Men beating Women (1 Viewer)

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:28
Jul 9, 2003
In this video clip there's a man who says he's a woman, and expects to be treated as a woman.

In fact as other men have done, he could enter into a women's event, swimming for example, win, and take the prize.

In the video you see him react to Ben in exactly the same way an offended man would react, not as a woman, most definitely a male reaction from a person who purports to be female inside!

If you believe these persons should have their rights protected, if you believe these persons should be allowed in the changing rooms with your daughters, wives, if you believe these person's should be allowed to participate in women's sports as equals then you too need your head examined!


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 06:28
Mar 14, 2017
Babylon Bee had a very makes-its-point type of meme the other day

"Motorcyclist identifies as cyclist"

To anyone who has swallowed the liberal narrative that insinuates conservatives "hate" transgender people, don't believe it - it's not true.

I have full respect for anyone with any type of mental disorder, be it anything whether a little weird or not, ranging from paraphilic disorders to gender confusion.

The point isn't hate, it's practical. If you're a man who wants or believes himself to be a woman, I have plenty of compassion for people like that (as I've had psych disorders myself!) But don't demand that everyone enable and reinforce the delusion - and obviously if you're a man, you shouldn't be competing against women, as that's unfair and just makes no sense.

I've had my own share of mental issues, as most people (who are being honest), have as well. But when I went to the counselor or even a psychiatrist about it, they didn't enable and reinforce it, they didn't tell me to go buy a t-shirt that says "I'm depressed and feel hopeless", they gently told me that wasn't true (I did have hope, and my confusion was confusion, not reality), and then helped me cope with what we both admitted to each other was a problem - we didn't agree to pretend it was perfectly normal, which wouldn't have helped me at all.

I went to the doctor admitting I had a problem and wanting OUT of it, and/or to help cope with the obvious distress that it could be expected to continue bringing me as long as I wallowed in it or chose to embrace it - I didn't embrace it nor demand that the doctor and everyone I came across in my everyday life reinforce and enable the delusion.

But that's the problem with the world we live in. You can't help yourself if you don't admit there's a problem. And as long as we live in a society where we are told up is down, right is wrong, and backwards is forwards, well I'm fine discussing things with people open-minded, but let's all come to the table from a place of Truth, shall we? Not my truth or your truth, just The Truth please........Thanks

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:28
Jul 9, 2003
and obviously if you're a man, you shouldn't be competing against women, as that's unfair and just makes no sense.

I would argue that a "true woman" would not use the physical advantage bestowed on her by an accident of birth, where she was put in a man's body to take on and take prizes away from females in normal female bodies. It just doesn't make sense to me that a woman would do that. Women are more compassionate and understanding.. than Men!
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Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:28
Jul 9, 2003
Chris! This is rife! In some ways I saw this business about these transgender people winning swimming races was like a storm in a teacup but it's definitely serious and needs addressing:-



Active member
Local time
Today, 08:28
Oct 21, 2021
When I was in highschool, girl's and women's sports were practically non existent. Now we've lost most of what we gained.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 09:28
Feb 19, 2002
Where is the women's movement as female athletes are being cheated out of scholarships and wins? My granddaughter swam competitively in high school. She was good but not great. It would have been heartbreaking to see her lose a scholarship to a genetic male. Luckily she graduated the year before boys were swimming as girls.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:28
Jul 9, 2003
This female swimmer is a beauty, something to behold:-



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:28
Feb 28, 2001
I have full respect for anyone with any type of mental disorder,

For many years, homosexuality was deemed to be a disorder. However, in 1973 - many years before the 1990s research that proved the existence of male and female brain configurations (that did NOT have to match body configurations) - the American Psychiatric Association revoked all references to "disorder" in their discussion of homosexuality in the DSM - Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders. If you want a copy, here is a link to DSM 5 so you will be certain of the document to which I refer.

In essence, psychiatrists no longer consider homosexuality as a pathological behavior and don't refer to it as a disorder - though it is possible to have a disorder related to or caused by being a homosexual in a non-accepting situation.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 14:28
Feb 22, 2002
If women go banging on about equality, why don't female tennis players play five sets like men's tennis? Or, why don't women hold doors open and let men go first? Or why don't women put the bins out? Or, why don't women stay home and look after the kids, maybe they wouldn't smash up Congress if mothers were more efficient.
Ah yes, they only like equality when it suits them.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:28
Jul 9, 2003
I have discovered a fool proof method of identifying a female trapped in a man's body.

I go to the fridge to get a steak bake. I'm very annoyed because I can't find it, and assume my "failed to launch" son has eaten it.

I complain to my wife, who goes to the fridge and instantly finds the missing pastry.

I have to eat humble pie.

Show me a trans man to woman, who can find stuff in the fridge and I will call them by any pronoun they specify.

Heck, I'll even buy her a dinner!
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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 14:28
Feb 22, 2002
We've got any number of freak shows with men being women on UK TV. I think they are mentally disturbed or just attention seekers. Imagine if one of these freaks came for a job interview, no way would i employ a poof. A bloke should be a bloke and a woman should be a woman. Jesus, we even have a TV advert showing two men snogging, I felt sick seeing that. (Snogging = kissing passionately)
BTW, I like steak bakes, sainsbury do two for around £1.20.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:28
Jul 9, 2003
This sort of follows my trans man observation....

It's from 13y ago at least.

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