Pet peeves or things that get your panties in a knot

My pet peeves:

People who consistently complain about the same thing, over and over, and do nothing different to change the situation or prevent it.

Most all other drivers who are on the road at the same time as me who are in my way, because invariably they are doing something stupid that pisses me off. If they aren't in my way, they can be as stupid as they wish.

I'm sure there is more, but these are the only 2 I can think of right now.

lmnop7854 said:
My pet peeves:

People who consistently complain about the same thing, over and over, and do nothing different to change the situation or prevent it.

Most all other drivers who are on the road at the same time as me who are in my way, because invariably they are doing something stupid that pisses me off. If they aren't in my way, they can be as stupid as they wish.

I'm sure there is more, but these are the only 2 I can think of right now.


You know Lisa, I couldn't even begin to imagin driving in NY!! My prayers are with you. :D
selenau837 said:
You know Lisa, I couldn't even begin to imagin driving in NY!! My prayers are with you. :D

Oh, there are many places that are worse. Michigan is ridiculous - the speed limit is 70 mph, and so everyone drives 80, and does the asphalt slalom (you know, weaving in and out of lanes). And California? YIKES!!! I drove from Las Vegas to San Diego on a Sunday night (when all the Californians are driving back from Las Vegas for the weekend), and I got in line 12 miles outside of Las Vegas. And stayed in line til I got to San Diego. And in the fast lane, I would finally get up to 60, and then come to a screeching halt. It was the WORST!!!

lmnop7854 said:
Oh, there are many places that are worse. Michigan is ridiculous - the speed limit is 70 mph, and so everyone drives 80, and does the asphalt slalom (you know, weaving in and out of lanes). And California? YIKES!!! I drove from Las Vegas to San Diego on a Sunday night (when all the Californians are driving back from Las Vegas for the weekend), and I got in line 12 miles outside of Las Vegas. And stayed in line til I got to San Diego. And in the fast lane, I would finally get up to 60, and then come to a screeching halt. It was the WORST!!!


If I go to any of those places, I have to ride in the front passenger seat with a blind fold. :eek:

I've driven from here to Utah before. Utah drivers are nuts!!!! Salt Lake city is the worse place I want to drive. Mini vans all over the place driving likes its the Indi 500. :eek:

I drive back and forth from Columbia to Atlanta. Atlanta was a HUGE shock for me, but I'm getting use to it. I try and stay off of 285. I stay on 20 to 176 (?) Until I hit Cartersville! :D
selenau837 said:
Mini vans all over the place driving likes its the Indi 500. :eek:
Is an American mini van a Kenworth 18 wheeler, 42 ton articulated lorry (semi-trailer)?

lmnop7854 said:
Oh, there are many places that are worse. Michigan is ridiculous - the speed limit is 70 mph, and so everyone drives 80, and does the asphalt slalom (you know, weaving in and out of lanes). And California? YIKES!!! I drove from Las Vegas to San Diego on a Sunday night (when all the Californians are driving back from Las Vegas for the weekend), and I got in line 12 miles outside of Las Vegas. And stayed in line til I got to San Diego. And in the fast lane, I would finally get up to 60, and then come to a screeching halt. It was the WORST!!
Michigan is not that bad, CHicago is worse. Atlanta is not actually that bad, but LA does suck. Seoul (South Korea) is pretty bad, and Saudi is interesting. London is kind of scarry, specially since they are wrong sided and everything seems to becoming right at you. But that absolute worst place for driving I have been is Cairo, Egypt. No rules, do whatever they feel like. Drive the sidewalk, OK. Drive into oncoming traffic, OK. Street light, those are totally ignored. It is one big free for all.
You need one of these to get through traffic



ColinEssex said:
You need one of these to get through traffic




Ohh, that's a pretty motorbike, but where is the seatbelt. I would probably fall off that. :eek:
ColinEssex said:
You need one of these to get through traffic

I much more prefer the attached.


  • temp.jpg
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People that don't have insurance. A woman that works in the office just had her home burn down on the weekend. She was renting and did not have renter's insurance and lost everything. We had a weight loss contest in the office with a $400 pot that we all decided to give to her to help her out. I have no problems doing that and I think it was the good "Christian" thing to do, but I sort of in a small sort of way don't feel sorry for her since she did not have renters insurance. Maybe its the way I was brought up, but to me insurance is a "non-negotiable" thing and you must have it. I've known people over the years that didn't have health insurance/auto/home/renters...etc and something happens and then they are really screwed.

So I guess people not having insurance is my pet peeve for the day. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that are so dirt poor or have no jobs such that they can't even get insurance, but for those people that have the option but decide to risk it to save a few dollars only to have an unfortunate incident occur then I have little or no sympathy if something bad does happen.
selenau837 said:
Mmmm, that is pretty too.. What kind is it?
Suzuki Boulevard S83 (or Suzuki Intruder 1400, depending on the year)
That's what I am looking for currently since Wifie won't let me buy a new one.
So looking for a good used one.
ColinEssex said:
a girls one:D
Actually it seems the crotch rockets are catching on with girls more so than the crusiers, at least here in the U.S.A.
More of us old guys like the crusiers, cause we got all that young and stupid stuff out of our systems already. :p

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