Problems in Access 2007, but not 2003


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Today, 06:21
May 2, 2000

Two years ago I released a an Access 2003 program to my client. Now they want to upgrade to 2007.

I got everything working in 2007 except this little bit of code:

DoCmd.RunCommand (acCmdPrintPreview)

It gives me the vague answer that "The command or action "PrintPreview" is not available now".

Is there an other method that I should know about?

This worked in 2003 ... has something changed? I tried removing the brackets.

Much appreciated help is necessary.
This is for a report I believe? When you perform the Docmd.OpenReport command open it in print preview mode instead:

DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName", acViewPreview
This is for a report I believe? When you perform the Docmd.OpenReport command open it in print preview mode instead:

DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName", acViewPreview

I'll just add that this is the correct code to use and the other RunCommand code that you were using Martyh is not really the code you should have been using for that.
Thanks for the quick response.

I just want to add that I'm trying to execute a sort of "print screen" (which previously worked with 2003 -- but apparently not with 2007! ) I'm trying to match the output of the 2003 version with the 2007 version -- a "Print Screen". I do not have a "Reportname" for that reason.
Your method is used for Print Previewing a report and it still does perform the same function in 2007. However, the correct way to print preview a report is using the Docmd.Openreport method. I would have thought the acCmdPrintPreview command would also perform a print preview of a report (only) in 2003. I will test it out later.

From what you said, this isn't what you're after. Could you please explain what you mean by "a sort of print screen"? A print screen of what kind of object? Do you save a copy of that screen? Maybe have a look at the Docmd.OutputTo method.
Yes I believe the Docmd.Openreport method works; except that you need a report name to open and I do not have one because it is a "Screen Print". In 2003, you just

DoCmd.RunCommand (acCmdPrintPreview)

to get that screen print. However, in 2007 things have somehow changed.

I will check out the Docmd.OutputTo method.

Thanks again for your help.
Yes I believe the Docmd.Openreport method works; except that you need a report name to open and I do not have one because it is a "Screen Print".
I still don't get it. Where is this "screen print" coming from and how does DoCmd.RunCommand (acCmdPrintPreview) allow you to print a screenshot? Does this exist only on the clipboard (from clicking PrtScn) or are you talking about something else?

Can you elaborate on what you are talking about?
The DoCmd.RunCommand (acCmdPrintPreview) allows you to print the screen (eg emulate hitting the Alt+Ctrl+"Print Screen" button) but it does a preview of the print before printing... At least it did for me in 2003 version. However things have changed some how in 2007.

I already have the report printout on another button that has the full report and thats fine... they also like the "quick and dirty" method method of just the "screen print" ... I'm assuming they want show their customers, or a colleague something.

I haven't yet tried the OutputTo method... Stay tuned...

You say it worked in 2003 but so far I haven't been able to make it work here with our 2003. That is why I'm a bit confused.

And yes, 2007 tightened up on some things so you are likely going to have to find another screen print solution.
There must be some other line of code that somehow mimicks a print screen.
There it is, my simple code. Should work on any any form. All you need is a button named "cmdPrint" It was quite a while ago that I did the original code in A2003, and I don't have a A2003 on hand to compile but this is the original code that worked!

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPrint_Click

    DoCmd.RunCommand (acCmdPrintPreview)

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdPrint_Click
End Sub
It's apparent there's no other code there.

Are you saying that if I were to run your cmdPrint function, open Paint or a Word application and Paste it in there I will get an image of the screen copied?

Did the SendKeys link not work?
There it is, my simple code. Should work on any any form. All you need is a button named "cmdPrint" It was quite a while ago that I did the original code in A2003, and I don't have a A2003 on hand to compile but this is the original code that worked!

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPrint_Click

    DoCmd.RunCommand (acCmdPrintPreview)

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdPrint_Click
End Sub

Sorry, but I had to laugh when I tried this. This is NOT a Screen Print. It is only viewing the form in Print Preview, which is available using this code:

DoCmd.OpenForm Me.Name, acPreview

It is just viewing the form in print preview mode NOT making a screen print.
No ! It's just an emulation for the "Print Screen" however it did have the functionality of a print screen - just with the "Print Preview" in between -- you view the form in print preview mode and if you elect to print that out you will get a print screen.
Just as I stated "you view the form in print preview mode and if you elect to print that out you will get a print screen."

... but

DoCmd.OpenForm Me.Name, acPreview

does NOT work for me in 2007 !!
"Print Screen" as we know it is taking a Copy of your screen which is saved in the Clipboard. That's what has been confusing us here. If your screen doesn't get saved to the Clipboard then it's not a print screen.

So are you running your 2003 database in 2007 or did you actually perform a conversion from 2003 to 2007?
No I am right now running an ACCDB ... previously I ran an MDB first in 2003 (~ 2 yrs ago) and then in 2007 (~ 6 - 8 months ago).

I also said that it was "sort of " a "Print Screen"... I am not a Computer Programmer in the strictest sense of the word. But I try hard... :-)

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