QR code or Bar Code


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Today, 02:02
Aug 26, 2024
Does anyone know if a QR code or barcode can be split into 2 separate pieces? For expample half code on one part and half code on another. So when the two parts come together they can be scanned? If not any idea on a solution to achieve this?
Hi. Welcome to AWF!

I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you talking about like cutting an image in half?
Give us the big picture, not just this peak.

Sounds like you just need 2 unique barcodes--one for part A and one for part B. Then some sort of programmatic way of ensuring that once Part A/Part B is scanned the next scan is of Part B/Part A.

Again though, give us the real world specific details and we can help better.
I appreciate your willingness to help out. We sell and service machinery, employee/technicians that service and maintain are not high paid employees and often overlook the hardest part to change out. This part is important for longevity. I'm trying to implement a simple system to confirm the new part gets replaced every time. My idea was a simple scan when the new part gets installed, a qr or bar on the machine and another qr/bar on the replacement part. When the part gets installed and the codes align side by side it can scanned and date/time stamped in our system.
I appreciate your willingness to help out. We sell and service machinery, employee/technicians that service and maintain are not high paid employees and often overlook the hardest part to change out. This part is important for longevity. I'm trying to implement a simple system to confirm the new part gets replaced every time. My idea was a simple scan when the new part gets installed, a qr or bar on the machine and another qr/bar on the replacement part. When the part gets installed and the codes align side by side it can scanned and date/time stamped in our system.
I'm still not totally clear. Like I said, are you talking about cutting an image in half and then putting them side by side to scan it?
That’s what I’m not sure about. I don’t think qr or barcodes can be cut in half like that. This is where I’m looking for any suggestions that may work for this scenario.
The short answer is no they can't as they normally include some form of checksum in the code.
However you could create an index that required both codes, and not allow the entry if one was missing?
Would you mind elaborating on what an index is and how it’s created?
dont you have any means of distinguishing each parts for their uniqueness like serial number?
serial for the machine is on the back and not accessible number on the part is very small but can be seen.
I'm trying to implement a simple system to confirm the new part gets replaced every time.

Have them take a picture.

No bar codes, no unnecessary complex software solutions, no additional tech. Just an image of the completed work. They can immediately email that too you, if they leave without you getting it you call them and ask what's up. Fast, simple, no learning curve.
I'm trying to implement a simple system to confirm
Implement the system first. When it is working, then worry about barcodes. Barcodes are just a faster way to type. What are the fields, for instance, in your Parts table? If you can't answer that question, you are not ready for barcodes.
My idea was a simple scan when the new part gets installed, a qr or bar on the machine and another qr/bar on the replacement part. When the part gets installed and the codes align side by side it can scanned and date/time stamped in our system.
sounds to me like you are not splitting a QR code, simply having a record that stores two QR codes to be displayed side by side
Note: (But it doesn't fit the initial topic - just a suggestion)

There is a special standard for barcodes (or QR codes) that supports this functionality for different informations: GS1
GS1 application identifiers: https://ref.gs1.org/ai/

Example (Source: Wikipedia):

The suggestion for the topic:
GS1 uses a special character ("FNC1 key") to mark the end of an identifier with variable length.
This could perhaps also be used for the automated separation of 2 part numbers.
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