White supremacy which he has stated on numerous times.

Biden/Harris met with the Blake family, which should be considered a very bad political move since it implied support of a Black activist and who's son had an arrest warrant issued for domestic abuse. But the press ignored the implications. By implication, one can say that these actions further endorsed, in a silent manner, the justification for Black violence. To my knowledge, neither Biden nor Harris have ever met with law enforcement officers injured from the rioting or looting, yet they meet with a Black activist.

Biden/Harris may not be visibly leading those rioting in person, but their silence implies consent.
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And Trump's silence implies consent to the racist groups that support him. It's OK to call both out. Trump supporters seem to be incapable of saying where and when Trump fails. The hypocrisy is clear on that.

Both candidates are awful. Both candidates followers refuse to point out their shortcomings.

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