Please support these forums

I just have to say thank you!....this page has helped me so much and I will do as much as i can to help maintain something like this up
I am also appreciate... This is great forum.. I am ethan.. I'll join with you guys..

Reported for Inappropriate signature.
Ideally, the link should be on your homepage as this helps us the most. Don't worry if you can't afford that space.
Thanks anyway!Hey,am the first person to support this thread.
Thanks anyway!Hey,am the first person to support this thread.
As soon as I'm done with this project I'll have time to start working on my department's web. I can assure you that I will display your links proudly. It's certainly the least I can do. The amount of help I've received has been priceless.

Thanks everyone.
wish I had access to change our website. I wouldn't be against doing a little paypal action tho....
I would link to your site, but unfortunately I am having to shut mine down do to not being able to afford it right now. I will be glad to send your links to some friends that are developers and maybe they can link to it.

When I am able to get my site back up I will definitely have links to both sites on it.

I just signed up here on recommendation from a member on Access Monster that also is a member here. I don't remember who it was right now, but I assure you he is well thought of on Access Monster and has helped me out on several occasions.
My current site has nothing with Access, so I see no point puting a link there.

@DCrake - yes, if you keep this site running and pay for it give me your paypal details.
My current site has nothing with Access, so I see no point puting a link there.

@DCrake - yes, if you keep this site running and pay for it give me your paypal details.

He's messing with you. :D

He doesn't pay for it. Jon, the site owner and his business does.
I will definetly support your site as soon as i get a web site built and try and link to as many sties that i build too. You guys have been fantastic and i wouldn't be able to do this without you! You really have boosted my confidence already and given me hope that i can set this up as a profitable business. Haven't really ever started coding till last week and i'm really enjoying it now - i'm loving this work and really excited about what i may be able to build! THank you for all your help and support!! Cheers Eddy
It must be so hard to run these things. I'll try to check it out later and help. :D I appreciate the help you give us all by not charging us. Thank you very much.

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