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Molotov cocktails no less.
It will be very interesting to wake up on Nov 4th. Then again, I feel pretty confident in just one thing: This is totally going to be like 2000 on steroids.
(Starving constitutional lawyers will finally get a paycheck for a few weeks! But just a "select" 5,000 of them) :ROFLMAO:
Yeah my brother from the Portland area was sending me some similar looking pictures. Scary, be safe!
It's too soon for Trump to get the Nobel Peace prize, as we do not yet know if it will be a success or not. That was the case with Kissenger, who received the Nobel peace prize for brokering a cease fire in Vietnam in 1973. The cease fire was apparently not honored by North Vietnam and South Vietnam was over-run in 1975. If Israel and the Arab states can get along for a few years, then Trump would deserve a Nobel Peace prize. (There is also the (remote) possibility that Trump could still have positive results with North Korea. Trump should be complemented for "breaking-the-ice" by reaching out to North Korea.)

What was also a travesty, Obama received the Nobel Peace prize for doing absolutely nothing. Not only did Obama do nothing, he played "Game of Thrones" in the Middle East and lost badly by setting the region on-fire and creating a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. Obama did not "Run a Good Race" as hoped in the cartoon below.
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For entertainment value alone, the nomination is worth its weight in gold. If he actually receives the prize, so many heads will explode that it will be fun to watch the meltdown videos.
What's the odds these same people are setting wild fires on the west-coast?


Here's a quick read that I found interesting. Believe it or not, here is a politician coming up with an idea to make the Senate work better and be more productive, and it actually has nothing to do with blaming either side nor has anything to do with an ideology of any kind.


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