Outlaw Baby Wipes

jsanders said:
Thank Christ we live in grace.

So is that everyone in the world, Americans or just those who are believers in your particular view of religion?
Kraj said:
Hooray! We've finally sovled a major social issue!

Now to get the politicians onboard and eliminate all opposition... Ken, care to grab your rifle? ;)

yeah c'mon...

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Is that you Ken?
BarryMK said:
So is that everyone in the world, Americans or just those who are believers in your particular view of religion?

Good Morning Barry,

After the Exodus from Egypt, the Jews lived under the law of God.

After Christ, all People were giving the right to be saved. Religion has nothing to do with it. And certainly nationality doesn’t either.

All you have to do is acknowledge that you are a helpless ball of mostly water, that you are incapable living without sin, and that God sent his only son to die for your sins.

That obviously does not require “religion”, religion is a man made act. That is not to say that you shouldn’t have group prayer, or that gathering in his name is inherently wrong. And many people get benefit out of bible study.

I see know reason (in terms of getting saved) of equating that to religious practices.

God is God, no mater what religion you have, that does not change and Jesus fulfilled the prophecies paving the way for people to live in Grace.
KenHigg said:
I don't think so...:rolleyes:

Edit: How 'bout that one...?
Hell ya, baby! Isn't that one of those internet-remote-controlled rilfes?
Kraj said:
Hell ya, baby! Isn't that one of those internet-remote-controlled rilfes?

I really don't know what kind it is :o :p I think the big gizmo on the end is supposed to reduce the recoil... :confused:
KenHigg said:
I really don't know what kind it is :o :p I think the big gizmo on the end is supposed to reduce the recoil... :confused:

Yup, it redirects the exxaust gasses, this provides thrust counteracting the recoil.
jsanders said:
Yup, it redirects the exxaust gasses, this provides thrust counteracting the recoil.

You sound like a scientician. :D
jsanders said:
Aren't there degrees of idiocy?
Yes: a bachelor of science in sociology. ;) :D

Just kidding sociologists. I love you folks!
MrsGorilla said:
So you should have no problems with it, then. ;) :D
Yes, although oddly enough I can still hit a target on a range umpteen times smaller than one of Kenny or Seli's deer and I don't need to rest the gun on a tripod to do so :cool: :p
Rich said:
Yes, although oddly enough I can still hit a target on a range umpteen times smaller than one of Kenny or Seli's deer and I don't need to rest the gun on a tripod to do so :cool: :p

You fired a gun at an innocent target? For shame, Rich. :cool:
jsanders said:
Yup, it redirects the exxaust gasses, this provides thrust counteracting the recoil.
So is there any truth in the rumour that American males have a love affair with such large calibre weapons because of their (how shall we say) own inadequate male weaponry? :cool:
Rich said:
So is there any truth in the rumour that American males have a love affair with such large calibre weapons because of their (how shall we say) own inadequate male weaponry? :cool:

Probably more to do with holding all of that power in the palm of their hands. I'm not saying to which one I'm referring though. :cool:
MrsGorilla said:
Probably more to do with holding all of that power in the palm of their hands. I'm not saying to which one I'm referring though. :cool:
Yes of course and it depends on whether the weapon's loaded with blanks or not :cool:

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