Mask vs Corona virus. Wear or Not. (1 Viewer)

And I always was wondering why US was one of the last countries to be infected and have been sitting in the first row of death and infections from day 21.

Thanks for solving one of my questions.
Next fun question for you:
- Why did the countries in Europe, who had the harshest imaginable lockdowns, have a huge resurgence? Did they learn nothing about the effectiveness of lockdowns?

Next one:
- When you consider the possibility of financial and material "ruin" (and all the emotional and mental consequences that entails), possibly lasting for 25, 50, or more years, from ruining one's economy through lockdowns, the question is: How do you feel about the US's rapid economic recovery, hugely dwarfing virtually any other country which experienced a very major economic downturn?

Is X-number of deaths necessarily always worse than X-amount of national financial ruin?

Remember, throughout all of history, people have fought wars--and died--in whole or part based on financial, economic, material opportunities.

Last note: Take all of this post in the context of, I think you have a good point with regard to masks only. However, the general concept of Americans being encouraged to not be "afraid" of it is strongly linked to lockdowns, reopening schools (or not), going back to work & business, etc. Therefore, I am addressing this portion of it because to me, when politicians like Trump advise not to Live Afraid of it, this is also mostly what they are referring to, too.
It is harder to prevent heart disease and cancer, since they are not infectious. I've yet to hear of heart disease transmission!

I heard an argument on the radio yesterday saying that there is tons of pneumonia but we don't shut things down because of that. But they don't realise that pneumonia is not infectious.
Ok I am seeing valid points on both sides here.

I see it summing up as something like this:

  1. If we lockdown, we believe we can prevent tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. We don't employ this strategy for pneumonia, because this strategy would have no effect, but it does have an effect on Covid. or,
  2. If we lockdown, we believe we can prevent tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. However, if we lockdown, we will also cause deaths, and cause incalculable amounts of additional harm. And as a helpful comparison to give us a general idea of how heavy the "tens of thousands of avoidable deaths" IS: Covid is less lethal than many other diseases that we have come to be quite used to. So we are not sure if we should lockdown.
I respect both viewpoints. I don't think that the argument "But pnemonia is not infectious, covid is, therefore you are missing the point" is necessarily a good argument.

Because the people who are comparing Covid to pneumonia aren't necessarily attempting to prove that lockdowns would work "equally for both"--they are just making a point about the relative harm Covid is preventing. (And they are assuming each reader is sincerely trying to keep in mind the harm of the lockdown).
@Isaac, I really can't see where you're heading and what is your point.
Every morning before attending my classes, I read these comments and I can't understand what everybody here tries to tell me.
I gave you the results of a research in one of the most improved medical universities about the validity of masks, I gave you the situation (population and density) of several countries where masks are excessively used, I also showed their current death and infection count. Is it that hard to put 2 and 2 together and come to the result of 4?
What's all this talk about left or right, Trump & Biden? Who asked to close the hospitals on cancer or flue patients? Or lock down the country?
Right blaming left. Left blaming right.

Let me be frank here. China started this crisis. But the government was wise enough to react. What do you think had happened here if they wanted to behave the same as Trump? Or how many had been died and infected? I can't even imagine where this 1.4 billion people would have headed if they wanted to sit and blame left wing or right wing instead of taking action and use mask even on kids. Have you ever thought what would happened if US was the most populated country and was the first country to be infected (when there's really no actual data about it)?

So let's start fresh. I'm not talking politic. I'm talking medical. Having the data I offered, do you think everybody SHOULD wear a mask to protect himself and others? or not.
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What's all this talk about left or right, Trump & Biden? Who asked to close the hospitals on cancer or flue patients? Or lock down the country?
You haven't heard about the lockdowns that have occurred all over the world really?

I don't see why it's so hard to understand. I'm focusing more on the lockdowns topic.
You haven't heard about the lockdowns that have occurred all over the world really?

I don't see why it's so hard to understand. I'm focusing more on the lockdowns topic.

I've heard about lockdowns. But I can't understand how it concerns using mask.
And you didn't answer my question.
Here's the bottom line about masks. You wear one to let others know that you know that we are in a pandemic and you don't want to spread it. But the reality is that even if you do get it, there is a high likely hood that nothing catastrophic will happen to you and life will go on. You'll get over it. There's no need to stoke undue fear about this incessantly. Wash your damn hands, follow the simple guidelines and get on with your life. I'm feeling a lot more comfortable wearing it now since most around my community wear one in public but I can't wear it for extended periods of time. I just hate to see this go on for as long as it has. It's been quite a crazy year.
Mike, I understand, but I see it like this. When I say something and someone tells my my speech is politically incorrect, I reply with something even LESS politically correct. However, masks were not (and really still ARE not) political so much as they are a type of safety gear. So if someone said something about a mask, I will not react to that because unlike PC speech issues, mask wearing has at least a modicum of practicality in a difficult time.

And YES YES YES YES it has been a crazy year.
Unfortunately where I live, the virus is still infecting a lot of people. But then again I see my neighbors having large birthday/halloween parties and not taking any precautions against spreading the virus.
I don't care what your reasons or political stances. If you're congregating together en masse for ANY reason and not wearing masks and social distancing, you're idiots.
I'm sorry, but inside vs. outside is a HUGE deal.
Oh, for the long-lost time when a "super spreader" event was a convention of peanut-butter sandwich aficionados.
Or stupid frat parties.

It really doesn't make a difference if you're outside with thousands of people within 6 feet of each other and no mask.
At the Trump rallys you have ignorant white people causing super spreader events, in LA you have the opposite 🙄
And both are stupid. The biggest problem with the Trump rally is he should be leading by example. They could have been done with safety precautions in mind. Makes you wonder how much this administration really cares about the people.
And both are stupid. The biggest problem with the Trump rally is he should be leading by example. They could have been done with safety precautions in mind. Makes you wonder how much this administration really cares about the people.
The biggest problem with riots without masks is Biden does not notice the problem
Maybe Jill will tell him

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