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In a fairly rare convergence of viewpoints, I am actually not sure that I disagree with this California law that is being brought. However, one thing is sure. It is extremely odd about the guy who sponsored it's name...
Actually, I agree that sometimes these laws go overboard. I remember a case in either Kentucky or Tennessee where a guy was put on the registry for having sex with a minor who was only a year younger than himself and he wanted to marry her. Some overly zealous cop decided to follow the charges and as a result, the guy was on registry for having sex with the woman who became his wife when she reached age of consent.
Actually, I agree that sometimes these laws go overboard. I remember a case in either Kentucky or Tennessee where a guy was put on the registry for having sex with a minor who was only a year younger than himself and he wanted to marry her. Some overly zealous cop decided to follow the charges and as a result, the guy was on registry for having sex with the woman who became his wife when she reached age of consent.
Oh absolutely ... They've gone way overboard. I've heard of cases where someone was just peeing in public ...
Not only does too-harsh punishment mean unfairness for the defendant, it makes the fact of being on the registry less meaningful for everyone--they need to keep it to what it was designed for, and the connotation it still has: Serious sex crimes.
judges would still be able to require offenders to register, but it would be up to their discretion instead of a statutory requirement.
It will be used as an incentive to plead out. The registry requirement has always been a stumbling block to defendants pleading.
What adorable blue matching homes. Very devoted liberals! Everyone gets a cookie. And later on, free tuition!
@moke123 I contend both are true.

I also contend white supremacy and KKK are hate groups similar to Antifa, can you say the same?

Edit: glad to see I'm not on your block list. :p
White supremecy and antifa are ideologies. The KKK is an organized hate group.
yeah I think access blaster was using the term hate group subjectively. I don't really care who designates what what, what matters is what reality is. I can think of three that you mentioned and one more that ought to be designated as domestic terrorist groups. Well, on two of them it would be difficult because there's no clear organizational structure.
Wacky World of Arthur Brown - gotta love those oldies but goodies. And seeing a protester invite multiple burns in his lower extremities might just teach that dumb fool that fire isn't just pretty. Sometimes it can do damage, too.

For the record, I don't like to see people hurt. But when a guy's own stupidity is what GOT him hurt, I have less sympathy.

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