Outlaw Baby Wipes

selenau837 said:
I hate to hear that about you and your GF. I'll keep your family in my prayers.

On to the debate then,

I personally believe abortion should only be used in the cases of incest, ra**, and medical complications, both mom or baby. Those to me are valid reasons for abortion. I hate to see abortion used solely for the purpose of birth control.
I feel that if someone uses abortion as birth control, then during the procedure they should be sterilized. That way they can't make that mistake again and continue to discard life as if it means nothing. I think both the male and the female should be sterilized. Not just the mom. It took two people to make that baby, therefore two people should be 'fixed'.

I'm sure I'll get slammed for my views, but I am allowed them. So fire away.

Perminent solutions leave little room for redemption.
dan-cat said:
You didn't answer my question...
Mostly because I do not believe there is a viable answer, at least the way it was asked.
How ever unfortunatly for us, it is the governments job to DRAW A LINE (morally acceptable or not) that we can use as a guide line. If how ever you cross that line, in the case of government, then you are usually breaking the law. This guide line drawn by the government is not usually based on morality, but the most voters will accept. To prove that point, watch the government jump through hoops to inact legislation when something big happens that catches the entire nations attention. "Oh we have to stop that" even thou it has been know all along. And as a follow up it seems anymore the NEWS channele are dictating legislation by showing and dramatizing certain stories in the name of ratings.
jsanders said:
Perminent solutions leave little room for redemption.
see, you do talk sensibly on the odd occassion
jsanders said:
Perminent solutions leave little room for redemption.

Well sterilization can be reversed. I feel once the two adults are older and wiser, then un'fix' them and let them procreate at will.

Agree, perhaps the 1st one is a freeby, but after that get 'em fixed. It is much cheaper to fix 'em then to provider welfare, food stamps, medcaid. I feel the Rep and the Dem can agree on that. It saves money all around.
selenau837 said:
Agree, perhaps the 1st one is a freeby, but after that get 'em fixed. It is much cheaper to fix 'em then to provider welfare, food stamps, medcaid. I feel the Rep and the Dem can agree on that. It saves money all around.
Hooray! We've finally sovled a major social issue!

Now to get the politicians onboard and eliminate all opposition... Ken, care to grab your rifle? ;)
Kraj said:
Hooray! We've finally sovled a major social issue!

Now to get the politicians onboard and eliminate all opposition... Ken, care to grab your rifle? ;)

selenau837 said:
Well sterilization can be reversed.
Not with a 100% guarantee of success it can't in any case that type of intervention by the state is exactly the type of society Hitler tried to create, one day we'll all be perfect, but in whose eyes?
Kraj said:
Personally, I don't think abortion as birth control is a good idea but I do think it is preferable to forcing unwanted births. I'm not sure I agree that sterilization is a good solution, but I do think there should be some kind of consequence. I think that one abortion should be allowed per person. This would allow a person to avoid paying the rest of their lives for one stupid mistake and give them the opportunity to learn from that mistake and not do it again. It also prevents habitual abortions. I think it's a reasonable compromise.... which, of course, no one is interested in.
Well damn, that actually sounds good.

Oh, and considering all the piddly-sh!t crap we require people to be liscensed to do, it would not bother me one bit if would-be parents would have to go through training and licensing to have a child. Not that I'm a fan of restricting such a fundamental freedom, nor do I have a clue how one could reasonable enfoce such a paractice. It just seems to me that the percentage of the population who are incapable (or not yet ready) of raising a healthy, well-balanced child and providing for its well-being and education is rapidly growing.

Then you come up with this. Initally I thought "what a load of crap", but I read it again, and still think it is a load of crap, but I find myself agreeing.
I must have been on here to long today.
FoFa said:
Then you come up with this. Initally I thought "what a load of crap", but I read it again, and still think it is a load of crap, but I find myself agreeing.
It's funny, but I agree with you 100%.

In theory, I completely abhor the idea of licensing parenting. We find ourselves in a no-win social situation, though, in that so many parents are terrible at it. It used to be that children inherited the progress made by their parents and then worked to make a better life for their kids. Now, we're instead in a cycle of perpetuation - or even deterioration - and we have no idea how to fix it, so extreme and absurd suggestions start to sound reasonable.
FoFa said:
Yes, that it what we need, government playing GOD and edciding on what is and isn't life.

If not the government, then who will decide and legislate the rules that we must follow? In my line of thinking, rather than having the government PLAY God, as you put it, we could just rely on God for our laws, but that probably won't make the pro-choice people very happy either. :D

FoFa said:
So if a government like say, Saddam comes along and decides Kurd's aren't life, they can use chemical weapons on them. Or Hitler's government deciding Jews were not life, and kill them.

Then thank goodness we don't live there, huh?

FoFa said:
Glad we can own guns, sure would hate old fat bald guys to all of a sudden not be considered life.....

I think you're safe, that will probably only happen if the country somehow becomes run predominantly by women. :D
MrsGorilla said:
rather than having the government PLAY God, as you put it, we could just rely on God for our laws,
Sweet! We'll see a boom in the rock mining industry when everyone stocks up for the daily stonings.
Kraj said:
Sweet! We'll see a boom in the rock mining industry when everyone stocks up for the daily stonings.

Well see, there you go. How can that possibly be bad for the economy? :D
Kraj said:
Sweet! We'll see a boom in the rock mining industry when everyone stocks up for the daily stonings.

By the way, I wasn't trying to say I wanted the government to be run by God, and I'm saying that as a 'religious folk'. I just thought FoFa's choice of words was ironic considering the government would be "playing God" when, in my opinon, God wouldn't like abortion methinks so there really wouldn't be an argument to begin with. Understand what I'm trying to say? :cool:

I still haven't figured out who would be deciding this if not the government??? :D
Oh, I know... I didn't take you literally, I was just pokin' some fun. :p

I do find it interesting, though, on the confidience with which people speculate on God's thoughts and motivations. Sure, we've got the Bible as guide but it's hardly definitive. Personally, I think God has a direction he'd like to see us go but really couldn't care less when and how we get there. Think about this (off topic, but hey, when did that stop anyone?...and it's not like we don't already have another thread about abortion anyway): in the story of creation God merely spoke and awesome forces like time, space, energy, matter and life sprung into exsitence. If God truly set a law to be followed, could us puny humans possibly violate that? If God spoke "Thou shall not kill" then how could killing even exist? If abortion did not play some sort of role, whatever it may be, in God's grand design then how could it even exist? If God is truly omnipotent, is it even possible for anything to contradict God's will?
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Kraj said:
Oh, I know... I didn't take you literally, I was just pokin' some fun. :p

I figured you knew that, but there are probably some people out there who didn't. :eek:
MrsGorilla said:
By the way, I wasn't trying to say I wanted the government to be run by God,

You'll forgive me for mentioning it I'm sure, but doesn't Bush believe he's God, or at least acting on his behalf ? :confused:
Kraj said:
Sweet! We'll see a boom in the rock mining industry when everyone stocks up for the daily stonings.

Thank Christ we live in grace.

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