No that cannot be done, with or without any filters. There is no you can bind a multi select listbox to a control. Your locations have to be stored in a junction table unless you use a multivalue field. That is two bad ideas.
I would concatenate the value using a concatenate function in the query
So you display. location1; Location2; Location 4
If you want to add or delete locations than you do that with a pop up form.
You also have the calculated field with only IDs, but not shown
Then you can code a filter. It can be done, it will be complicated.
Because the only thing I can think of is repeating songs, that is, that there are as many records of a song as there are times it appears repeated in several albums
No there is no easy way to do it. I have never even seen anyone use a listbox in a continuous form because it does not make any sense because you are unlikely to even see the selection unless you have a large listbox. Fore sure I have never seen a multiselect listbox in a continuous form. If I was to do it I would show these values concatenated and have a popup to add or delete. If you think about it this would be a useless presentation. If they had selections 6,7,8 you would not see any selections.
No there is no easy way to do it. I have never even seen anyone use a listbox in a continuous form because it does not make any sense because you are unlikely to even see the selection unless you have a large listbox. Fore sure I have never seen a multiselect listbox in a continuous form. If I was to do it I would show these values concatenated and have a popup to add or delete. If you think about it this would be a useless presentation. If they had selections 6,7,8 you would not see any selections.
I agree. Thanks so much for the explanation. In this case, what I will do is add all the songs, even if they are on different discs.
What I told you I had in mind for another database, but I have looked for another alternative, which I think may be simpler. It would have a list box to choose the options you want to print. On this page comes an example (number 84) of how to do it:
I understand that you say to concatenate the locations, but I don't know how you intend to do it. Also, I also don't understand that I couldn't edit it and they would all be the same size.
I've already caught the bug, and it was mine. Above the form you showed the route, but it took only the one of the first route, and what I did was "make it dynamic", using this line. Of course, I did not realize that it is referenced to the table, and hence I changed it.
I understand that you say to concatenate the locations, but I don't know how you intend to do it. Also, I also don't understand that I couldn't edit it and they would all be the same size
We are going to improve it. I have set FAYT to search for a text string using the SearchFor text box, and also to search by location using the cmbLocation dropdown. To get it to work, I had to use Like. For this there is no problem, because it works.
Now, in the form where I enter the locations, I want to replace the form with datasheet view, with a list box. I have managed to add the locations that I mark (whether I mark one, or if I mark several). However, there are three problems that I cannot solve:
1. When you open the form for choosing locations, the locations that are already assigned to the song should be highlighted. To do this, I think, you have to do the reverse step: de-chain. And through a for next enter the selected items.
2. Another thing is that, once those associated with the song appear selected, if I deselect one, I should remove it, both from the FSongs form field and from the j_tblSongsLocations table.
3. Do not add the locations at the end, but replace the existing ones with the selected ones. For example, I have three selected, and I add a fourth. What should appear are four, not 3 + 4 as it happens now.
However, I change them in the InitializeTree and InitializeSummationTree procedures, and it only changes the first tree, not the summation. Look:
2. In addition, in the attached database there is the possibility of changing the icon to expand. Instead of a square put a triangle. I am trying to change it but I am not able to. I leave you a video:
Now, what I am not able to do is update the Summation tab. No matter how much I give the code, I don't see where the fault is, so if you do me a favor, you know how you did it, tell me where I would have to touch so that it applies the same changes in that tab. I leave you the database with all the changes.
Sorry that was my fault. I have two methods that allow you to format each tree. The problem was in the second method for the summation, I copied from the first method. I did not change mcTree to mcTreeSummation after copying. The second method was just reformatting the first tree.
Private Sub InitializeSummationTree()
' Procedure : Initialize
' Company : JKP Application Development Services (c)
' Author : Jan Karel Pieterse (
' Created : 15-01-2013
' Purpose : Initializes the userform,
' adds the VBA treeview to the container frame on the userform
' and populates the treeview.
On Error GoTo errH
' create a new clsTreeview returned with the TreeControl container attached
' (a new treeclass cleans out previous properties, though could reuse an old treeclass)
Set mcTreeSummation = Me.subTreeViewSummations.Form.pTreeview
With mcTreeSummation
Call .NodesClear ' if reusing an exisiting treeclass
.AppName = "Video File Directory"
'Set some characteristics of the root of the tree,
.CheckBoxes() = False
.LabelEdit(bAutoSort:=True) = 1 'default 0, can be edited (like LabelEditConstants tvwAutomatic/tvwManual)
' new in v022, EnableLabelEdit added as alternative to LabelEdit
.EnableLabelEdit(bAutoSort:=True) = False
.FullWidth = True
'Need to find out what this conversion is the constant is .75
.Indentation = 25 * mcPtPixel '15
.NodeHeight = 25 * mcPtPixel '20
.ShowLines = True
.ShowExpanders = True
Call .ExpanderImage(mfrImages.Controls("Win7Minus").Picture, _
End With
Exit Sub
#If debugMode = 1 Then
Debug.Print Err.Source, Err.Description
#End If
Debug.Print Err.Source, Err.Description
If Not mcTreeSummation Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
These needed to get change to mcTreeSummation from mcTree
Set mcTreeSummation = Me.subTreeViewSummations.Form.pTreeview
With mcTreeSummation
I'm trying to put a default value in the dropdown Estado, and it won't let me. It does not matter if you put it in the properties of the drop-down or activate Me.FilterOn when starting the form.