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Okay it's weird crap like this that messes kids up. So come back in 10 years and we'll see if these kids have expressed an "alternative lifestyle". Mm-hmm.
But we'll all just be expected to nod our heads obediently and say yep. It's genetic!
Blonde (with an e) is the female version of the word. I always thought you were male, obviously wrong.
Oh, that's our president right there saving gas the only way he knows how.
I was beginning to worry about the competence of our current president, but Joe Biden has proved he still can do at least SOME easy things - like falling off a bike.
Hitting his head on the pavement certainly isn't going to do his dementia any favors.

I'm starting to see Collins point of view a little bit. What is it with us & our American presidents.
I mean a lot of them have been okay but now we have a president who can't even put a sentence together never knows where he is and thinks other people are the president and regularly calls them that?
It's insane, quite literally.
I mean Boris Johnson looks like a pretty crazy guy too with the whole "crazy hair" thing going on, but at least he doesn't seem like he's actually demented!

Additional panels could also be added for Biden pleading before Venezuela and Iran to pump more oil. Instead of pumping more oil domestically Biden would rather sell this country out. Biden, unbelievably, is begging ruthless strongmen (who would like to see this country crippled) for more oil. You don't get a good trade deal in that type of situation. The Saudi King should just stiff Biden.

To make matters worse, Biden who claims to want to solve the gasoline crises, stiffed the oil executives. That further demonstrates that Biden has no intention of solving the current gasoline crises.
"KEVIN HASSETT: It's unbelievable that you would have a meeting at the White House with the companies that make the most important product in America right now and have the president not meet with them. You know, clearly what they've decided to do is demonize these guys. You've seen the rhetoric come out of the White House. How despicable it is. You know, we're in a democracy. If you've got like free companies out there providing product that consumers like, you know, then the White House shouldn't be threatening them with the sword of Damocles. And that's what Biden is doing. "

Since posting more details have emerged that makes this even worse. Biden snubs the oil executives to meet with executives in the wind turbine industry. This continues to document that Biden spews mindless gobbledygook where nothing he says can be taken at face value.
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The only reason that I hope for a mid-term election that eviscerates the Democratic advantage in Congress is that I don't DARE hope for Joe to croak in mid-term - because of who is waiting in the wings.
Why aren't any of you RW's posting about all the republican testimony in the J6 hearings?
The better question, why are the Democrats ignoring the rule of law and due-process? The panel consists or persons who are virulently consumed with the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). There is no "search for the truth", it is Soviet style show-trial witch-hunt. The Democrats have resurrected McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee to serve Democratic party goals. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
Democrats are the threat to democracy.
Not according to the testimony of republican Judge Luttig.
“Donald Trump and his allies are a clear and present danger to American democracy,” he said

The better question, why are the Democrats ignoring the rule of law and due-process?
What rule of law are they not following? How does due process apply to a hearing?
Many of the republicans that were asking Trump for pardons were requested to testify but they ignored the requests and the subpeonas. They were welcome to tell their side of the story or plead the 5th like Eastman did 146 times.
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