Open Word Doc from RunApp Macro


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Yesterday, 20:56
Oct 13, 2004
I've read all the replies to similar questions and tried various ways suggested but can not get this to work.

I want to open a word mail merge document from a command button linked to a macro.

I'm using RUNAPP with "H:\USERS\Susan\Label Templates\File Folder Labels\File Folder Labels Mail Merge2.doc" in the command line.

Some suggested putting in the the path to WINWORD which I tried but didn't work. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11 "H:\USERS\Susan\Label Templates\File Folder Labels\File Folder Labels Mail Merge2.doc"

Am I missing something I should have on the command line? :confused:
I think you have to put winword.exe after OFFICE11
Use the shell function in VBA.

Call Shell (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\winword.exe H:\USERS\Susan\Label Templates\File Folder Labels\File Folder Labels Mail Merge2.doc"), vbMaximizedFocus
Further help needed

I want to do as above but can anyone elaborate on what this shell business is and how I do it?

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My example above shows you how to open Word [version 2003] and a specific file. Check the Access VBA help files for the Shell() function for more info and examples.

Or, check the online version for VBA functions... Functions (alphabetical)

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