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Conservatives need to close their Twitter accounts. If membership drops drastically, ads will drop and so will the stock price.
I solved that problem a different way. I have NO social apps on my phone. I am not a member of Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or any other of those time-wasters. Don't look for me to be online anywhere but here and occasionally commenting on YouTube under a login name that I won't reveal here.
I don't have the apps on my phone. I'm not giving THEM access to anything on my phone. I use the browser to access any social media. I did close Twitter.

I closed two of my FB accounts and kept one. Only because I'm addicted to photography and belong to several great groups.
When I was working as a system security officer for the U.S. Navy, we looked at the risks involved with social media. They are no problem at all... until you actually use them.

Now if there was a truly anti-social media site, I might consider joining. Though in truth, the way the haters come out on so many media sites, maybe they already ARE anti-social sites.
Liberals Outraged To Learn 10% Of Twitter Now Owned By African-American

There's a lot of those, like 'American culture' or a 'quietly spoken American '.

We have to speak loudly to be heard over the constant skirling of the pipes coming from your way over the pond.
If Biden is such a failure and seems universally hated by Americans here. Why did you vote for him?

Just shut up and put up. Your bed you lie in it. Instead of moaning on all the time like Pat does, why not get the parties to put up candidates supported by the people. Anyway it's the turn of republicans next time so maybe Pat and others will get their heartthrob back.
If Biden is such a failure and seems universally hated by Americans here. Why did you vote for him?
The short answer. The public is gullible and believed the lies and and failed to comprehend the election manipulation of the Democratic party. Should you really want to understand this issue, read the thread "Election Do-Over!!!"
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I've been wondering if Fox News reported on the McCarthy tapes because no one has mentioned it here.

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