on-the-fly Totals in Access Reports


Registered User.
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Today, 02:01
Jun 20, 2019
I have created a report that is a template report (a basic list)
I have done this so i can call the report from various places without creating lots of similar reports.

when i want to use it i pass the query, column names and ordering to the report and in the 'on open' event i assign the recordsource and column names etc to the various field names

My On Open Code:

Buffer = Split(OpenArgs, "|")

'##### QUERY #####
Me.RecordSource = Buffer(0)

'##### TITLE #####
Me.lblTitle.Caption = Buffer(1)
Me.Caption = Buffer(2)

'##### ORDERING #####
Me.OrderByOn = True
Me.OrderBy = Buffer(3)
Me.lblOrdering.Caption = Buffer(4)

'##### FILTERS #####
Me.lblFilters.Caption = Buffer(5)

'##### HEADINGS #####
Me.lblCustom1.Caption = Buffer(6)
Me.lblCustom2.Caption = Buffer(7)
Me.lblCustom3.Caption = Buffer(8)
Me.lblCustom4.Caption = Buffer(9)
Me.lblCustom5.Caption = Buffer(10)
Me.lblCustom6.Caption = Buffer(11)


I want to be able to have a total at the end of each column which totals each column IF its a numeric value (because you cannot sum a text field)

Any ideas how i could achieve this?
Hi. Welcome to the forum. How about assigning the control source to another unbound control in the footer section of the page? Maybe something like:
Or, is the problem not knowing which column is numeric beforehand?
I need to check if the field is numeric first because when you try and sum a text field i get an error
I need to check if the field is numeric first because when you try and sum a text field i get an error
Have you tried using IsNumeric(), maybe?
Ive tried adding this to the control source in one of the total columns:


This works on numeric values but not with text values
Ive tried adding this to the control source in one of the total columns:


This works on numeric values but not with text values
What happens with text values in this case? Do you get anything? How about adding a Val() function in there somewhere?
Error in attachment


  • Error.jpg
    27.8 KB · Views: 132
Error in attachment
Hi. That error message doesn't make sense. Let's try a simple check then. In the footer section of the page, try entering the following only:
If you get the same error again, then there's something odd with the data in Custom6a; otherwise, I am expecting to get either a True or False in there.
If it is numeric i get '-1'

if it is not numeric i get '0'

Thats What i expected. Not sure why my command doesnt work.
If it is numeric i get '-1'

if it is not numeric i get '0'

Thats What i expected. Not sure why my command doesnt work.
Okay, that's good so far. Now, let's take it just one step further. Try:
Or, try it this way:
Just isolating the True part...
both worked fine.

I reverted to:


but got the same error message.
both worked fine.

I reverted to:


but got the same error message.
Hi. We may be going about this the wrong way. What do you get with this?
Run-time error '3464'

Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
I think Access will still try and evaluate the Sum() expression in a IIf() before producing the result, even if it's not needed.

Try writing a function to accommodate it instead?
Run-time error '3464'

Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
Hi. Okay, one last try before I ask for a sample file to play with. How about?

This one doesnt quite work because if there are values in a text field it sums those


This one seems to work. as long as the output is numeric i get the correct result
(Could just set conditional formatting on the total field to have white text if total = 0)

This one doesnt quite work because if there are values in a text field it sums those


This one seems to work. as long as the output is numeric i get the correct result
(Could just set conditional formatting on the total field to have white text if total = 0)
Hi. Glad to hear you we got something usable now, even if it's not perfect. Good luck!

This one doesnt quite work because if there are values in a text field it sums those


This one seems to work. as long as the output is numeric i get the correct result
(Could just set conditional formatting on the total field to have white text if total = 0)

If your SUM returns 0, you can wrap it all up. Set the height of this control to 0 and add an extra control for display. Other control would be
=IIF(Me.YourSumControl = 0, "", Me.YourSum Control)

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