need a macro to find spaces in a string


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:55
Jul 15, 2008
Can you help please?
I need a macro to find what is to the left of the first space, to the left of the second space etc of a string and the location of each space in a string, there are 4 spaces in the string.

I have searched the internet but all I can find is formulas

thank you

I think you will need VBA, but I do not use macros and most people here do not. If you want vba
Public Function GetItemFromString(strInput As String, ItemNumber As Integer) As String
  Dim aStr() As String
  aStr = Split(strInput, " ")
  If UBound(aStr) >= (ItemNumber - 1) Then GetItemFromString = Trim(aStr(ItemNumber - 1))
End Function

Public Sub testIt()
  Dim x As String
  x = "this is a string with spaces"
  Debug.Print GetItemFromString(x, 1) 'prints "this"
  Debug.Print GetItemFromString(x, 2) ' prints is
  Debug.Print GetItemFromString(x, 100) ' prints nothing
End Sub
thank you Majp I'll try your code as its less then what I have just come up with which is not very pretty

Sub macro5()
'find the location of the first 5 spaces
Dim SearchString ' what to search
Dim SearchChar ' charector to find
Dim MyPos1 ' position of cahrector to find
Dim mypos2
Dim mypos3
Dim mypos4
Dim mypos5
Dim b 'used to find second space mypos2
Dim c 'used to find third space mypos3
Dim d
Dim e
SearchString = Range("b2")
SearchChar = " "
MyPos1 = InStr(1, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
MsgBox MyPos1
b = MyPos1 + 1
mypos2 = InStr(b, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
MsgBox mypos2
c = mypos2 + 1
mypos3 = InStr(c, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
MsgBox mypos3
d = mypos3 + 1
mypos4 = InStr(d, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
MsgBox mypos4
e = mypos4 + 1
mypos5 = InStr(e, SearchString, SearchChar, 1)
MsgBox mypos5
End Sub
I noticed in your code you made this a variable
Dim SearchChar ' charector to find

If you want to be able to have any delimeter. then modify the code with an optional parameter
Public Function GetItemFromString(strInput As String, ItemNumber As Integer, Optional Delimeter As String = " ") As String
  Dim aStr() As String
  aStr = Split(strInput, Delimeter)
  If UBound(aStr) >= (ItemNumber - 1) Then GetItemFromString = Trim(aStr(ItemNumber - 1))
End Function

So this works as well
Public Sub testIt()
  Dim x As String
  x = "this is a string with spaces"
  Debug.Print GetItemFromString(x, 1) 'prints "this"
  Debug.Print GetItemFromString(x, 2) ' prints is
  Debug.Print GetItemFromString(x, 100) ' prints nothing
  x = "this!is!a!string!delimited!withExclamation"
  Debug.Print GetItemFromString(x, 4, "!") 'returns string
End Sub

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