Not sure why you keep quoting Jordan Peterson
- Jordan has identified the Marxists as a threat, (by the way he also considers the right wing a threat as well) - so when I saw that article, it reminded me of his warnings about the Marxist element, which I think is worth bringing to your attention. One of the reasons I think it's worth mentioning is that Jordan Peterson experienced first-hand how manipulative and underhanded the Marxist ideology makes people. They tried to shut him down down right at the beginning, threatening Court action and the like.
This didn't work because he understands them very well. In one of his videos he hinted that he worked closely with the left wing element early on in his life. I don't think he actually follow the ideology, but he was immersed in it enough to come to the conclusion that the Marxist left actually HATE Capitalists and the patriarchy and just want to tear it down. It's more than thinking it's wrong and trying to put things right, there is an actual hatred in them. This is why One have his rules for life is to put your room in order, in other words if you yourself are a complete mess, how do you think you can come out into the world and put the world to rights? No chance!
its a matter of opinion whether he is in the centre ground...
In Jordan's case, it's not a matter of opinion or politics really, it's that the way society is, with its left and right bias, that's a natural phenomenon. It has evolved out of the way we structure government, we structure government based on individual Instincts, coming together collectively. Hence the Democratic two party structure, left and right has evolved and is used, and has been proven in many governments.
Dr Jordan B Peterson says this two party structure is not accidental, it mirrors our brain structure in that we have two hemispheres, one which is practical and one which is artistic/chaotic. The Conservatives, the right, they like strict borders, they like strict control, and have a closed outlook. The left on the other hand, like to tear down barriers, bring people together, and are more open.
It is the result of the interplay between the two extremes that makes government manageable. On the face of it it looks ridiculous to have a Labour government that implement wide-ranging changes, moving the country and laws and regulations in One Direction with nationalization for example. On the contrary, the conservative elements they reverse this with privatisation!
It appears a ridiculous way to run a country, a government, but it works. The reason it works is because both sides, both are necessary. Both are wrong, dangerous, damaging if they get too much control. Hence my comment that Jordan Peterson takes the Middle Road. Too far to the left and things are bad, too far to the right and things are bad. The ideal situation is for both sides to talk and negotiate.