MS Access Notification in Windows 10 Action centre

Yep Sorry - I replied but then wanted to do more research and put up a more accurate post so deleted mine. But looks like you nailed it mate. You guys are like machines with your quick-draw responses lol

Ah well you see I had received the email alert so I knew what you had deleted really - was just being disingenuous :D
Gasman try adding extra #If on the code:

#If win64 then
#If VBE7 Then


Hi arnel

Well done - I tried to award you rep points (but not allowed as I've got to spread them around further first)
But as everyone knows ....points mean prizes

I've done a quick test on your new code in
Access 2010 32-bit / Win 10 32-bit
Access 2016 64-bit / Win 10 64-bit
It worked fine - I can see there is lots of code still to tidy up but it works

I can't test the Access 32-bit on Win 64-bit combination but i expect that will now work
As you've now added #If VBA7 hopefully it should also work for Gasman in Access 2007

I then added your new modules to my existing sample database.
After a fair bit of tweaking of code I've got that working as well in both 32-bit & 64-bit - attached

Its still work in progress
I want to do a fair bit of tidying up after which I'll upload to sample databases in place of current version

Thanks again


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Nope, still does not work for me.
On the click event of the button I get 'User-Defined Type not defined' error.

When I try and compile it is at

'arnelgp add this variables
Private mAppTrayIcon As String
Private mToolTip As String
#If Win64 Then
    Private mHandle As LongPtr
    Private [COLOR="Red"]mHandle As LongPtr[/COLOR]
#End If
' end of arnelgp's variables

in the BallonToolTip class module and that is using Arnelgp's latest and your's Colin.

I would query the logic of that code as well?

Not to worry, it was just something I thought I might have a use for in the future?, a nice to have feature, not essential to have, so don't waste any more time for a 2007 compatible version.

So if anyone ever wants to test their systems for Access 2007 users, i'm your man. :D
Hi Paul

At some point, I will go through the code Arnel provided & tidy it up in my version.

Without in any way taking away from the fact that arnel got it to work (for me) & which I had failed to do myself, there is quite a lot of code there which I'm unsure about how/why it works

In fact arnel's comments suggest he was trying various kludges to get it to work

However you're right to question that section of code
It should be:

'arnelgp add this variables
Private mAppTrayIcon As String
Private mToolTip As String
#If Win64 Then
    Private mHandle As LongPtr
    [COLOR="Red"]Private mHandle As Long[/COLOR]
#End If
' end of arnelgp's variables
I am amazed it compiled in 32 or 64 bit as originally written
Have altered it as shown in both my latest and arnel's latest & both still work in both A2010 32-bit & A2016 64-bit

NOTE: the tooltip is still not interactive which IMO significantly limits its usefulness.
In other words you can't click on the tooltip & perform some action with it (other than close the tooltip)

I'm far more interested in getting that part to work than worrying about 64-bit compatibility

In the meantime, you really do need to consider a VM with A2010 or later - possibly as runtime as you suggested a while ago
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Thank you Colin.

Amending that line now allows it to compile cleanly and it now works.

Thank you Arnelgp as well for amending for 2007.
I recently experienced issues with a query that works on MSA2016 64-bit (Windows 10) but throws an empty query result in MSA2010 32-bit (Windows 7). No errors ever came up, but the result is empty. Do you guys have any idea what could cause this?

The SQL for the query is as follows: (not sure of it helps identify the problem though)
SELECT Q_Full_App_Regional.[Main Application], GlueStructure.[Glue Device File Name], GlueStructure.[Device Type], Count(GlueStructure.[Device Type]) AS [Amount of devices in database]
FROM Q_Full_App_Regional INNER JOIN GlueStructure ON Q_Full_App_Regional.[Glue Device File Name] = GlueStructure.[Glue Device File Name]
GROUP BY Q_Full_App_Regional.[Main Application], GlueStructure.[Glue Device File Name], GlueStructure.[Device Type]
HAVING (((Q_Full_App_Regional.[Main Application]) Like "*" & [Forms]![Software Requirements Form]![Combo13] & "*"));

I have experienced problems using the like statement in the past (in Windows 7 32 bit 2010)

Like "*" & [Forms]![Software Requirements Form]![Combo13] & "*"
In the meantime, you really do need to consider a VM with A2010 or later - possibly as runtime as you suggested a while ago

I realise your frustration Colin, but I/we only have 2007 which is sufficient for my/our needs.

I only have 4GB on Win10 Pro 32bit on my home laptop, but do have 12GB on my Win10 Home 64bit laptop in work, so will look to see about setting up a VM on that?.

I did one a few years back, just to try out, but never did anything serious with it. I seem to recall it was Linux.

If I was an experienced developer like that Bad Man, I would invest in the latest Access versions, but I'm pretty much an enthusiastic amateur, with limited funds. :D
Hi Paul

Not my frustration - it was your idea to setup a VM not mine.... :rolleyes:
For info, I use Oracle Virtual Box though there are other similar apps

Sad Man probably has every version using the profits from his high quality app.
Apparently Win10 has Hyper V, but will not work on Win10 Home, which is where I have all the memory.
I have stacks of disk space on my home laptop, so will see what I can do there.
Yes - Hyper-V only in Pro version of Windows
I've never tried it though I do have Pro on my desktop PC

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