Need to print a crosstab report without complete data

Hello, I haven't had much time to work on this, but before I start the report I was talking about. I have the rptNSAByPlanWeek and am using John Accelerator in the example. This report is very similar to the Standard Actions by Plan Week report that you helped me with. The main difference is that we are summing the NSApoints in the Challenges table and then I need to total the weeks at the end of each row, which I'm stumped at how to make that happen. I am getting an error saying "You can't assign a value to this object." when I load the form, but when I push past it all the data is coming up right, except the Totals field that is not bound to anything right now. I attached an updated version of the program, let me know your thoughts. Thanks.


Which "when I load the form"?
Do you actually mean the report "rptNonStandardActionsByPlanWeek"

The report errors but if you open the report in design view and display the record source in datasheet, you get

Is that what you expected? I found the last report I looked at worked if some the controls in the header were removed.

As the NFL referees say "After further review", you have code in the report that attempts to set the value of controls that have a value in the Control Source. You can't do this. You can set values of unbound controls.
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